Just like the movies, this page would not have been possible without a whole bunch of people, and they deserve a great big thank you. So, here's my own personal credit crawl. Don't walk out until they're done!

First of all, a great big, extra super-duper, full-of-many-superlatives THANK YOU to YOU for visiting my page! I hope you enjoyed it!

Ultra-special, what-this-page-is-all-about thanks to every single person who sent me a slip-up! Their individual names are listed with their gaffes, so READ THEM! And hardest-working-friend thanks to Mandy McCarthy, who sent out a slip-sending alert to everyone she knows, and sent me so many slips I can't even name them all!

Imitation-is-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery thanks to Bill Givens, whose Film Flubs books were the inspiration for this page! Go buy these books! There are many, MANY more flubs than the ones listed here!

Fact-checking thanks to The Internet Movie Database for confirming release years and cast lists for the movies on the page!

Super-Stereogrammatical thanks to

for their eye-catching backgrounds and sparkling dividers!

Where-one-film-ends-and-another-begins thanks to:

Fairy Suryana at

The staff of

Those who are abuzz at

And the inhabitants of the

for their wonderfully original dividers!

Fits-the-page's-theme-perfectly thanks to for their "film strip" dividers!

They-may-have-brought-YOU-here thanks to the following search engines:

Hooray! Yippee! And, of course,

The best of the Web!

The ultimate in movie search engines!

Webaholics unite! AAA Matilda United States

It's always good to begin at the Starting Point

And, last but not least, super-server thanks to GeoCities! Do what I did! Get your own Free Home Page and show off your talent to the world!

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