WHSC We Hate Sundays Club
Unfortunately, this club has been around 1 month after the switch, But only has 8 members as of July 12,I hope by reading this you will consider joining, But if you Love/ like the switch, There is still hope! Again, this club would not have survived at all without The seceratary and Vice-prezz, Claire Tripp, I swear she works 'round the clock on the newsletter.
| WLSC We Love/like Sundays Club
Do you like or love the move for the X-Files, Does it wake you up, relax you by being on Sundays? If so, This club is for you! It was Formed on July 11, So it's new, I know a lot of you are pleased with the move, and the members of the club share that feeling of "passion" for Sundays, I think Sundays Have Changed with The X-Files on now, But a part of me wishes they are still on Fridays, This club is free as well.