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On this X-Files homepage you'll find X-Files pictures, X-Files interviews, X-Files autographs, X-Files articles, various X-Files character pages containing everything about your favorite actors (either David Duchovny or Gillian anderson) and a great page of links to all the best X-Files pages. Enjoy it!

Here is a huge and detailed page of X-Files Links.

The greatest X-Files picture archive on the web!

Here is a page dedicated to David Duchovny

Of course here is a page in honor of Gillian Anderson

The awards I got for my page!

QUICK REFERENCE: What's new|Cast Info|Interviews|Articles|FAQ'S|Episode Guides|E-Mail Addresses|Newsgroups|Screensavers|Images|Sounds|Movies|Comics, Novels and Trading Cards|Fan Clubs|IRC|Telnet|Web Chat Sites, Posting Boards etc|FBI|Merchandise For Sale|Fan Fiction|Miscellaneous|Other X-Files Home Pages 

This page has been visited  times and was designed by Stephane Le Viet (Paris, France)


Great thanks to Geocities who provides this Free Home Page!