This is the new game from Network XXIII.
The game is another quality arcade style blast which requires you to rescue hostages from various scenarios. It has the same ultra smooth scrolling and quality 256 colour graphics as the previous games. However, unlike the previous offerings, it does not use any hardware tricks at all and runs in standard mode 13, ensuring maximum compatibilty across all machines. This compatibility is extended as the game also adjusts its speed to ensure it doesn't become impossibly fast on newer machines. (It was written on a 4mb A410/1 with 50Hz display). It is ultra smooth, even on a ARM 2, and it does run in one meg (just).
This game also has a smart, animating desktop front end so you can drop into it for a quick blast.
As in Provocator, there are several 'Cheats' (including a level warp) which can be entered via the highscore table.
eg: enter 'PROTON' to start with more lives!