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Super Special Thank-you and trumpet fanfare for Kittie!!

Kittie started this site and made it one of the best-stocked fanfic sites for PR fics. She has decided to go on to other things since her life has gotten so busy lately and left the Fanfic Shoppe to Julia to run. Kittie, you still da Moo, girl! Don't be a stranger 'cause we love ya man! ;)
The Fanfic Shoppe has been broken up into smaller franchises called "Fic Huts." If you'd like to read a story formerly on this page that no longer seems to be available, check the Fic Huts. It'll be on one of those pages. Also, if you are interested in hosting a Fic Hut, email me and we'll talk.
The books in the Fic Shoppe and its sister sites, the Fic Huts, are organized by author and by Universe. Stories featuring "original rangers" (Purple Rangers, Silver Rangers....) are marked with an asterisk*.
Special Thanx to Jeremy Ray Logsdon for making my lovely 3-D logo! Kudos also go to Kay, and Selma for maintaining the Fic Huts.
Hikagi notes: A lot of writers are interested in what you have to say. Please after reading a fanfic take some time to send a letter to the author (who is just a link away), and tell them what you think. Often times, authors are wondering what readers are thinking, so give us a hand. We don't want to have to become mind readers. Thank you.
The Webmasters add: If there is no link provided for the author of a story, it is probably because that author has asked that their email address not be given out. However, feel free to email us and tell us what you'd like the author to know. We'll pass it on.
Not-so Standard Disclaimer: The characters and blah blah blah owned by Saban Entertainment blah blah blah under full extent of the law blah blah blah. Oh, and also, views reflected in these fics do not necessarily reflect the views of the webmasters. *sigh....* Legalities.

Feature of This Particular Time Period!
This section will stay under Kittie's name in honor of her (sorry, girl -- we didn't have a library to name after you!) We will have a new featured story every.... Well, it won't be a regular thing, but every once in a while I'll post a new featured story. These stories will mostly be PR fics, but sometimes they won't. Fics posted here are just fics that I feel are very good and should be spotlighted. Please feel free to nominate fics to be featured here- you can even nominate yourself if you like. The Grand Prize winners will get posted here, at the top of the page, even before Kittie's stuff. WOW! So email me with your nominations, and read our FEATURE OF THIS PARTICULAR TIME PERIOD!
For this particular time period, our featured fic is: (drum roll please)
Til Death, by Cheryl Roberts!
nominated by Mandi Ohlin
Past Features
Moon Over Angel Grove, by Jeremy Ray Logsdon
First Strike, by Hellfire
Paying the Consequences, by Alex Quierolo and Kittie
A Different Shade of Blue, by Don Berry
Blood And Shadows, by Ellen Brand

Semi-Realistic Universe
Death of Innocence
A new kid named Zachary Taylor moves to Angel Grove, and discovers that his new home is not at all what he'd hoped it would be.
Billy Cranston's life is a living hell. But all that's about to change.
Nothing To Write Home About....
Sometimes nothing is a lot more interesting than something.
Language Lesson
Billy's best subject is science. His worst subject? Girls.
Genius In A Blue Dress
A philosophical moment with Billy.
The stars look very different from Aquitar.
I'll Remember
Jason receives a great gift from an unexpected place.
Tis a gift to be simple....

Kittie's Completely Unrealistic
(Formerly the Marilyn Universe)
Down and Out
Billy's one moment of weakness causes him a lot of grief; and it might be too much.
Lithium Sunset
In the wake of Zordon's decision, the team faces difficult times.
Fission For Trouble
Billy's new step-sisters are a disaster. And when they get into his lab, watch out!

Alternate Zeo Universe
Billy ends up at NYU, but is it because he wants to learn, or is he just running away?
Flight of the Falcon
Tommy's dealing with some major guilt. Can he come to terms with his life before it's too late?

Crusher-Bug Saga
My first ever fanfic.
The Christening
Chrissy has joined the gang, but she still doesn't quite feel at home.
When The Angels Fall
In the aftermath of the tragedy, Rocky and Billy deal with things in their own unique ways.

Silly Stories
My (Untitled) MMPR/Seinfeld Crossover
Did you ever wonder what would happen if Jerry Seinfeld and friends visited Angel Grove? You're about to find out.
Spring Cleaning
Billy's got a new invention - a brainwashing machine.
The Soul Cages
Zedd gets an evil idea from the music of Sting, and decides to use the musician to destroy the Power Rangers. Can they save themselveswithout hurting Sting?
Mighty Morphin Power Alien Zeo Turbo Rangers
The newest incarnation....
Kittie's Bad Mood (Take That)

Little Boy Blue
When Billy is severely injured, it's up to Tanya to save him. But what if he doesn't want to be saved?
Losing The Blues
There's a strange accident and Billy is lost to the team forever. Or is he?
A Small Problem
A mysterious gorvernment agency's experiments have an unexpected result.
Rocky's having a hard time sleeping, and the problem lies in a place no one will expect.
Rita and Zedd decide to stop fooling around and just get rid of the Rangers once and for all. As it turns out, that's not good for anybody.

