Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Cheats from

In the game, press backspace then enter:

Code Result
oldcode Displays "debug 1". Typing a second time displays "debug 2".
happy Weapon 3 has more power and displays "Open your heart". Typing again returns weapon 3 to normal power and displays "Excellent meditating!".
from above Changes camera to above player and displays "Get up on it". Typing again places camera directly behind player (displays "Get down ag'in").
naughty naughty Places camera directly behind player and displays "Behold my neck-spike". Typing again returns camera to normal and displays "Blort!".
perf Wireframes on/off.
60fps Displays "60". Typing again displays "30".
but i feel so good Push force power color is changed to red and displays "You're the guy with the Force". Typing again changes Push force color back to purple and displays "Play nice".
perfection Purple colored Push force power now kills and displays "Deadly force authorized". Typing again returns Purple colored Push force power to normal and displays "Nobody's perfect".
slowmo Slowmo mode (displays "Super slowmo mode"). Typing again returns to normal speed (displays "Normal mode").
beyond cinema "letter-box" movie mode. Typing again returns to normal and displays "Back to 'ol pan-n-scan".
turntables Cheat codes won't work correctly from now on and displays "The tables have turned". Some will display "No More Cheating for You". Typing again displays "It was just a dream... OR WAS IT?!" It appears the only way to return things to normal is to exit the game and restart.
i like to cheat Gives all weapons and adds 500 shots to weapon 2, 500 to weapon 3, 5 to weapon 4, 1 to weapon 5, and 10 to weapon 6 (displays message "You are now the biggest cheater in the world".
give me life Sets health to 100 (even if already set higher) and displays "Rock on".
heal it up Sets health to 100 (even if already set higher) and displays "Rock on".
where is gurshick Runs credits.
gurshick Runs credits.
brenando Displays "Tech Bonus!".
rex Red lines around menu boxes on/off and displays "Feel the power of REX".
iamqueen Play as Queen Amidala.
iampanaka Play as Captain Panaka.
iamquigon Play as Qui-Gon Jinn.
iamobi Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
i rule the world Displays "Youd da Man".
i really stink Skill level set to easy and displays "Skill Level Set to Weenie".
fps Display frames-per-second on/off.
donttttt Kills player and displays "That's what you get for saying that".
rrrrright Kills player and displays "That's what you get for saying that".
kill me now Kills player and displays "DON'T DO IT MAN!!!!".
drop a beat Waving screen effect and displays "No, really, I feel fine". Typing again returns to normal and displays "Back to reality".


Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth MAul



This site have been constructed using sources and elements from various sites on the Internet. Such sites can be found in the Links page. No infringement intended.



Quick Facts

Click Here! For Episode 1 posters and wallpapers.

Click Here! To find out the 'cameo' appearence of some characters in TPM

TPM Bloopers!!! Click Here!!!

Click Here! For Episode 1 reviews!

For the full list of the production crew, Click Here!

Ten years are supposed to pass over the course of the trilogy.

Post Production pictures available, Click Here!