In my oppinion this one of the best scenes in FF3 with one of the best songs! Not to talk about the happy memories and good times it reminds me of...:)
The West and the East were waging war. . .
Draco, the West's great hero, thinks of his love, Maria.
Is she safe? Is she waiting?
Oh Maria!
Oh Maria!
How I long to be with you!
The forces of the West fell,
and Maria's castle was taken.
Prince Ralse, of the East,
took her hand by force,
but she never stopped yearning for Draco. . .
Oh my hero, so far away now.
Will I ever see your smile?
Love goes away, like night into day.
It's just a fading dream.
I'm the darkness, you're the stars.
Our love is brighter than the sun.
For eternity, for me there can be,
Only you, my chosen one. . .
Must I forget you? Our solem promise?
Will autumn take the place of spring?
What shall I do? I'm lost without you.
Speak to me once more!
Come, Maria, follow my lead.
We must part now, my life goes on.
but my heart won't give you up.
Ere I walk away, let me hear you say,
I meant as much to you. . .
So gently, you touched my heart.
I will be forever yours.
Come what may, I won't age a day,
I'll wait for you, always. . .
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