Written with Alex "Trey Cash" Quierolo:
Paying the Consequences
A bad decision by Adam is tearing him apart, but the team is facing an even more pressing problem.

Ellen Brand's
Personality Conflicts Series
Personality Conflicts
Has the Green Ranger returned to haunt Tommy? Or is it all in his head?
Fathers And Sons
The rangers are dismayed when Adam vanishes- along with a civilian. Things are only complicated by the fact that the civilian is Adam's father.
Shadow Dancers
Billy's life on Aquitar is interrupted when he is kidnapped by strange Shadow creatures, and it's up to Tommy to save him.
Dying of the Light
The Gold Ranger powers have sapped Jason's strength- and his life energy.
Things Left Undone*
At the news of Jason's illness, some old friends return to Angel Grove.
Crystal's Shadow, Crystal's Light*
Two new Rangers with strange new powers join the team. But will their abilities be enough to save Jason?
Two of Hearts*
Love is in the air- but for whom?
Crystal Blue Persuasion
A foreign world is threatened by an otherwordly force, and Rocky is the only one who can stop it.
Tommy makes a difficult discovery, and the news may be too much for him to handle.
Dark Mirror One: Tiger, Tiger*
The team gains a surprising new ally- and a terrifying foe.
Dark Mirror Two: Through a Glass Darkly*
Any friend of Tyler is an enemy of the Rangers.
Dark Mirror Three: Heart of Darkness*
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes....
The More Things Change*
The arrival of DivaTox and some strange new powers spell excitement for the rangers.
Who You Gonna Call?
Zack's life in Columbia, New York, is just beginning... to get interesting.
Inner Demons
A Demon from another world is after Franklin Park, and Rocky may be the only one that stands in its way.
Worlds Enough and Time
Billy's false memories have begun to pop up more and more frequently, but after a strange series of events, things finally start to make sense....
Thicker Than Water
The Morphin' Warriors lives are turned topsy-turvy when someone from Jason's past shows up unexpectedly.
Family Ties
Scorpina's back, and once again she has her eye on Adam. However, he's got a family who loves him and is not willing to let him go.
The Green-Eyed Monster*
"Beware of jealousy...." The Turbos have been kidnapped and it's up to Tanya and Tasha -- or the Turbos are doomed.

by Ellen Brand
Into The Fire
Jason's having trouble dealing with his experience on DivaTox's sub. (Set after the Turbo movie.)
Flames of Love
Jason's not the only one affected by the experience on the volcano; Kimberly's not doing too well either.
Tommy's reconciled with Kim... so where does that leave Kat?
Getting Over You
Tommy and Kim are both hurting after their breakup.... (No relation to the other vignettes)
Never Too Late
This Christmas vignette finds both Lord Zedd and Tommy pining over lost loves. (No relation to the other vignettes)

The Fallen Heroes Saga
by Ellen Brand
Earth's Fall
The Power Rangers Turbo fight their last battle- but they go down fighting.

Other Stories
by Ellen Brand
The Chronology of the Power Rangers
The key to the timelines in Ellen Brand's Stories. Useful for any author.
Final Farewell
Tommy is captured by Divatox and begins to doubt his rangering abilities.
Ashes to Ashes
When one of the Rangers is killed in action, he leaves a lot left undone.
Come The Dark
All the Rangers but one are turned into bloodthirsty vampires. Can he make it through the night?
Green Magic
Someone is killing off Angel Grove teens with traits very similar to the gang. It can't be long before one of them is targeted....
Blue Eternity
Justin is seriously hurt during a battle with Pihranatrons, and fights for his life in a strange fantasy world.
Song and Dance
Tommy's suffering after his breakup with Kim, but his sister inadvertently gives him a boost.
Midnight Sun
The Turbo Rangers face a dangerous new enemy.
Phoenix Rising
After passing his powers on to TJ, Tommy has to come to terms with the changes in his life, but things down turn out as he'd thought.
Blue is the Color of Mourning
Justin's father dies unexpectedly, and Justin doesn't quite know how to deal with it.
One of the rangers is being stalked by an obsessed admirer.
Shadow of Fear
A mysterious foe is picking off the Rangers one by one.
Blood and Vengeance
An alternate handling of the PRT vampire episode.

Kristin Fallon
The Darkest Dimension
Billy is injured by a strange monster and sent into the darkest dimension of all.

Rain Fletcher
Billy, Kat, Adam, and Rocky go on a ski trip, and end up having a heart-to-heart talk.

Kim Hamilton
What Were You Thinking
Why did the old Rangers bury the ectomorphicons so close to Ivan Ooze's prison? The answer is not what you'd expect.
Blue to Blue
After leaving the team, Rocky's feeling really down. But he gets comfort from an unexpected source.
One Long Day
School can be sooooooo boring!

