Marek Vit's Kurt Vonnegut Corner
Postmodernist features in Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle
Eliska Plackova (2002)

      Cat's Cradle is a book,  which enables many points for
literary discussions.  One possible topic  of them could  be
the postmodernist features in this book. In this examination
Ihab Hassan's essay "Toward  a Concept of Postmodernism" was
used  as a  source of  secondary literature  for defining of
postmodernist  features.  The  most  visible  and  prevalent
features  are  postmodernist   metonymy,  treatment  of  the
character, dynamic tension, anarchy and a postmodernist look
at religion as a whole.
      To put  Vonnegut's Cradle into  a definite time  span,
let me start  with a bit of personal  data about the author.
Kurt  Vonnegut,  Jr.  was  born  on  November  11,  1922  in
Indianapolis, Indiana.  Although from a  wealthy family, the
Depression  caused  a  rapid  lost  of  their fortune. After
having no success with his  study of science, Vonnegut found
pleasure  in  writing.  Poor  academic  performance made him
leave the university and join the U.S. Army.
      It is hard  to state for sure, if  his inspiration for
writing  laid mostly  in his  genetically inherited poetical
cells  or  in  his  life  experience.  When  we  look at his
father's  occupation, we  find nothing  striking that  would
have  something in  common with  writing. His  father was an
architect.  So let's  have a   look at  his mother.  She had
a long  history  of   mental  instability  and  consequently
committed a suicide. As well  known, in each talented writer
is  a   piece  of  insanity.   After  taking  into   account
Vonnegut's science  fiction themes, we  can lead discussions
about this connection to his mother's sanity. Some inherited
features can be seen, if we take into consideration, that in
1984 Vonnegut attempted to commit suicide as well, for which
he blamed his mother's example.
      Vonnegut's  war  experience  left  clear  marks on his
writing and  in the book Cat's  Cradle as well. As  a direct
witness of  the bombing of  Dresden, Vonnegut was  left with
unforgettable  memories. The  scene of  senseless misery and
mass  destruction at  Dresden  played  an important  role in
forming  Vonnegut's intellect  and pacifist  views. Just  as
Petr Zelenka in his book about Vonnegut's new religion says:
"Vonnegut, as  a fantastic moralist,  cynical pacifist, holy
atheist,   anti-intellectual   philosopher,   a   pocalyptic
futurist and bitter humorist, covered all these paradoxes of
our time."
      After  studying  anthropology,   Vonnegut  worked  for
General Electric  and was forced  to continue writing  short
stories in order  to make living for his  family. Because of
the low  wages there, Vonnegut found  a job as a  teacher of
English in  Rhode Island, where  he wrote many  of his short
novels. Vonnegut  became a science  fiction writer, although
not very pleased by this  label. As the author himself says,
his novels  were directed for  the people who  like to spend
long  evenings with  a pleasing  novel or  short story.  The
novels were for the people of such times, when there were no
TV,  movies or  radio. They  were for  the people,  who were
relaxing with a magazine in their hand.(HN Víkend)
      The best description of America  at that time is to be
found  in Lundguist's  book Kurt  Vonnegut, where  he quotes
Vonnegut's words:

         America was an idealistic, pacifistic nation at the
         time. I was  taught in the sixth grade  to be proud
         that we had a standing  army of just over a hundred
         thousand men  and that generals had  nothing to say
         about what was done in  Washington. I was taught to
         be proud of that and to pity Europe for having more
         than  a million  men  under  arms and  spending all
         their money on airplanes  and tanks. I simply never
         unlearned  junior civics.  I still  believe in  it.
         I got a very good grade (Lundquist 2-3).

      In  an   essay  by  McDowell  we   even  find  a  very
interesting comparison of  Vonnegut's writing and Hitchcock.
" In  fact, in  each of  his novels  there is  at least  one
character from  his native region.  This can be  compared to
director  Alfred  Hitchcock's  practice  of  self  cameos on
screen." It is true, that we can find some parallels between
Vonnegut's books and his life.  The book Cat's Cradle is no
exception. The Hoenikker family of the novel, consists of an
elder son, middle daughter and  the youngest child is a boy,
just the same as in  Vonnegut's own family. Another parallel
can be seen in connection with Vonnegut's mother. His mother
committed suicide,  when he was twenty-two  years old and in
many of his novels the character of the mother is dead.

