This description of the Trailer B is taken from, Please visit their site for more great updates. Trailer B Shot 1: A grassy hill. Some vehicles start to slowly emerge from beyond the horizon. Shot 2: Large city with a dome-shaped palace on the edge of enormous cliff. Probably Queen's palace seen from the opposite side than in the first trailer. Shot 3: Queen: "I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war." Shot 4: Cool shot of battle tanks slowly hovering above the grass. Shot 5: Sio Bibble: "A communications disruption can mean only one thing. Invasion." Shot 6: A ship flies through space. It has a pointed nose and rear "wings" very reminiscent of TIE fighters. Shot 7: A HUGE ship, shaped like a letter "H", landing in the forest Shot 8: Darth Maul stepping outside from some ship, pod or whatever. Shot 9: Darth Maul to someone in black (probably Darth Sidious, but he's not a hologram): "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi." They are both standing on some sort of walkway high above enormous city. Shot 10: Huge fleet (the "H" shaped mothership and many smaller ships) approaches the planet. Shot 11: Many battle droids marching in precise formation, guns ready. Shot 12: Maul to Sidious: "At last we will have revenge." S hot 13: Battle droids and some weird spider-like robots (at least 15 feet tall) standing in some sort of hangar, all of them suddenly turning towards the camera. Shot 14: Sidious (hologram): "Begin landing your troops." Shot 15: Several battle droids on STAPs flying past what appears to be the lower part of the "H"-shaped ship, parked in the forest. It has just opened and some hovercrafts are pouring out (the same things that decimated the forest in the first trailer). Shot 16: Many different animals running through the forest. Someone is riding at least one of them. Shot 17: Detail of Qui-Gon, standing in the ship which is shaking. Shot 18: Obi-Wan: "We haven't much time." Shot 19: Ship (seems like Queen's) flying from the planet towards something (not in the picture) that is shooting at her. Shot 20: Two Nimoidians. Shot 21: Queen: "The Federation has gone too far." Shot 22: Many battle droids getting up (they were probably crouching before). Shot 23: Wide shot of literally thousands of droids standing in formations in front of very large vehicles (looking a little bit like enormous toasters). Shot 25: Some sort of royal chamber. Several people are standing around, one of them hologram. Someone says: "The death toll is catastrophic." Shot 26: Palpatine slowly turning towards the camera. Shot 27: Queen: "Our people are dying, senator, we must do something quickly." Shot 28/29: Sio Bibble (hologram) to Queen: "You must contact me." (This is cut to look like a single scene but the Queen has different dress in each shot). Shot 30: Qui-Gon to Queen: "There's something else behind all this, Your Highness." Obi-Wan and Jar Jar are standing nearby as well as two handmaidens looking exactly like the Queen! Shot 31: Queen looking from the window (like in the first trailer). Qui-Gon (voiceover): "They'll kill you if you stay." Shot 32: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan getting up from the table and swtching their lightsabers on. Shot 33: Obi-Wan raising his hand - using The Force. Qui-Gon (voiceover): "I can only protect you." Shot 34: The Force probably worked, because three battle droids are flying away from the camera. Shot 35: Qui-Gon: "I can't fight a war for you." Shot 36: Steps of enromous palace. The Queen and several other people are being escorted down by battle droids. Shot 37: Palpatine: "I think we're going to have to accept Federation control for the time being." Shot 38: Queen, Bibble and several other people are escorted by battledroids. Shot 39: Two very cool battle robots which are "transforming" themselves from spheres to armored "things" with guns. Shot 40: Panaka: "This is a battle I do not think that we can win." Shot 41: Queen to Palpatine: "I will sign no treaty, senator." Shot 42: Large mounted guns firing. Shot 45: Pilot in the cockpit being hit. He wears those old-style pilot goggles. Shot 46: Queen