Marek Vit's Kurt Vonnegut Corner
Destruction  of  Dresden,  destruction  of Vonnegut's dream
Brittany Dunstan

     The  little dream  Vonnegut took   with him  to war  was not
founded on  the rubble of insanity,  absurdity, and irrationality
that  he experienced  in WWII.  His dream  was founded  on order,
stability,  and   justice.  It  was   founded  on  what   Dresden
symbolized.  And when  Dresden evaporated  so too  did Vonnegut's
dream. (Klinkowitz 223)

     Vonnegut's views on death,  war, technology and human nature
were all affected  by his experience in Dresden  and these themes
become evident  in his novels.  The common thread  between all of
Vonnegut's themes  is war.The bombing  of Dresden had  a profound
impact  on the  life and  writing of  Kurt Vonnegut.  "Rarely has
a single incident  so dominated the work  of a writer" (Goldsmith
IX).  World War  II shaped  many of  Kurt Vonnegut's philosophies
that appear in his  novels, especially Slaughterhouse Five. "With
Slaughterhouse Five, Vonnegut was able  to deal directly with his
war time  nightmare" (Klinkowitz 225). In  Slaughterhouse Five we
witness  a moment  of balance  in Vonnegut's  life when  he finds
himself capable of  dealing with the intense pain  of his Dresden
experience and  ready to go on  with the business of  living. "If
the war becomes a general metaphor for Vonnegut's vision of human
condition,  Dresden becomes  the symbol,  the quintessence" (Reed
186).  What  made  the  Dresden  bombing  even  more  horrible to
Vonnegut was that as a prisoner, he was ironically protected from
the bombs and fire. Planes from  his country did the bombing, and
he  was perpetrator,  observer and  target all  at the  same time
(Goldsmith ix).
     Kurt  Vonnegut,  Jr.  was  born  on  November  11,  1922  in
Indianapolis, Indiana.  He later served in  the US Army Infantry.
He was captured after the Battle of the Bulge and sent to Dresden
to work  in a factory.  After being awarded  the Purple Heart  in
1967,   he  received   the  Guggenheim   Fellowship  to  research
Slaughterhouse  Five.  Slaughterhouse  Five  took Vonnegut twenty
years to write. He was torn  for years between a desire to forget
Dresden, and a  passion to reconcile what he  saw there. Vonnegut
says of Slaughterhouse Five: "I hate  to tell you what this lousy
little book  cost me in  money and anxiety  and time. When  I got
home from WWII twenty-three years ago, I thought it would be easy
for  me to  write about   the destruction  of Dresden,  since all
I would have to  do is report what I have  seen" (Vonnegut 2). He
also says, "It  is so short and jangled  because there is nothing
intelligent  to  say  about  the  massacre"  (Boyce  7015).  From
Dresden, he  developed his existential  philosophy and his  ideas
about the  evils of technology. Dresden  shows up in each  of his
novels.  Slaughterhouse Five  ultimately led  to Dresden  and the
disturbing and unanswerable question for  him of why man destroys
and kills (Schatt 89). Death comes up frequently in his works. It
is Vonnegut's belief  that death is too important  to ignore, yet
is  nothing  to  fear.  "To  fear  either  life  or  death, to be
immobilized by fright or horror or  grief means to give up living
and become  a pillar of  salt" (Vonnegut 33).  Vonnegut advocates
acceptance  of  the  unchangeable  course  of  life  and of death
itself, not looking back, enjoying the dance and the good moments
life  brings.  As  he  says,  "We  aren't  supposed to look back"
(Vonnegut 19). Vonnegut states "Once you're dead, you're dead" as
the moral  of his novel  Mother Night (Vonnegut  vii). Vonnegut's
view   of  death   becomes  clear   in  the   final  chapter   of
Slaughterhouse  Five  in  which  he  describes  not  his visit to
Dresden in 1968, but Billy Pilgrim's efforts to dig up the bodies
buried beneath the rubble of the  fire bombed city. When Billy is
released from captivity, Vonnegut describes  the scene as a world
full  of life  and death.  It is  spring time,  but there  are no