      But let's focus on the  book Cat's Cradle itself. This
book  was written  in 1963.  The second  title of  the book,
which is, "The  Day the World Ended" can  attract the reader
      John,  a writer,  is the  fictional author  of a book,
which  he calls  "The Day  the World  Ended." He  decides to
write  about Felix  Hoenikker, one  of the  creators of  the
atomic  bomb and  his family  on the  day when  the bomb was
dropped on  Hiroshima. In his  research, John gets  in touch
with  Newt  Hoenikker,  the  youngest,  midget  son of Felix
Hoenikker. Newt  writes letters to John  and tells him about
his brother Frank and sister Angela. Newt also describes the
day when the bomb was dropped,  the day when his father went
to  play with  him and  scared him  with his  ugly face. The
Cat's Cradle was a string game, which Felix was playing that
morning. The whole family is very strange. Newt is a midget.
From  his early  youth, Frank  loved to  play with  bugs and
ants,  and  Angela,  a  six-foot  tall  unattractive  woman,
believed her father was an unappreciated saint. John becomes
involved with  these people and learns  about Felix's latest
invention - ice-nine. Ice-nine can  turn water to ice. After
Felix's  death, his  ch ildren  divided this  ice-nine among
themselves and each of them used it in a quite peculiar way.
John's  research  takes  him   closer  and  closer  to  this
invention.  John's work  takes him  to the  republic of  San
Lorenzo, where the whole story finds its climax.

      Postmodernist  features can  be found  through out the
whole novel.  Ihab Hassan in  his essay Toward  a Concept of
Postmodernism defines Postmodernism as:

 * Paraphysics/Dadaism       * Antiform (disjunctive, open)
 * Play                      * Chance
 * Anarchy                   * Exhaustion/silence
 * Performance/Happening     * Participation
 * Decreation/Deconstruction * Antithesis
 * Absence                   * Dispersal
 * Text/Intertext            * Rhetoric
 * Syntagm                   * Parataxis
 * Metonymy                  * Combination
 * Rhizome/Surface           * Against Interpretation
 * Misreading                * Signifier
 * Idiolect                  * Desire
 * Mutant                    * Polymorphous
 * Schizophrenia             * Difference-Differance/Trace
 * The Holy Ghost            * Irony
 * Indeterminacy             * Immanence

      Individual  chapters, and  their compositions  express
the postmodernist metonymy. Their  succession and titles are
rather  unusual for  a novel.  Chapters are  short and  with
describing  titles such  as: "A  Nice Midget;  O.K., Mom; No
Pain; Communists, Nazis,  Royalists, Parachutists, and Draft
Dodgers…"  The factual  metonymy can  be seen  in the  Cat's
Cradle  as  well.  The  complicated  structure  of the Cat's
Cradle in the form of  string parallels the structure of the
atom bomb.  Hoenikker himself connects both  , when he plays
Cat's Cradle on the day that his invention is used.

      The  main  narrator  of  the  book  differs  from  his
modernist  predecessors and  regular heroes  already in  his
name and  treatment of his character.  The first sentence of
the book tells  us: "Call me Jonah." (7)  This name could be
easily connected with the  biblical Jonah, who was swallowed
by a giant  whale on the way to Ninive.  The name Jonah does
not have  only biblical connotations though;  it refers also
to the  Melville's Moby Dick.  Peter Reed in  his book about
Vonnegut  writes about  this point:  "It  is  characteristic
that  Vonnegut's  speaker  should  be  a  Jonah,  who…  gets
swallowed  by   the  whale,  rather   than  a  whale-hunting
Ishmael." This opinion is  understandable, when we take into
consideration, that Jonah from  Cat's Cradle was not hunting
any whale, which could be  represented by Bokononism. On the
contrary, he  readily accepted this religion  and in the end
was completely swallowed by  these "harmful lies", just like
Jonah by the whale in the biblical story.