looking from the window. Shot 47: Jar Jar to Queen: "You say people gonna die?" Or something like that (his dialect is terrible.) Shot 48: STAPs are shooting at Obi-Wan in the forest, Qui-Gon deflects their fire with his lighsaber. Shot 49/50: Obi-Wan to Boss Nass: "Once those droids take control of the surface, they will take control of you." Shot 51: Tanks firing. Shot 52: Queen: "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die..." Some small thing is hovering in front of her (a microphone?). Shot 53: Dozens of Gungans deflecting laser fire with large see-through shields. Shot 54: Senate or something similar. Enormous hall with many small pods, each of them containing people (ambassadors?). Queen (voiceover): "...while you discuss this invasion in a committee." Shot 55: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon mowing down battle droids with lightsabers. Shot 56: Two robots from shot 39 firing. Shot 57: Door opens, several people are running from them. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan use the lightsabers to deflect the shots, the Queen is shooting from her blaster. Shot 58: R2D2 being "sucked" into the Naboo fighter. Shot 59: R2D2's "head" emerging from top of the fighter. Shot 60: Battle droids being hit with laser fire. Shot 70: Queen (shooting): "Get to your ships!" Shot 71: Obi-Wan running. Shot 72: Naboo figters flying away from the planet. Shot 73: C3PO to R2D2: "They'll never get me onto one of those dreadful starships." Shot 74: R2D2 beeping. Shot 75: Obi-Wan jumps up, kicking down one battle droid with each of his feet. Looks like Bruce Lee. :) Shot 76: Yoda to Mace: "Always two there are." Shot 77: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan standing on the balcony above Coruscant. Yoda (voiceover): "A master and an apprentice." Shot 78: Darth Maul standing menacingly in the desert, switching off his lighsaber. Something flies overhead. Shot 79: Two Naboo fighters flying, one of them explodes. Shot 80: The pod race. Various pods (each of them different) speeding through the canyon. Shot 81: Naboo fighter flying from space into a hangar, rolling wildly. Shot 82: Enormous jaws opening (probably shot from inside of the sub). Shot 83: Obi-Wan duelling with Darth Maul. I'd say that he has 9 horns. One at the top of his head and four on each side. Shot 84: Jabba The Hutt on the balcony, surrounded by his familiar minions from the previous Star Wars movies. Shot 85/86: Obi-Wan duelling with Darth Maul. Shot 87: Shmi embracing Anakin. Shot 88: Huge underwater beast grabs a sub in its jaws. Not sure if they are the same as in shot 82. Shot 89: A new kind of ship (somehow reminiscent of TIE Fighter) flying above the Trade Federation battleship. Shot 90: Another shot from the pod race. Shot 91: Title: STAR WARS: EPISODE I - THE PHANTOM MENACE Shot 92: Close-up of Maul's face. Sidious (voiceover): "Wipe themout." Shot 93: Sidious (hologram): "All of them." Shot 94: Obi-Wan (screaming): "No!!!" Shot 95: One of the racing pods crashing in very nasty way. Shot 96: Queen. Shot 97: Battle droids being blasted by laser fire. Shot 98: Qui-Gon Shot 99: Qui-Gon decapitating the battle droid. Shot 100: Anakin running across the field. Shot 101: Particularly nasty explosion (remember ID4?) involving one very unlucky battle droid. Shot 102: End credits. Shot 103: THE SAGA BEGINS MAY 21st The trailer is about 2:25 long (with all the credits). All the music is from previous movies.
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Quick Facts For the match up of the cast and their character, Click Here! Anakin's relationship with his Mother will be a focus in Episode I, as well as his introduction to The Force. Post-production will be extensive and will last at least a year, likely even during principal photography. R2 and 3PO will also be in the film. Post Production pictures available, Click Here! Ten years are supposed to pass over the course of the trilogy. Episode I was shot at Leavesden Studios in England in the summer of 1997 and post-production is done at Skywalker Ranch and Industrial Light & Magic in Marin County, California. |