Godīs Greatest Gift
Steve Wichelecki
There were two nuclear armed countries of opposing extremist religions; these two countries shared a common border and were squabbling over a city which they both referred to as their "Holy City".
Things had escalated to an unhealthy level and both counties, simultaneously, decided that it was time to "push the button". Both countries also, simultaneously, decided that they should get a good nights' sleep before committing the sordid, but religiously necessary, act.
During the night, however, God decided that it was time to erase all forms of religion from all earthling minds; He had really loved the earthlings and decided that religion had--and was--doing more harm than good to his most beloved beings. God decided to leave social control in the hands of the earthlings' social engineers; they seemed to know what they were doing.
Subsequently, when the each nation awoke, the next morning, they had completely forgotten why they--so voraciously--wanted to massacre each other the preceding day. The peoples of each nation were also confused as to what purposes such structures known as Churches, Mosques, Temples, etcetera, had had. These people were also mystified as to the purpose of the men that presided over these large, superfluous structures; the men who presided over these structures were also mystified as to the purpose of themselves.
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Last modified: June 6, 2002