Marek Vit's Kurt Vonnegut Corner


Aaron Novick

Once upon a time, a man was born in the Sahara desert in Africa.  He was to become the last member of an ancient tribe that had inhabited the far corner of the Sahara since the beginning of time itself.  This tribe formed the basis of all Africans.  They came from the members of the tribe who had left at some point or another.

The man was not a happy man, who was born to parents who were not happy. So, when the man grew up into an adult capable of making decisions, he decided that he hated everything about the Sahara desert.  He hated the weather.  He hated the people of his tribe.  He just hated everything.

As it was, he was only happy at one point in his life.

This man who hated everything about the place and culture in which he lived moved to a larger city in Africa.  He was able to communicate because most African languages came from the language of his tribe.  Two weeks after he moved to the city, a plane carrying an atomic bomb crashed in the middle of the village from which he had come.  All of the inhabitants were killed. And thus did the man become the last member of his tribe.

While in the city, the man asked people about what the best place to live was.  Almost all of the people agreed that it was the United States of America.  The man enrolled in English classes, and soon had a rudimentary knowledge of English.  He was able ask important questions, like where the bathroom was.

The man made plans to immigrate to America.  However, he did not know that he was carrying a deadly virus, which brown-skinned people all had immunity to, but which was devastating for people of other colors.  So this man unwittingly brought the disease to America. He ended up infecting and killing the man who performed the immigration test on him.  The autopsy showed that the same disease that killed the tester was present in the man.  The man was put in quarantine, where he would have to stay until the disease left him or until he died. There was no reason, however, why the disease would want to leave him.  It infected a man who was in perfect shape, and his immune system had accepted the disease when the disease had spent years doing absolutely nothing harmful to the body, except for destroying the cells that attacked it.

So the man was doomed to spend the rest of his life in quarantine. The man hated quarantine less than he hated the Sahara desert.  Living
conditions were much different in quarantine. Five days into quarantine, his mother's ghost came to him, telling him to get out of quarantine or he would meet the same fate as her. The man asked her what that fate was.  He did not know or care about what happened to his old village.

His mother told him that if he did not get out, he would be bombed. The man was put in a ward for the mentally ill when he tried to exit the quarantine using that reasoning. While in the ward for the mentally ill, he infected and killed every  doctor who tried to discover both the disease that was in him and the state of his mental health.  All the while, the man knew what was going on.  A translator had told him what was happening to him, and explained to him the difference between sane and insane.  So, along with the man's rudimentary knowledge of English, he knew the words sane and insane, as well as their meanings.

The man kept complaining about how he wasn't insane, that the ghost of his mother did come to see him, and that he wanted out of the quarantine.  All the while, he kept infecting and killing, infecting and killing. Eventually, the infecting and killing got so bad that the U.S. government was notified.  They were worried that others in the quarantine could be infected, and that the entire facility must be neutron bombed. When the guards responded that nobody in the actual quarantine had died from the disease, a U.S. spokesperson blew up, saying, "It doesn't seem to be killing him, does it?"

A guard gathered the entire quarantine together and announced to them that in ten days time, the entire quarantine would be neutron bombed.  The guard then explained the beauties of the neutron bomb, that the property would be undamaged, that there would be no radiation, and that the quarantine could be reused within two weeks of the bombing. There were a bunch of angry yells from the crowd.  However, there was one overjoyed voice that came from the back and overwhelmed all of the others. The man who had been visited by his mother's ghost was doing a little jig and exclaiming with joy every few seconds, "I am sane.  I am sane." It was the only time that man was ever happy.

Ten days later, the entire facility was bombed.  Every guard, doctor, and resident who had been there at all while the man was there was killed. There was no radiation leftover, and all of the property was left untouched by the bomb.  And so, two weeks after the bomb was dropped, twenty-four days after the man learned that he was sane, the quarantine was populated by a new influx of sick immigrants.

And they lived happily ever after.

The End

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Last modified: December, 2005