South Park
The Simpsons
Family Guy
King of the Hill
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Sopranos
The Tom Green Show
The Man Show
Celebrity DeathMatch
The Sixth Sense
Double Jepordy
Cruel Intentions
The Spy who Shagged Me
The Haunting
The Ninth Gate
Scream 3
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House on Huanted Hill
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Made on: 6/30/99

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4/1/00 - I have just seen the Sixth Sense on tape, it is a very good movie and probably the best movie you will ever see this year.  The movie isn't that scary their might be a couple of scenes that my spook you a little but, not really. The ending is very suprising and im not going to ruin it for you by telling you what it is.. You should rent this movie at your local movie store near you.


If u like to listen to music on ur computer while ur working or doing something u can listen to mp3's. You can download the player at Winamp's Hompage and you can download music at

Most of the Files u download now are winzip or not, but most of them are winzip like if u wanna punt some1 u gotta have winzip go here to goto

Limp Bizkit
Kid Rock

1. Winamp 2.61
2. Winzip Beta 8
3. Napster
4. Save Keys

1. Fate Zero Beta 5
2. Rapier Bronze
3. Tornado
4. Sub Seven
5. Toad 1.3
6. IM Answering Machine

1. Sisqo - Thong Song
2. KoRn - Make me Bad
3.The Sopranos Theme Song
4. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
5. Rage Against the Machine - Sleep Now in the Fire
6. KoRn - Freak on a Leash
7. Limp Bizkit - Faith


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