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And The Answer Is... Yes! A continuation of the episode And The Answer Is, in which Clark tells Lois the secret she already knows. (Written June, 1995, aprox. 4 KB)

Lois Says... A different continuation of the episode And The Answer Is, which explores the emotions and events of that episode. (Written July, 1995, aprox. 5 KB)

Sharing The News A continuation of Lois Says... in which Lois and Clark announce their engagement to co-workers and the Kents. (Written August, 1995, aprox. 13 KB)

Contact Ending An alternative ending to the episode Contact, in which Lois gives Clark a piece of her mind. Dedicated to the Clark Whacking Brigade on CompuServe! (Written October, 1995, aprox. 8 KB)

A Hot Summer Night A pre-romance fantasy that will dip your toes in the gutter. (Written November, 1995, aprox. 8 KB)

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