
Here, you will find links to websites about Star Wars, the prequels, and other general-interest things that say a whole lot about my life (or lack thereof).

Star Wars-related websites

A massive Star Wars fansite, filled with breaking news

JediNet PrequelWatch

The notorious Prequel Countdown Clock, spoiler-free news, and some editorials of their own

Official Star Wars site

A generous offering of official, meant-to-be-released information

T'Bone Fender's Star Wars Universe

Sister site of JediNet, run by the fandom equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover

Plenty of news about everything, assuming there is any

Semi-related, but not quite the droids you're looking for

Ain't-it-Cool News

The leading edge of the entertainment rumour mill

Internet Movie Database

Everything you never needed to know about all the movies you've never watched

Definitely unrelated material

LEXX Official Website (under construction)

Official website of the most CG-ized television programme in history

GeoCities Home Page

The bloated corporation that owns this site

ShawnTek Corporation

Company specializing in novelty goods; they also own Microsoft (don't tell anyone I told you)


All original content © 1998-99 Nick "IronParrot" Tam.
Star Wars and all related materials are © Lucasfilm Ltd.
All other content belongs to their respective owners.

This site is Y2K compliant.