leaves left. There  is no traffic save an  abandoned wagon pulled
by two  horses. The wagon  is green and  coffin shaped. One  bird
sings.  Though it  is spring,  the coffin  shaped wagon serves as
a reminder of the death around him.
     Slaughterhouse Five is proof  that Vonnegut kept his promise
to write a war novel that  does not glorify or glamorize killing.
Vonnegut relates  all modern warfare  to the original  Children's
Crusade  of  1213.  In  this  crusade,  thirty  thousand children
volunteered  to  go  to  Palestine  but  half  of them drowned in
shipwrecks,  and  the  other  half  were  sold  into  slavery. He
concluded  that all  wars are  fought by  the young,  usually for
causes they can't understand. (Schatt 82). Vonnegut says: "We had
been foolish virgins  in the war, right at  the end of childhood"
(Vonnegut  182). The  innocence of   those who  fight in  wars is
depicted in the character Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse Five.
Billy, as his name suggests  becomes the innocent pilgrim through
a cruel  and absurd  world (Reed   81). Young  of face,  gawky of
stature and  childishly perplexed, Billy  Pilgrim, who, like  the
crusader starts out  on a hot mission as  a chaplain's assistant.
He makes the perfect  representational figure for this conception
of  war (Reed  183). Billy,  as the  Adam figure,  falls into the
terrible wisdom of the 20th century (Reed 181). Kurt Vonnegut was
Billy Pilgrim. Billy's being moonishly bemused, utterly helpless,
even ridiculous,  fits him for the  role of the babe  born to die
(Reed 185). In  this sense, Billy also becomes  the Christ figure
of the  novel. An innocent man  in a cruel world,  in a provoking
scene  in a  train car,  Billy hangs  himself from  a cross  bar,
symbolic  of  Christ's  crucifiction.  Vonnegut  is reminded once
again of Christ as Billy sleeps at the end of the novel. Vonnegut
says "It  reminds me of  that Christian song,  Away in a  Manger"
(Vonnegut 143). The character  of Billy gives Slaughterhouse Five
a point of focus, particle for  the emotion generated by the wide
ranging  action of  the story  (Reed 186).  After Billy  sees the
Americans shaved and cleaned, he  realized for the first time how
young  they  are  and  is  shocked.  "My  God, its the Children's
Crusade!" (Vonnegut 91).  He seems most concerned to  show war as
a terrifying  unleashing of  monstrous forces  which upsweep  the
innocent children and men to destroy and enslave them (Reed 184).
     Another   philosophy  that   was  created   from  Vonnegut's
experience in the war was a caution against unchecked science and
technology. As  World War II ended,  the people of the  world saw
some of the most terrifying  effects that science could have. For
the  first time  in history,  possibly since  Ancient Greece, the
value of  science was being  questioned. People were  not so sure
anymore that science  was always such a good  thing, and Vonnegut
is one of  the leading questioners. He states "I  am the enemy of
all  technological progress  that threatens  mankind" (Nuwer 39).
A humanist  at  heart,  he   repeatedly  demonstrates  the  human
aptitude  for cruelty,  and shows  how technology  magnifies this
cruelty beyond  control (Beetz 3398). Vonnegut  is not content to
excuse the bombing of Dresden or  Vietnam. He told his sons "they
are not  under any circumstances  to take part  in massacres, and
that the  news of massacres of  enemies is not to  fill them with
satisfaction or  glee", and they  should not work  for "companies
that  make  massacre  machinery"   (Schatt  17).  This  statement
illustrates Vonnegut's  views on the  potential evil impact  that
can be brought on by the union of man and machine.
     Vonnegut's views on human  nature were also greatly affected
by the war. In Slaughterhouse Five,  there is no idealism -- only
shock  and outrage  over the  havoc and  destruction that  man is
capable of wreaking in the name  of what he labels a worthy cause
(Schatt   84).  The   essential  battle   Vonnegut  addresses  in
