Marek Vit's Kurt Vonnegut Corner
Tools of Literature: Destiny Used as a Fictive Device
By Nathan Martin
(Neuchatel Junior College, Suisse   December 18, 1997)

     The  literary genius  of Kurt  Vonnegut is  evidenced by his
ability to weave a story from  the most mundane of characters and
circumstances  into an  intricate  web  of possibilities  for his
stories  by  using  literary  tools  such  as  cause  and effect,
congruence and  destiny. Here we  will examine Vonnegut's  use of
one of these  literary tools, destiny as a  fictive device, which
serves to propel the three  following books: Cat's Cradle, Mother
Night, and Jailbird. Kurt Vonnegut is a master of fictive devices
because  he   uses  them  to   construct  an  intricate   web  of
possibilities for his stories to proceed on.
     Destiny,  as the  dictionary tells  us, is  "a predetermined
course of events often held to  be a resistless power or agency,"
and in these three novels,  Kurt Vonnegut implies that destiny is
just the  way things are bound  to be. Some of  the many forms of
destiny used by Vonnegut to guide his characters and to shove his
stories into the right direction  include: destiny for people who
don't   believe   in   destiny;   such   as   religious  persons,
anti-destiny;   the   idea   of   what   might   have  been,  and
predestination;  the idea  that what  happens to  you is  already
     In  Jailbird,  Vonnegut  uses  a  particularly  obscure main
character  named  Walter  F.  Starbuck.  Walter  F.  Starbuck was
a normal,  law-abiding citizen  in his  fifties, with  a wife and
a son who  didn't like him,  but, by using  destiny as a  fictive
device,  Kurt  Vonnegut  creates  an  amazing  story  filled with
adventure, love, and betrayal.
     In the novel Mother Night Vonnegut  lays out the life of his
main character, Howard W Campbell,  Jr., from when he was eleven.
Howard would not think of becoming a top-secret spy agent for the
U.S.A. when he was such an unimportant playwright in Germany, who
was  not even  interested in  war,  "  If war  comes, I  won't do
anything to  help it along."(p.40  Mother Night), but  Howard has
a destiny; arranged by Vonnegut, to  be a spy; thus, helping Jews
to escape  the grasp of Hitler  during World War Two,  aiding The
United  States of  America to   end the  war, and  himself having
a life  that  is  anything  but  inane.  Cat's  Cradle  is  "  an
unforgettable ride!"(The New York  Times). Kurt Vonnegut not only
uses  destiny as  a fictive  device to  propel the  lives of  his
characters, but also invents his  own religion, known as Bokonon,
which is based on destiny.
     The first  form of destiny  used by Vonnegut  is destiny for
people who  don't believe in  destiny. In Jailbird,  for example,
this form  is noted at the  opening of the novel:  "Life goes on,
yes-and  a fool  and his  self-respect are  soon parted,  perhaps
never  to  be  reunited   even  on  Judgement  Day."  Traditional
institutions  of religion  invoke destiny,  even though  they all
disown the idea of destiny. Religions invoke destiny as Judgement
Day,  the idea  that one  day, God  will come  to earth and judge
everyone's soul and  determine whether your soul will  go to Hell
or Heaven. This form is used later in Jailbird to introduce a new
main  character:  "As  luck  would  have  it,  ..."  The new main
character  is  introduced  and  effects  the  life  of  Walter F.
Starbuck throughout the rest of the novel, as well as the outcome
of the novel.
     This  form is  also used  in Cat's  Cradle to  determine the
outcome  of the  main character's  life: "It  was Krebbs mission,
whether  he  knew   it  or  not,  to  disenchant   me  with  that
philosophy."  The philosophy  that is  mentioned is  the idea  of
Nihilism. Nihilism is the idea that  there is no God that effects
us in any  way, there is no destiny, no  fate, and believing that
nothing makes sense. The main  character in Cat's Cradle is John.
John allows  a friend named Krebbs  to use his apartment  and the
man  destroys  it.  This  influences  John,  being disgusted from
seeing  the mess  and his  dead cat,  not to  become a  Nihilist,
allowing  the opportunity  of becoming  a Bokononist  open. Being
a Bokononist means  one believes heavily in  destiny. When a main
character's life revolves  around destiny, it is easy  to come up
with new ideas to keep the story going because Vonnegut makes the
main character believe in something.  This furthers the length of
the novel by giving Kurt Vonnegut something more to write about.
     Anti-destiny is  the idea of what  might have been. Vonnegut
uses anti-destiny in his novel Jailbird to show how much the life
of  one  main  character  can  effect  the  life  of  other  main
character(s). "She  might have been  a great translator,  for one
thing...I was  Ruth's inferior, you  might say."(p60-61 Jailbird)
Vonnegut uses Ruth to achieve  a stark contrast between Starbuck;
an  insignificant  man,  and  the  huge  events  that  he  was to
precipitate.  Starbuck,  her  clumsy  assistant,  was destined to
determine the economic destiny of the planet.
