Marek Vit's Kurt Vonnegut Corner
The Use of Fragmentation in Slaughterhouse-Five
Jason Dawley

In  the  novel   Slaughterhouse-Five,  Kurt  Vonnegut  uses
fragmentation of time, structure and  character in order to unify
his  non-linear  narrative.   Vonnegut's  main  character,  Billy
Pilgrim,  travels back  and forth  in his  own life  span "paying
random visits  to all events in  between" (SF 23). The  result is
Billy's  life is  presented as  a series  of episodes without any
chronological  obligations.  This  mirrors  the  structure of the
novel  which has  a beginning,  middle and  end but  not in their
traditional places.
      The first piece of information that is given about Billy is
that  he has  "come unstuck  in time"  (SF23). With this sentence
Vonnegut has turned time from  the intangible to the tangible and
thus he is now  able to use it to fit his  own purposes. By using
the word  "unstuck", Vonnegut implies  that Billy has  now become
free. Consequently,  Vonnegut's narrative, as well  as Billy, has
achieved a  freedom of sorts. Vonnegut  will not be tied  down by
the conventions  of time; now he  will be able to  place Billy in
any time  frame he chooses.  Vonnegut moves Billy  rapidly,having
him experience  a mere fragment  of his life  before whisking him
off again. This  creates a collage effect in  the novel, which is
made  up  of  bits  and  pieces  of  Billy's life. By fragmenting
Billy's life like this, Vonnegut is able to bring the events that
comprise his  life closer together. One  minute Billy is marching
through a forest and the next he  is waiting at a public pool for
his father to teach him how to swim. This co nstant fragmentation
of Billy's  life serves, ironically,  to unify Billy's  character
for  the reader.  By going  back and  forth in  Billy's life  the
reader is able  to see a whole picture of  what Billy is actually
like instead of just one fragment of his personality.
      Vonnegut  also uses  time fragmentation  in order  keep the
Dresden bombing fresh in the  reader's mind. When Billy goes back
to Dresden  the reader goes with  him. The reader is  able to get
a first hand account  of the massacre, but, at  the same time, to
gain a distance  from it. Vonnegut gives the  reader both worlds.
The reader is  able to live through the horrors  of war and then,
in almost the same instant, reflect on them. The fragmentation of
Billy's life in the war and  after enables the unification of the
emotional and intellectual response of the reader.
      Due to the fragmentation of  time there is no past, present
or future in Slaughterhouse-Five. This  view of all time existing
at once becomes a lesson that Billy learns from a group of aliens
called  Tralfamadorians.   Their  way  of  looking   at  time  is
comparable to a human's way of looking at "a stretch of the Rocky
Mountains"  (SF 27).  The Tralfamadorian  way of  looking at  the
universe, the acceptance that all things good or bad are destined
to  happen, becomes  Billy's way.  The reader  cannot help  being
drawn into this mind frame because he or she is constantly seeing
through Billy's eyes. The reader  is with Billy wherever he goes.
Just as  Billy has no  control over his  time travel, the  reader
feels exposed  to the author's  every whim. Vonnegut  asserts his
own control of  the reader response by adding  "so it goes" after
every   account  of   death.  This   repitition  of   the  phrase
de-emphasizes the tragedy  of death while at the  same time cries
out at the  formation of such a hardened  exterior. Vonnegut uses
the  post-modern technique  of  fusing  opposite meanings  in one
phrase  in  order  to  show  the  struggle  that he has accepting
negative aspects. Vonnegut became  a realist after living through
the actual  Dresden bombing, but  he fears losing  his compassion
because of it.  As he says in the  autobiographical first chapter
when  referring to  a family  tragedy "I've  seen lots worse than
that in the war" (SF 10).
      This leads back to one of the main reasons why Vonnegut has
fragmented time for  Billy. By having the story  of Billy read as
a series of fragmented episodes, Vonnegut is able to return again
and  again to  Dresden. The  brutality that  occurs to and around
Billy is not allowed to be  buried in the past. Vonnegut presents
the war experience as one that still goes on (so it goes?). Billy
never  leaves the  war for  long; as  a result  neither does  the
reader.  The reader  is not   allowed to  experience the  war and
become desensitized, Vonnegut gives  the reader horrific details,
but saves the  actual account of the bombing  until the reader is
firmly  entrenched in  the narrative.  The reader  is denied  the
luxury of  saying that he  or she has  seen worse; the  worst has
been going on since the start of the novel.