Slaughterhouse Five  is man against  the violent bent  in himself
(Giannone   87).  Sentimentality,   egotism,  blind   patriotism,
materialism: these are the enemy  and for Vonnegut they symbolize
American  life  (Giannone  87).  These  imprinted  things must be
overcome in  order to avoid  the devastating things  that man can
do. He believes that there is  much room for change. "And I asked
myself about the  present: how wide it was, how  deep it was, and
how much was mine to keep" (Vanderwrken 414). This shows how much
potential there is in the  present. Billy Pilgrim's motto is "God
grant me the serenity to accept  the things that I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the
difference" (Vonnegut 52). However,  the "things that Billy could
not change were  the past, the present and  the future" (Vonnegut
52).  A humanist  at heart,  Vonnegut believes  man in inherently
good and can overcome the violent and cruel streak inside.
     Slaughterhouse Five  is an integration  of all Vonnegut  has
been saying  about the human condition  and society, and relating
these broad commentaries to the central traumatic, revelatory and
symbolic moment  of the destruction  of Dresden (Reed  172). "The
novel concerns itself not just with  Dresden or the war, but with
a much broader depiction of a  human condition which these events
emblematic  (Reed  181).  Robert  Scholes  sums  up  the theme of
Slaughterhouse Five  in the New  York Times Book  Review writing:
"Be kind. Don't  hurt. Death is coming for all  of us anyway, and
it is  better to be  Lot's wife looking  back through salty  eyes
than the deity that destroyed those  cities of the plain in order
to save  them" (VonnegutWeb 1).  Other implications of  the novel
might  be that  "war and  hate and  various form  of cruelty  are
bad"(Reed  199).  As  we   follow  the  narrator-witness  through
post-war American life, we loose  and sense that this country won
World War  II (Giannone 87). Vonnegut's  purpose for writing this
book, along with personal closure,  was challenging the reader to
question  the same  issues that  Vonnegut himself  was forced  to
ponder  at the  young age  of 22:  questions regarding death, the
futility  of  war,  the  evils  of  technology,  and  the inherit
goodness of man.
     The popularity of Slaughterhouse Five is due, in part to its
timelessness. It  deals with many  issues vital to  the late 60's
when  it was  published. The  novel is  filled with  allusions to
Vietnam, assassinations  of Kennedy and  Martin Luther King,  Jr.
and  riots  in  the  American  ghettos.  Slaughterhouse Five made
Vonnegut a  cult counterculture hero among  American students who
by reading  the book were  challenged to question  the jingoistic
view that they held (Harris  404). All of Vonnegut's war affected
philosophies add  up to his  view of life  as a "duty  dance with
death," An inevitable course leading to an inevitable end.

Works Cited:

Beetz,David.  The Novels  of Kurt  Vonnegut,Jr. New  York: Warner
Books, 1973

Giannone,  Richard.  Vonnegut.  Port  Washington: Kennikat Press,

Goldsmith,  David.  Kurt  Vonnegut:  Fantasist  of  Fire and Ice.
Bowling Green: Bowling Green Press,1972.

Harris,   Richard.  "Kurt   Vonnegut."  Survey   of  Contemporary
Literature. vol.10. Salem: Salem Press,1972.

Huber,Chris. VonnegutWeb. 21 March 1999

Klinkowitz,Jerome.  The Vonnegut  Statement. New  York: Delacorte
Press, 1973.

Nuwer, Richard.  "Kurt Vonnegut and  WWII". Contemporary Literary
Critism. vol.60. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1990.

Reed,Peter. Kurt Vonnegut,Jr. New York: Warner Books, 1972.

Schatt,Stanley. Kurt Vonnegut,Jr. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1976.

Vanderwerken,Joseph.     "Slaughterhouse     Five."     Beacham's
Encyclopedia  of  Popular  Fiction.  vol.5.  Washington:  Beacham

Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse Five.  New York: Seymore Lawrence,

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