In the News

January 15-31, 1999

This page contains all the news posted on this site during the month of January, 1999. Items are in reverse chronological order, from most recent to most dated.

(Please note that items before January 15 are missing, as the archive was not operational.)

NEWS FOR 1/18/1999
Everything is working on GeoCities... this is now a fully armed and operational battlestation. I talked to Lincoln from Countdown today about setting up a month-long marathon vigil here in Calgary. If you live in the area and would like to participate, contact me (that is, once I have a working e-mail address you can contact me with).

NEWS FOR 1/17/1999
Kudos to Kyle Cheadle, formerly of Area 42, who let me have his address on GeoCities. In case you're wondering, "4242" is a reference to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which Kyle's former page was about. The trivia section of his page has been adopted by Floor 42.

In other news... I'll be taking a break from writing, as you have probably noticed... the site will be updated every now and then. The news archive, on the other hand, is not up yet. So all the old news is gone, dead, goodbye. If you want news about the prequels, go to JediNet or


All original content © 1998-99 Nick "IronParrot" Tam.
Star Wars and all related materials are © Lucasfilm Ltd.
All other content belongs to their respective owners.

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