      The playfulness  is clear from the  title of the book.
The Cat's Cradle is a game  with a loop of string. The Cat's
Cradle was actually one of the figures made with the string.
      Felix  Hoenikker, the  "father" of  the atom  bomb and
father  of the  three children  played this  game on the day
when  the atom  bomb was  dropped. He  never played with his
children, almost never spoke to  them, but he played on this
fatal  day.  There  are  no  shocking  visions  described in
connection to this day, just  a children's game, which eases
the atmosphere of that day.  Even Hoenikker's lab looks like
a child's room. It is filled with things such as a kite with
a broken  spine,  a  bubble  pipe,  or  a  fi  sh bowl. This
eccentric scientist  was always absorbed  in thoughts, which
resembled  children's   questions  like:  "I   wonder  about
turtles.  When they  pull in  their heads,  do their  spines
buckle  or  contract?"  (15)  Hoenikker's  second invention,
Ice-nine, is  actually a game  as well. The  typical role of
a scientist  is  switched  here.  He  plays  with  it in his
kitchen and cooks it in a pan.
      The role of this Ice-nine is the same as inventions in
books  of Jules  Verne or  Karel Čapek,  all of  these write
about some invention, which destroys the world.
      The title of the book brings us to an even closer look
at the  matter. Why "Cat's  in the Cradle"?  The cat can  be
found in the Cradle only when children play with the cat and
put  it  there.  So  as  we   can  see,  it  is  again  just
a children's game applied to the world's destiny.
      Even  the dialect  at San  Lorenzo is  like a  child's
speech. John writes about this  dialect: "The dialect of San
Lorenzo is  both easy to  understand and difficult  to write
down." (71) Bokonon's poems  are like children's rhymes. The
rebirth of Bokonon is described in rhymes as well:

      "Be like a baby,
      The Bible say,
      So I stay like a baby
      To this very day." (70)

      The different postmodernist points of view are seen on
the presentation of Newt's painting. He likes painting, even
though his paintings resemble children's doodles rather than
real paintings.  Here we see  the inclination towards  play,
anarchy   (in   terms   of   its   chaotic   drawings)   and

      The  postmodernist dynamic  tension is  represented by
visible   symbolism   throughout   the   work.  Science  and
technology  in  the  palace  at  San  Lorenzo are opposed to
Bokonon, jungle and religion. Just  as the opposites of good
and evil,  Satan and Saint.  Bokonon in one  of his Calypsos
says about this dynamic tension:

      "Papa" Monzano, he's so very bad
      But without bad "Papa" I would be so sad,
      Because without "Papa's" badness,
      Tell me, if you would,
      How could wicked old Bokonon
      Ever, ever look good?"

      Postmodernism  does  not  prefer   any  pole  of  this
tension. It acknowledges the variety of counterparts, views,
there  is the  ability of  toleration because  the "absolute
sense does not exist". (Book of Bokonon)

      When  talking about  Bokonon, the  whole Bokononism is
a kind of  postmodernist religion. The  ending - ism  itself
refers  to   the  thesis,  which  all   these  -isms  claim,
(capitalism, communism,  socialism…) and that  is: that only
their -ism  is the right one  for the world. The  founder of
Bokononism was Lionel Boyd Johnson, whose name was corrupted
by the island dialect. Bokononism contains the postmodernist
misreading, combination and anarchy  at once. Even the first
verse in the Book of Bokonons  says: "All of the true things
that I am  to tell you are shameless lies."  Here we can see
Vonnegut's opinion about religion.  He tells us, that people
always look  for something to what  they can believe. "Truth
was  the  enemy  of  the  people,  because  the truth was so
terrible,  so Bokonon  made it  his business  to provide the
people  with  better  and  better  lies."  The religion just
covers  the horrible  truths out  there. Bokononism  is like
a play. All the  people are actors, which are  fed with lies
and like  in a Christianity  or other religions,  they don't
question it,  they just blindly  follow it. They  believe in
their made  up religion, they believe  in something which is
not.  Like  Cat's  Cradle,  which  for  some  people is just
a bunch of strings,  for some a real image  of a Cradle. The
crisis of Christianity (religion)  is according to Vonnegut:
"The adults can not regard  themselves as God's little sheep
anymore." In another interview he  says: "We can not believe
in Christianity anymore, we know  too much about the world."
(Zelenka, 87) This a postmodernist feature, which is typical
for many postmodernist books. The main faith is not based in
some religion,  but in man  himself. Vonnegut states  a very
original opinion about God's creation: "Whoever writes about
other humans,  and creates their  pains, loves, sorrows  and
passions, he tastes personally the process of God's creation
and  for  these  characters   he  becomes  a  God  himself."
(Zelenka, 89)  Even Felix Hoenikker was  described as person
so  innocent, that  he was  pract ically  a Jesus. The essay
"Understanding  Religion  Through   Cat's  Cradle"  presents
further  analysis  of  Jesus  and  Christianity.  "Once  the
comparison is made it is surprisingly relevant in that Jesus
created a religion that would,  over time, cause hundreds of
thousands  of  deaths  also."  (3)  An  open critique of the
Catholic Church is included in one of the Calypsos as well:

      On the Natives of San Lorenzo:
      Oh, a very sorry people, yes,
      Did I find here.
      Oh, they had no music,
      And they had no beer.
      And, oh, everywhere
      Where they tried to perch
      Belonged to Castle Sugar, Incorporated,
      Or the Catholic church.

