Latest on the X-Files movie

For those of you who haven't yet seen the trailer (which was being screened before showings of 'Alien Ressurection') you can download it (6.1MB) from the 'what's new' section of the official web site - by all accounts the scenes from the film are quite something.

The title of the film has been under dispute for some time. The working title was 'Blackwood' which is a move in bridge where you reveal your hand and show all your cards to your opponents- although no-one really knows how relevant the title is to the actual film. After the showing of the trailer the title appeared to be "Fighting for the Future" but, apparently CC absolutely hates that as a title and the film's now generally being referred to as "The X-files: the movie".

The cast list for the film has been confirmed as:

David Duchovny
Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson
Special Agent Dana Scully
Tom Braidwood
Dean Haglund
Bruce Harwood
Lucas Black
Blythe Danner
Jana Cassidy
William B. Davis
Cigarette Smoking Man
Jeffery DeMunn
Dr. Ben Bronshweig
Martin Landau
Mr. Faber
Armin Mueller-Stahl
Dr. Al Kurtzweil
John Neville
The Well-Manicured Man
Terry O'Quinn
Darius Michaud or Peter Watts

The release dates of the film are:

19 June 98
30 July 98
6 August 98
7 August 98
21 August 98
21 August 98
21 August 98 (tbc)

*********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!**********

As to the plot of the film security has been so tight (with scripts being printed on red paper to prevent photocopying) that it is hard to sort out the fact from the fiction.

The main debate has been about whether Mulder and Scully will resolve some of that long talked about sexual tension at some point in the film. Even GA has been quoted as saying: "Mulder and Scully have continued to get closer and closer as they have continued to save each others' lives and risk their lives for each other. That can't help but draw people closer together, and that's basically what's happened. We've been through so many harrowing experiences together that there's a trust and respect that just gets stronger and stronger."- although it's not clear whether she was referring to the film or just the show in general..... Meanwhile somebody on the Dark Horizon Web site claimed to have actually seen an uncut version of the film in which "There is a scene where Mulder and Scully appear to get intimate. Later the two remember it differently. Scully thinks it was just a dream, while Mulder believes it is a memory flashback 'implanted' into him for malicious purposes." Others claim that Mulder and Scully are about to kiss when Scully is stung by a killer bee. Either way the debate continues.......

Another possible plot element is that the film starts with Mulder going to Scully's in the middle of the night to try and persuade her not to leave the X-files thus the cliffhanger at the end of season 5 could be Scully threatening to leave- although mobody's quite sure why.

I guess we'll all just have to wait and see........

BTW if you have anything to add, let me know....

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