The Page of Maneman
The Page of Maneman

A page is worth a thousands books

Every man should grow a mane

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of men with manes around the world. The last time men grew manes was the 60's. It's time to become manemen.

There are a lot of reasons why men need to grow manes:
It's getting colder and rainier in the United States.
The only way to meet the demands of our newer weather patterns is to grow some insulation.
Manes make you more visible to drivers on the road.
Manes protect you from ultraviolet radiation.
Having a mane may be the reason women live longer than men.
Our manes were given unto us as a cover.
Mane cuts are getting more expensive.
The first humans grew manes so it's natural.
You don't need a pillow to lie down on when you have a mane.

The manemen are taking over the world.

View some manemen.

To submit your mane to the gallery of manemen fill out the manemen membership form.

Manemanism has been around as long as the human race. It has waxed and waned in popularity. In the 19th century, Franz Liszt was a pioneer maneman. He made people start calling classical musicians "longhairs."

Then, we don't know how it happened. Maybe it was a freak of style changes. Men started cutting off their manes as the 20th century began. It was a literal revolt against manemanism. Just look at pictures of guys from the turn of the century.

Then in the 60's some guy may have picked up a photo of Franz Liszt. Maybe some guy found photos of manemen before Franz Liszt that were hidden up from the rest of the world. However it happened, men started growing manes again. Ever since, the manemen have grown in numbers. Now Utah construction workers make up the biggest group of manemen in the world.

Women also grow manes. Mane women are also manemen but since manes are common for women while still being a problem for men to grow they haven't gotten much attention in The Page of Manemen.

Unfortunately, many women have recently been apostecizing and cutting off their manes! This is a disaster. The increase in skin cancer may not be due to ozone depletion but to women cutting off their manes. Well , we need to convert women back to manemanism or else the human population will experience a colossal breakdown.

Manemanism and The Page of Maneman have no relation, implied or otherwise to any other religions or publications thereof.