Most Embarrassing Moments

Hey Guys/Girls I need you to send me your most embarrassing Cheer moments to finish this section of my page! Your names and e-mail address's will NOT be put on her unless you want them to be put here. An alternate idea is making up a code name for yourself that I will put on here. And remember they DON'T have to be cheerleading related!

1. "My most embarrassing cheer moment would have to be during one of our Basketball games we had a cheer with a stunt. During practice we couldn't get the stunt right but figured we'd go out and do it and if it worked it worked and if it didn't then, it didn't. We got to the stunt and did it perfectly! But, we got so exited that we forgot to finish the cheer!!" -Cheergrl829 & Squad
2. "As I think back my most embarrassing moment would have to be in 7th grade. The one day I wanted to impress the guy who I was really crushing I wore a skirt. My friends and I were jokin around in the hallway and they tripped me. Right as I went flyin flat onto my face the same guy I was tryin to impress walked around the corner. He got a great shot of my Tuesday undies and laughed even harder because it was Thursday! I just wanted to jump into the ocean and never be seen again!" -UndieChic444
3. "I was just getting back from a cheerleader All-Star game and had to quickly run into the bathroom of the school and change. The other game I had to cheer for was just starting and I didn't want to miss a minute of it! As I was running out onto the field where we cheer the guys had just gotten a touchdown and we were all going nuts so the second I got down there I did a strattle jump. I didn't realize until afterwards that I got so exited that I forgot to put my bloomers on!! OOPPS!!! -Oppsies5576
4. "My squad and I were doing stunts at the biggest football game of the year. HOMECOMING! I was one of the fliers so they were puttin me up in all these complicated stunts. It had rained the day before so there were a few puddles. When we were doing our liberty to a twist down, one of my bases fell backwards leaving me falling into the hands of two bases. They sort of caught me but then I fell butt first right into a huge mud puddle! If that wasn't bad enough my crush was in the front row of the bleachers!!! -Fallin4Him
5.My most embarassing moment was when I was fliping off the pyramid and fell flat on my face... in front of my crush. Thank goodness i had my shorts on under my skirt!!!
6.I busted my chin dismounting from a liberty while our squad was practicing right before a game. I had to go get three stitches at the hospital and wear little bandaids so everyone thought i had a zit.
7.We were doing a liberty (gee, we have bad luck with libs don't we!) and it fell,during halftime at the biggest play-off game of the year in front of the most fans we'd had at a game all season! The opposing team boo-ed us completely off the court.
8. One of my most embarrassing moments was when I was singing Karaoke and I was all into the song. Then all of a sudden, I forgot the words and just froze. The funniest part is that the words are on the TV screen. Well, everyone just cracked up laughing and I ended up laughing myself. At first I was so embarrassed, but then I just went along with the fun!