The Earth Crystals Saga,
by Jeremy Ray Logsdon
The Earth Crystals
The Earth is threatened like never before when Lord Zedd's mother comes into the picture and traps the Zeo Rangers on Aquitar. Only the Earth Crystals can save them now.
In this sequel to "The Earth Crystals," the rangers face Jenga once again, and some strange things begin to happen.
It's always hardest for those left behind.
Home No More
The five trapped rangers must face an enemy powerful enough to destroy everything their new friends hold dear.
Heart and Soul
Justin finds out an interesting thing when reading up in Demonology, but it only causes more trouble.
Inside the Grid
In the alternate world, the stakes have grown higher as Duran becomes stronger and more unstable.
Unleashing the Power
Trini and Justin find a way to open a portal to the alternate world, but the battle isn't over yet.
In the alternate world, the Rangers are fighting the battle of their lives, and it might be their last.

The Candle in the Wind Series
by Jeremy Ray Logsdon
Standing Outside the Fire
Remember The Thirteen ghosts of Scooby Doo? Imagine if the Rangers managed to get themselves into a similar predicament!

Other Stories
by Jeremy Ray Logsdon
Missing Pink
Kimberly's departure leaves more than one person feeling down.
Missing Blue
Kimberly hears of Billy's new "friend" and is confused by her feeling of... jealousy?
A Different Shade of Zeo
A look at what might have been if things had turned out a bit differently. (Not linked to any other stories).
Moon Over Angel Grove
A Drew Carey/MMPR Crossover? Oh man, this guy is whacked! ;) (Not linked to any other stories).
Another Christmas Miracle, by Jeremy Ray
Don't believe in Santa Claus? he's much closer than you think.

Kevin D. McPhail
Cry of the Wolf
Billy suffers a tragic fall from grace, and he only has one chance to redeem himself.

Kristen Murphy
King Mondo decides to make sure that Billy never makes it home from Aquitar.

Cheryl Roberts
Murphy's Law
Everything that can go wrong does go wrong, and that means a rough night for Billy.
Til Death
Kimberly Hart is back in Angel Grove, and she's brought trouble with her.

Susan Zell
There's Electricity in the Air
Billy meets an extraordinary girl with genius to rival his own, but King Mondo's got his eye on her as well.
In The Company of Wolves
After giving up his powers, Billy's feeling a little displaced, so he goes to visit some relatives in the mountains. What he finds there is much more precious than he'd ever imagined.

The Back Room
The Adult Section (December 28)
Works-In-Progre ss (November 29)

And don't forget to visit:

Julia's Fic Hut
Fics by: Cat Cobern, Eileen, Mandi Gordon, Gourmet Night, Julia H., Hellfire, Hikagi, Josh, Ken, Kingpin, Luellon, Erin McCorkle, Krissy Moser, Georgia Peach, Kirsten Sih, Stacy, Tigran, Trini

Kay's Fic Hut
Fics by: Akiko, Kay Enasni, Kat, Justin Lam, Man-at-Arms, Melissa Morris, Michelle Penning, Kelly Pierce, Satu Sharp, Spartacus, Tim

Selma's Fic Hut
Fics by: Don Berry, Capri and Stacey, Sarah Clutter, GCHEU empress, Rahat Husain, Katie, Selma McCrory, MeK, Stephanie Moffett, Christina Ortega, Derik Smith, Naomi Tilley

Other Fic Pages

a.f.p-r Round Robin
April Richard's Fanfics
Back To Action Fanfics
C&S Fanfic Chamber
Catch ya on the Flipside - Fanfics
The Caves of Deception - Fanfics
Celli's Fanfics
Dragon's Lair Fanfics
The Fanfic Center
Froog's Not Quite So Narrow World Of Fanfics
The Thanisan Computer Archive
Gridmaster's Castle
Gridmaster's Sh owcase
Jacey's Power Ranger Fanfic Page
Kristen's Fanfics
Mandi's Fanfic Page
Mandy's Power Ranger Fan-Fic Page
The Scrolls of Ortus Rursus
Paladar's World of Fanfic
Paul Matthews MMPR Fanfic
Rachel's Imagination
Ranko's Fanfics
Selenay's Realm
Selma's Power Ranger Fanfics

Guidelines for Submission of Fanfics
Anyone may submit a fic to be posted at The Fanfic Shoppe or The Fic Huts. However, there are guidelines for acceptance.
1. The fic must be well written; grammar and spelling must be up to the webmaster's standards.
2. The plot and characterizations must make sense. ie: if a ranger is acting in a way that the webmaster deems unrealistic (based on the show), AND is not under a spell of some sort, the fic may be rejected.
3. Extra rangers, especially if they are based on the author of the fic, may be grounds for a rejection UNLESS the fic is extremely well-written. Exceptions would be made for for fics such as Ellen Brand's "Personality Conflicts" series, which includes the purple and silver rangers. These fics break several of the "rules," but they are so touching and well-written that it doesn't matter.
A rejection of the fic is in no way a judgement by the webmasters. The Fanfic Shoppe/Huts are not the only fanfiction archives on the net, and there are sure to be others that will accept your fic. The webmasters remind you that their opinions are just that- their opinions. Do not take their word as rule.
Your fic(s) (in .txt format) must be emailed to Julia. She will review it (them) and email you an answer within two days of the submission. Thank you, and keep writing!

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