The Scottsdale Chapter Philosophy
The Canyon State Chorus is a chapter of the Society for the
Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in
America, Inc. (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.). We are a fraternal singing organization
focusing on the production of outstanding barbershop-style performances.
Supporting Elements
IMPROVEMENT - Musical improvement is vital to the growth
of the chapter. Each member shall continually strive to improve
his own voice through attentiveness during rehearsals and personal
effort between rehearsals. Excellence in performance attracts
quality singers, builds enthusiasm, promotes pride, and increases
our musical gift to our audiences.
CONTEST PARTICIPATION - The chorus shall compete at
all possible levels of competition. This will reinforce the stated
philosophy by increasing the chapter's musical excellence.
QUARTET PROMOTION - The chapter encourages and supports
all quartet singing, formal and informal, as it is a major factor
in the chapter's musical growth. The chapter's musical staff will
assist members in all phases of quarteting including music selection,
coaching, packaging a show, et. Chapter quartets may audition
to participate in chorus performances.
FAMILY PARTICIPATION - Although the Barbershop Society
is a fraternal organization, the Canon State Chorus encourages
involvement of relatives and friends of chapter members at every
possible occcasion. Family oriented activities will be scheduled
throughout the year.
SOCIETY PARTICIPATION - The Barbershop Society has
many chapters and affiliates around the world. Members of the
Canyon State Chorus shall participate in supporting functions
of other chapters such as shows, competitions, special events,
COMMUNITY SERVICE - The Canyon State Chorus will support
those charities adopted by the International Organization. The
chorus as well as chapter quartets will be expected to perform
free of charge from time to time for the betterment of the community.
PROGRAM - The weekly meetings shall consist primarilly
of chorus rehearsal. Other weekly events include vocal warmup,
vocal craft, chapter business, announcements, and a break. Additional
events include quartet activities, entertainment, talent shows,
tag contests, etc. Members are encouraged to submit program ideas
in order to provide an exciting experience.
The Canyon State Chorus is dedicated to the education of its
members. Vocal education is vital to the health of the member
as well as the musical growth of the chorus. Music education will
allow members to better understand the barbershop style and to
organize their thoughts in a musical way.