Spring Cleaning
by Kittie

Inside Billy's lab....
Billy is wearing protective goggles as he completes a new invention. Sparks are flying every which way, but he is unfazed. Finally, he whips the goggles off and regards the gadget proudly.

Billy: Ahhh! After ten thousand years I'm through! (He chuckles.) Well, it seemed like ten thousand years, but at any rate, I am finally going to get what I deserve!

Billy stands and teleports out of his lab.

In the Juice Bar....
The Power Rangers are sitting at their regular table, talking and laughing.

Rocky: So he says, whoever heard of a macaroni duck?!?

They all laugh.

Kim: Rocky, that is the worst joke I have ever heard!
Rocky: *snort* You laughed didn't you? How bad could it be?

Billy walks up behind them.

Billy: Very, very bad.
Rocky: (Jumps.) Billy! You scared me!
Billy: I'm sorry. Hey, guys, come with me. I want to show you something.
Tommy: Like what?
Billy: My new invention. It's boss!
Adam: I've never heard you say that before.
Billy: What?
Adam: Boss. I didn't know you knew how to use it.
Billy: Just because I am well-versed in technobabble does not mean I cannot fully utilize urban colloquial. Should we go?

The rangers get up to leave.

Rocky: (Whispers to Aisha.) What did he just say?
Aisha: (Whispering back.) I dunno. I've learned that the best thing to do is just smile and nod.
Rocky: Smile and nod?
Kim: Yes. Like this. (She smiles and nods.)
Rocky: Oh, that's good!

The rangers follow Billy back to his lab, where he picks up the gadget and holds it before them proudly.

Billy: Isn't it beautiful?

Rocky, Aisha, and Kim smile and nod.

Tommy: Uhh... yeah, Billy, it's really... neat. What is it?
Billy: It's an advanced brain-wave alteration device.

Rocky, Aisha, and Kim smile and nod.

Adam: A what?
Tommy: What does it do?

In answer, Billy points the device at the rangers and a beam of light shoots out of it. They all freeze, eyes wide and blank, as they are engulfed in the light. Billy grins maniacally.

Billy: Listen to me, rangers.
Rangers: Yes, Billy?
Billy: From this moment onward, you will treat me as the leader of this team.
Rangers: Yes, Billy.
Billy: Tommy, step forward.
Tommy: (Steps forward.) Yes, Billy?
Billy: You are to do everything I say, and never hog all the glory for yourself. Give it to me.
Tommy: Yes, Billy.
Billy: Good. Step back.

Tommy steps back.

Billy: Kimberly?
Kim: Yes, Billy?
Billy: You will dump Tommy because you find me much more attractive.
Kim: Yes, Billy.
Billy: You will ask me out for dinner on... Saturday night.
Kim: Yes, Billy.
Billy: And you'll pay for both of us.
Kim: Yes, Billy.
Billy: And after our date you'll give me a kiss right on the lips.
Kim: Yes, Billy.
Billy: I will advise you later as to what we will do after the kiss.
Kim: Yes, Billy.
Billy: Step back.

Kim steps back.

Billy: Adam, Rocky, and Aisha, step forward.

They all step forward.

Adam: Yes, Billy?
Billy: Nothing. I wanted to order you to do something, so I told you to step forward.
Rocky: Yes, Billy.
Billy: You may step back now.
Aisha: Yes, Billy.

They all step back.

Billy: (To all of them.) When I switch off this device you will remember none of this. But you will do exactly as I have told you.
Rangers: Yes, Billy.
Billy: Heeheehee! All right!

He switches off the device. The rangers blink, confused for a moment. Billy pretends no time has passed.

Billy: It doesn't do anything, really. But it sure is great, huh?
Tommy: Uhh... yeah.

Rocky, Aisha, and Kim smile and nod. Then, the rangers' communicators go off. They all look to Billy to answer it.

Billy: Heeheehee. I'll answer that since I'm your leader.
Tommy: Right.

Billy answers his communicator.

Billy: Yes, Zordon, we read you!
Zordon: Report to the Command Center immediately, Rangers! We have an emergency on our hands!
Billy: Right. Come on, guys, prepare to teleport!

They teleport, and arrive in the Command Center. The alarms are blaring.

Billy: Zordon, what's going on?
Zordon: Well, nothing, but you need to go to school. You'll be late.
Billy: What?

Billy wakes up abruptly. He is in bed, his alarm clock ringing insistently.

Billy: Whoa! What a weird dream! (Laughs nervously.) I wouldn't do anything like that. Brainwashing everybody. (Laughs nervously again.) Oh man....

His communicator goes off suddenly.

Billy: Yes, Zordon?
Zordon: Get dressed and report to the Command Center immediately. Rita and Zedd have sent down another monster to attack the city!
Billy: All right, Zordon, I'm coming.

Billy throws on some jeans and a T-shirt and teleports to the Command Center. The alarms are wailing, and the others are all standing around the viewing globe, watching a monster head toward the city. They turn as he arrives.

Adam: Billy, Rita and Zedd are at it again!
Kim: But it's different this time.
Rocky: It's much more powerful than the others.
Aisha: We're going to need extra help to defeat this one.
Tommy: What should we do?
Billy: What?

He steps back fearfully, looking around at all of them.

Billy: Wh-why are you asking me?!
Tommy: Well, you're the--

Billy cuts him off with a scream and panic-teleports away. Rocky, Aisha, and Kim smile and nod.

Tommy: (Finishes his sentence.)--smart one.
Adam: I wonder what's with him...?
