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LadyCati's Den
This page last updated on 2/12/06

Much of my life has to do with Roleplaying. A group of friends and I get together almost every Saturday night out of the week and roleplay. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. As Saturday night is one of the two nights I get off from work (I work 3rd shift), I don't get much time to myself or for my friends other than that.
But I enjoy Saturday for whatever reason I get together with my friends. Sometimes it's not roleplaying - though if we don't do that part of the group doesn't show up - sometimes its board games (or rail games) or other things like board games (I have trouble calling Catan a board game because the board is different each time).
But mostly it's Roleplaying, and even a dedicated roleplayer can get tired of it after a while - week after week - year after year - until you just can't take anymore. Recently my friends and I said that we'd take 1 weekend off a month so we can all recooperate. I know that for some of my friends they'd rather not do that, but for us older people that have been roleplaying since it was called Basic D&D, something needed to be done. Besides we're older, we've got seniority... right?

Anyways, as I was saying a lot of my life revolves around roleplaying and this page will show that aspect of me, but my life is more than roleplaying.

I enjoy seeing movies - recently there's been a run of movies that I want to see, but due to everything else and money constraints I haven't been able to see any of them, much less one a week.

I love music. For anyone that grew up in the '80's you probably remember my two favorite bands - Duran Duran and A-HA. Both bands have recently gotten back together (Duran Duran never officially broke up, but their lineup changed so much that there were only 2 original members of the band left - until recently when all 5 "original" - those from the 80's that made the band famous - bandmembers got back together). A-Ha, from what I can tell have been touring Europe and making albumns since they got back together. I do hope they come to the good ol' USA (that can be debated - gotta love free speech-, but I do love my country) sometime soon. I was able to see Duran Duran in concert before John Taylor left the band, but I have never seen A-Ha in concert and would like to change that.

Good news on the A-Ha front! It seems they've signed with a WORLDWIDE distributor so not only will I be able to stop spending lots of money on imports, but there is a chance they'll do a concert in the USA and I'll be able to see them. Wow, what a difference a year makes!

I'm sure you've already had enough of my rambling so I'll sort my thoughts into different catagories and you can choose which one you care to have me ramble about. Be forewarned though, even in certain catagories I may segway into a different train of thought. I'll try to keep that at a minimum though, but that'll only work if my mind behaves like it's supposed to.

Saturday Night Roleplaying Recaps
Mudding: Yeah, I said I'd never do it again. Well, I've checked out some new Multi-User Dungeons and here's what I have to say about them.
Movies See how my time with them is going. Also lists the movies I've seen.
My Family Tree (I mean Bush, not Tree)
Opinions (Various ramblings about something I've read or thought about)

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