All About Andy


Andy's fluffy comic-esque origin story

Well, a couple of female e-penfriends of mine were tinkering with the preferences and using lots of amusing (at least at the time ; ) ) names...I started too, and since I enjoyed the film "Hotshots", I chose "Fluffy Bunny Feet" as my pen-name, for sheer silliness value only, rather than an unhealthy obsession with furry mammals. I was also briefly known as "Soft and Cuddly", "Tall, hunky and oh so smart" and the funniest of all, "Snugglebunny". I was a happy Snugglebunny for a few glorious days until James e-mailed me with the shocking news that:- THERE IS ANOTHER SNUGGLEBUNNY ON THE NET! Since I'd only been using the name for a matter of days, I felt it was probably the right thing to do to leave Snugglebunny behind, and so I went with "Fluffy Bunny Feet". So now you know. If I sound really pathetic, well, tough ; ) I have a lot of time on my hands!

Meet Andy

Hmmm? What's that? You want to know about me? Oh I am flattered! Well, I am a student at Newcastle University, which is about as dreary and boring an existence as you can imagine...I am six feet tall, 180 pounds (13 stone for us Brits :) ) of twisted steel sex appeal ;) My main hobby is playing my Fender guitar, I have been playing for five and a half years...Time flies when you're having fun :) Although unfortunately, I don't have it up here at Uni :( Possibly my greatest achievements include proving the existence of (a) God during the Christmas holidays, and discovering the meaning of life in late-January...I took February off! *LOL* And now, in March, I've figured out how women think...(sweeping generalisation, but you know what I mean) I guess that shows that my degree course has not exactly been stretching me ;) For reasons which escape me, I am studying zoology, which basically means that if I ever hope to support my family, I'll have to find work in a completely unrelated field. Isn't life funny?

Serious insight into my personality: I pride myself on becoming the best I can be at whatever I choose to do... I suppose deep down I'm a little insecure, so I work out and so on to compensate...I'm just driven by the need to excel...I suppose it distracts me from the basic loneliness and pointlessness of my existence up here...*notices music playing in the background* "Why Worry?" by Dire Straits! How appropriate! *grin* Isn't that the weirdest thing?!
"So why worry now?" Love Dire Straits...Anyway, as I was saying...I suppose I'm a little bit like Shawn Michaels in a way self-confident on the outside, but with a fundamental lack of self-esteem...I can think of things I'd rather have in common with him than that, though! *grin* Never mind. Hmmm...why have I just told you all this? *ponders for a moment* Maybe because I'll probably never meet any of you in person...what a chicken I am... Serious bit finished...

Andy discusses the fairer sex

Should be renamed "Andy defends women and tears into men" ; )

Aren't women great? Okay, so they're not quite perfect, but I'll go on record right now as saying that I respect women far more than I respect my fellow men...I mean look at all the crap they have to put up with from us...C'mon guys, you know I'm right...we guys insensitively blunder through life, completely blind to the emotional needs of our female friends, wanting merely (certainly at University age) to use them for sex, and what's the result? The attitude that "All men are bastards!" and "They're all the same!" Grrr...Do you have any idea how emotionally damaging it is to women's self-esteem to be seen merely as worthless sex objects, to be used and thrown away as soon as a nicer model comes along??? You insensitive men make me sick. Love women for their minds, not just for their bodies...Or else.

*pauses...surveys carnage* the cold light of day I realise maybe I shouldn't work on this so late at night! I stand by what I wrote though : )

Ultimate irony update: I now understand women! So there's not a great deal left for me to figure out...Life is good. There really isn't much left for me to achieve...I've done it all...I could get rich, I guess...which, bearing in mind how virtually everything I do is a success, shouldn't be too much of a problem...Damn, I love being me!

Tartan what?!

Andy confesses his fantasies ; )

Aren't thigh -high leather boots fun? : ) And French maid outfits : ) And nurses' uniforms : ) *lots of grinning* I'm just being silly now...please ignore ; ) Has anyone seen Barbarella? ; ) *slaps wrist* I'm sorry... GrrrRRRrrr!!!! ; )

Andy thinks he knows the meaning of life

Indeed I do...and it's not some cop-out like in Back To The Future 3 where Doc Brown says that it's different for each person...there is one overriding thing that strongly influences virtually all our emotional interactions with others...

And that one thing, my friends, is love. So there. 8P

And there you have it...the meaning of life given away, free, gratis and for nothing... Not a bad deal...and all you had to do was wade through all the other clutter on my page...

That's it for now...I expect I'll update this page soon enough...

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