The Celsius Corporation has many projects in development for the Scandinavian Super Soldier Project. Many of them are still being tested, but we have a few tidbits to show you.
Scandinavian Ministry of Information
The piracy and blackmarket Cyberware industry have always tried to copy successful designs from developers, and selling it at a fraction of the price to those that want to cut costs at the expense of reliability. To counter that activity in Scandinavia, Celsius has developed a sort of Anti-Tamper device. All cyberware created and imported to Scandinavia are now being issued a free upgrade to include the Cyber Guard©. The use of the device has made it possible to drasticaly lower the cost for such equipment with the Cyber Guard© built-in. The device works in two ways. First of all, it is an identifier. It has a matrix of DNA sequence in the activation circuit, tailored to the individual it belongs to. To operate, the DNA key must correspond with the DNA of the user. Of course, SePo the Secret Police has found other ways to use the device. If you install it in a cranial bomb, then it is significantly more difficult to remove the bomb without triggering it. Also, with the use of a Remote Control, and the right keyed in Cyber Code©, they could shut down the operation of any cyberware. Together with a cranial bomb, it is possible to tele execute an escaped fugitive.
The use of hollowed out bones, using nanites to harden the bone structure, makes the human body much lighter. Coupled with strong muscle replacement, gives superhuman reflexes and strength. Another side effect is that the human can use normal seats even with a superhuman body.
The Eye Guard is simply a set of automatic, actively transparent eye lids that protects the eye against acid, teargas, bright light and laser. The lid comes in different colours and materials. Among the more popular ones are the light intensifier lids and the BlackHole © one-way transparent opaque lids.
Autopilot requires a position navigational input and basic motor control, either cybernetic or natural via neural interface. The autopilot can when activated take control of the individual, and use the motor control of the muscles, and the position data, to transport the individual to a pre determined destination. Using input from visual and audio sensors, and any eventual cybernetic or technological sensor, the autopilot can assess the route that it travels, and choose another way, or mode of locomotion. Skills such as riding, swimming or climbing must be maintained locally, either in the brain or in skill chips. No communication is possible with the basic module. With the additional SelfCare© module, the individual can automatically seek a safe position where to administer healing procedures. The module locates the damaged area, type of damage, and choose the correct method to help the situation from an expertsystem. With the Remotor© module, the individual can be remotely controlled in ways similar to the built in Autopilot. The controller can use any system connected to the Autopilot controlcentre, such as the motor control, eye sensor, and internal voice mask, if installed. Common with all of these modules is that the motion is far from natural, and that the subject must still be alive.
Blood turbines and Muscle tension dynamos are tiny generators producing a steady, but limited power supply. Since the generators produce more when in high activity, the power output is higher than in rest. To best take advantage of the differing power outputs, a Biobattery is highly recommended. The system comes with an external power socket that can be placed anywhere on the body. With the addition of a Biobattery, the system can sustain a computer or communication device with sufficient power to operate for many hours. A way to use the energy is to connect the system with a hybrid ElectroCycle©. You can pedal your way around the easier parts, and let the electrodrive kick in upslope.
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Royal Viking