      Vonnegut  continues  his  time  fragmented  novel by having
Billy step  out of time,  and earth, to  the planet Trafalmadore.
This  planet is  often described  by both  Billy and  Vonnegut as
"heavenly".  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  only place
Vonnegut allows Billy to have any  peace is the one that abandons
all time laws, and free  will, completely. The aliens teach Billy
to  view   his  own  existence   as  a  long   line  rather  than
concentrating  on  one  point  in  particular.  In  the same way,
Vonnegut takes  the reader out  of any particular  time frame and
forces him or her to view the novel as a whole rather than pieces
of events.
      With all  the fragmenting going  on in Slaughterhouse-Five,
it is no  wonder that Billy Pilgrim always seems  on the verge of
breaking up. Billy is constantly reacting to the pressures of the
outside world. Billy's character is defined by whichever event he
finds himself in.  Billy says that he is in  "a constant state of
stage  fright" (SF  23). Billy  has been  forced to split himself
into  many   different  parts  including   soldier,  husband  and
employer.  Physically  and  mentally,  Billy  seems  to be spread
a little too thin to handle all of these roles. As Billy ages, he
becomes so  separated from himself  that he must  play a role  at
each  stage of  his life.  Even  when  he steps  out of  time and
becomes  involved  in  a  true  caring  relationship with Montana
Wildhack, he is  still performing. Every one of  his moments with
Montana is scrutinized by the Tralfamadorians. Billy is always on
stage.  Vonnegut's  concern  for  the  dangers  of  role  playing
surfaces with  the example of Billy  Pilgrim. In Vonnegut's novel
Mother Night, the moral was "we  are who we pretend to be". Billy
takes this  slogan a step further  by becoming a person  who must
pretend in order to be.
      Vonnegut  has said  that the  science fiction  parts in his
novels are intended  as comic relief, but it  has been shown that
they  are  not  merely  meant  for  entertainment  purposes.  The
Tralfamadorians' theory of time is essential to the narrative. At
first, the  short, blocky sections  that the novel  is split into
seem chaotic. After taking  into account the Trafalmadorians' way
of  seeing time  as a  whole rather  than fragments  however, the
reader is  able to view Billy's  life in terms of  the larger con
text rather than the bits and pieces that are given.
      The  joining of  Trafalmadorian and  Vonnegut theory  comes
with  the introduction  of  the  Trafalmadorian novels  to Billy.
These  novels  consist  of  clumps,  eahc  one  of which contains
a message. These clumps  are not in any particular  order and are
not  read individually  but simultaneously.  This is  exactly how
Vonnegut  wishes his  novel to  be read.  He breaks apart Billy's
life and then pieces it  together again in a non-sequential order
so that the  reade will be able to view  Billy's life all at once
rather than  day by day.  It is important  for the reader  to see
Billy's  whole life  so that  there are  no illusions  of a happy
ending. The  reader must read through  the narrative knowing that
the main character will suffer and die without coming up with any
answers. In the  post modern fashion, Vonnegut does  not give any
solutions to the problems that arise  in the text. The point that
he labours to  make is that "there is  nothing intelligent to say
about a massacre" (SF 19).
      The  use of  fragmentation is  Slaughterhouse-Five goes far
beyond  simply dividing  the text  into short  sections. Vonnegut
uses fragmentation to clarify Billy's character, to ilustrate the
Trafalmadorians time theory, and  to maintain the Dresden bombing
as an  on-going atrocity. All these  elements interweave in order
to give uniformity  to a text that, at first  glance, seems to be
going  in all  different directions.  Of course,  this is exactly
what Vonnegut has  set out to achieve; all  these directions work
to  spread ou  the novel  and force  it to  be viewed  as a whole
rather than the fragments it consists of.

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