     Ruth  was fluent  in several  languages, a  portrait artist,
a photographer  and  an  interior  decorator.  Yet  for  all  her
ability, all  her influence in  the world was  to produce a  book
review for the New York Times. (p60-61 Jailbird)
     Predestination  is used  throughout these  three novels more
than any other  form of destiny. Vonnegut uses  this form to give
a simple  reason   for  an  insignificant   situation,  and  then
expanding  on that  simple reason  to have  more to  write about.
Predestination is the  idea that God has already  made things the
way he wanted to and humans are only catching-up. In other words,
the  characters have  no comment   on what  will happen  to them.
"'Sometimes the  pool-pah', Bokonon tells us,  'exceeds the power
of Humans  to comment.'"(p Cat's Cradle).  Pool-pah is the "Wrath
of God"(p  Cat's Cradle). This quote  states that the character's
lives are pre-destined  to what God has hand-made  them to be. An
example of  this in Mother  Night is how  Howard W Campbell,  Jr.
meets his  neighbor. "I felt  compelled to show  somebody..., the
marvellous thing I had made."(p48  Mother Night) The main word in
this  quote is  'compelled'. Feeling  compelled is  a feeling  of
which one  feels one needs to  do something without understanding
why. Howard W Campbell, Jr. feels compelled to show his neighbor,
Colonel  Iona Potapov,  a Russian  spy, the  chess pieces he just
finished carving.  This led to Colonel  Iona Potapov using Howard
cruelly in  an attempt to  advance the Russian  cause (no further
details  on  how)  because  the  two  were  destined to meet. "If
I hadn't  carved that  chess set,  we never  would have met."(p48
Mother Night)
     Not only did Howard W.  Campbell, Jr. meet, they became very
good  friends. "After  that, Kraft  and I  played at  least three
games a  day, every day for  a year."(p51 Mother Night)  Kraft is
the name Howard  W. Campbell, Jr. uses for  Colonel Iona Potapov.
Their relationship  was also predestination because  it built its
self  upon  things  that  were  coincidental.  "One  particularly
touching thing  between us was  the matter of  wines."(p51 Mother
Night) Relationships are easily made by simply putting two people
in the same  place at the same time and  giving an explanation of
how they meet  then, give a reason that sounds  like it was their
destiny to  meet. Now this is  a new character in  the story that
relates to the reader by relating to the main character.
     Predestination is used as well  in Cat's Cradle by referring
to  a fictive  religion, which  was created  by Kurt  Vonnegut to
write  this novel  and to  keep it  going. "Bokonon observes that
such  investigations  are  bound  to  be  incomplete."(p13  Cat's
Cradle)  Anything  'bound  to  be'  is  definitely  destiny. When
something  is  'incomplete',  it  is  because  of  the  folly  of
pretending to  discover. Pretending to  discover leaves something
incomplete and this leaves something more for the author to write
about. "I was bound to find out what the banging was right away."
John,  the   main  character  in   Cat's  Cradle,  found   Frank,
a semi-important  character in  the same  novel, as  an effect of
being bound, or destined, to  investigate. Kurt Vonnegut uses the
word 'found' because Frank had  telephoned John the night before.
The call sounded as though it  were secret and Frank told John to
meet him at  Frank's house and wouldn't tell  why over the phone.
Frank didn't  show up that  night and John  'found' him the  next
morning pounding on the front door with military protection.
     Almost a  dictionary definition of destiny  given by John in
Cat's Cradle.  "As it was supposed  to happen."(p63 Cat's Cradle)
Kurt  Vonnegut uses  this as  explaining why  he chooses to write
about a piece following. This  gives more support to the analysis
of destiny used as a fictive device.
     Another example  of pre-destiny is  how John gives  into his
destiny  of becoming  a Bokononist.  "And, inwardly,  I sarooned,
which  is to  say that  I aquiesed  to the  seeming demands of my
vin-dit."(p137 Cat's Cradle). A  vin-dit is "...a Bokononist word
meaning  a  sudden,  very  personal  shove  in  the  direction of
Bokononism,..."(p53  Cat's Cradle).  By making  the character  of
John believe in destiny, anything that happens, which sounds like
destiny, the character will react  to. This gives the author more
to write about.
     Kurt  Vonnegut  is  a  great  author  of American literature
because  of how  he uses   literary tools  to write  his exciting
stories.  Destiny used  as a  fictive device  is the easiest tool
Kurt Vonnegut uses to fertilise  the lives of his characters, but
it is also the most effective.  If more teachers taught about how
destiny is used  as a fictive device, then  we would all benefit,
as writers and readers.

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