      The Book  of Bokonon mentioned in  Cat's Cradle is not
complete,  we can  get some  overall idea  of it though. The
Books  number  1,  6,  &,  and  14  are  mentioned, then the
Calypsos  (poems,  riddles),  and  various  separate verses,
stories  and  autobiographical  sections  about  Bokonon are
included.  In the  Seventh  Book,  which is  about Bokonon's
Republic,  we find  again some  parallel to  a game: "Let us
start our Republic  with a chain of drug  stores, a chain of
grocery  stores, a  chain of  gas chambers,  and a nati onal
game.  After  that  we  can  write  our  Constitution."  The
postmodernist  composition of  these "Books"  is visible  on
every  line.  The  postmodernist   antiform,  with  all  its
disjunctiveness, and  open form of  verses and intertext  is
intertwined  throughout  the  whole  of  Cat's  Cradle.  For
example  the Fourteenth  Book of  Bokonon, which  is a short
book with a long title:

      Title: What  Can a Thoughtful Man  Hope for Mankind of
      Earth, Given the Experience of the Past Million Years?
      Only verse: Nothing

      Complete anarchy  is seen in  the Bokonons verses  and
opinions. The  innovation and new ideas  spring from all his
sayings: "Maturity  is a bitter disappointment  for which no
remedy  exists,  unless  laughter  can  be  said  to  remedy
anything."  Even  the  invention  of  foma,  which are lies,
harmless untruths  or as in  the online Dictionary  of Terms
from the Books of Bokonon called "a useful and harmless sort
of  horseshit" are  a kind  of new  religion, an  innovative
interpretation of a new look at the way of our living.

      As  we can  see, the  whole  book  is full  of a  very
distinctive humor, anarchic view  of religion and history as
well.  The world  is according  to Vonnegut  based on  these
Bokonon's quotations:

      "God never wrote a good play in his life.
      History! Read it and weep!"
      And  another harmless  attack on  religion "Of  course
      it's trash!"

But the  book is also full  of "frail human beings,  who are
simply incapable  of the moral strength  and wisdom demanded
of  them,  but  this  makes  the  satire even more powerful:
Mankind  continually  refuses  to  acknowledge  what  may be
called  its  terminal  stupidity  and  therefore perpetually
threatens its own existence." (Synopsis, Cat's Cradle)

      At the end of this  analysis we can see, that Vonnegut
is an  author of this postmodernist  culture, which embraces
to all problems of our society. He addresses the generation,
which  finds pleasure  in parody  on humans'  stupidity, our
deepest  convictions  and  beliefs.  All  this  he  masterly
manages with  his superb humor and  inventive style, despite
the fact, that  many of the themes are  not optimistic about
human  fate at  all. Vonnegut's  partly autobiographic  book
Cat's Cradle  is full of playfulness,  s triking oppositions
and metonymical  comparisons. On a  presentation of made  up
religion he shows human stupidity  and blind faith, which we
need for  our lives, which we  need, to give our  lives some
meaning. After thorough consideration,  we might come to the
conclusion,   that  Bokonon   himself  best   expresses  the
possibility of our own  destruction, blind belief, and human

  Someday, someday, this crazy world will have to end,
  And our God will take things back that He to us did lend.
  And if, on that sad day, you want to scold our God,
  Why just go ahead and scold Him. He'll just smile and nod.


Hasan,  Ihab.  "Toward  a  Concept  of  Postmodernism."  The
Disemberment  of Orpheus:  Towards a  Postmodern Literature.

Reed, Peter, J. Kurt Vonnegut. New York: Warner Books, 1972.

Vonnegut, Kurt. Cat's Cradle. London: Penguin Books, 1965.

Zelenka,  Petr.   Zelenka,  Petr.  Nové   náboženství  Kurta
Vonneguta. Jinočany: H&H, 1992.
16.3.2002 (The Books of Bokonon)
16.3.2002 („A life worth living" essay by Nick McDowell)
16.3.2002 (Synopsis: Cat´s Cradle)
16.3.2002  („Understanding  Religion  Through  Cat's Cradle"
essay by Liana Price)
16.3.2002 (Vonnegut´s life)
25.11.2001 (Vonnegut´s life)

"Když  povídka  byla  králem."  HN  Víkend 2.November. 2001,
natl.ed.: 21.

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