Marek Vit's Kurt Vonnegut Corner
Synchronicity  between  parallel  plot  lines  in Slaughterhouse-Five

Cortney Joseph Fusco

     Kurt Vonnegut is and will always  in my eyes and in the eyes
of many others the writer who made the science-fiction genre safe
for  not only  mainstream appeal,  but also  critical acclaim and
intellectual contemplation. Even though  Arthur C. Clarke's 2001:
A Space  Odyssey  and  Douglas   Adams'  Hitchhiker  series  were
released  in  roughly  the  same  timeframe  as  Kurt  Vonnegut's
Slaughterhouse-Five, none  has held the same  aura of respect and
significance to  the literary zeitgeist  as Vonnegut's monumental
masterpiece.  The  respect  Slaughterhouse-Five  garnishes  among
bookworms and  the intellectual elite alike  is no accident. Kurt
Vonnegut's universal acclaim and appeal  surely comes in no small
part from his gift for connecting, almost unnoticiably, seemingly
unrelated  objects  and  events  to  give  them  deeper  meaning,
creating   a   phenomenon   known   within   Jungian  circles  as
synchronicity. By  making his novel  so multi-layered by  drawing
these comparisons, such as in  being transported from a train car
into a POW  camp to an extraterrestrial spaceship  that hums like
a melodious owl, human beings being trapped within each moment in
time like an insect in amber,  and the writer's own repetition of
his  current project  to a  jokey old  song, the  writer gives us
a deeper  insight into  the real  multi-layeredness of  space and
     When Billy  Pilgrim and his fellow  POWs are transported out
of their train car and toward the POW camp, Vonnegut compares the
calm  peeking-in  and  speech  of  the  Axis  power guards to the
behavior of  an owl. The  owl had been  mentioned earlier in  the
novel,  more specifically  in the  persona of  a clock hanging in
Billy's office, and is brought  up again here to describe Billy's
antagonists: "The  guards peeked in  Billy's car owlishly,  cooed
calmingly." By  using the owl  already mentioned in  the novel as
a metaphor, Vonnegut  makes an otherwise  uncomfortable and tense
situation  more familiar.  The  writer  uses this  metaphor again
while telling  of the movement of  the POWs out of  the train car
and  into the  camp unloading  area: "They  had never  dealt with
Americans  before,  but  they  understood  this  general  sort of
freight...[it] could be induced to  flow slowly toward cooing and
light.  It  was  nighttime.  The  only  light  outside  came from
a single  bulb which  hung from  a pole...All  was quiet outside,
except for the guards, who cooed like doves." A similar situation
occurs  later  in  the  novel  when  Billy  is  abducted  by  the
Tralfamadorians. The spaceship hovers  over Billy, the only sound
being  made sounded  like it  might have  been a  from "melodious
owl." As the owl song of the saucer continues, Billy is enveloped
in a pulsating purple light and  has no choice but to rise toward
it, not  unlike the single light  that Billy moved toward  in the
German  POW  camp  in  World  War  2.  Vonnegut  has given us two
undeniably different  types of abductions and  gives them similar
characteristics   to   give   them   a   more  meaningful  cosmic
     Billy  Pilgrim  is  later   trapped  on  the  Tralfamadorian
space-ship, which  may or may  not exist in  Billy's reality, but
undoubtedly exists within Billy's  own mind. Vonnegut attempts to
explain  to us,  in the  guise of  the aliens  communicating with
Billy Pilgrim, the reality of time. According to the aliens, Free
Will  does not  exist except  within the  human imagination.  Our
destinies are out  of our hands, and time  is one continuous arc.
When Billy  asks the simple  question, "why me?"  his response is
all at  once troubling, revealing, mysterious,  and hopeful: "Why
you? Why  us for that  matter? Why anything?  Because this moment
simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber?...Well, here
we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is
no  why." Billy  actually has  a ladybug  trapped in  a sliver of
amber on his desk in  his optometrist's office, bringing together
once again  the cosmic significance of  everyday objects, such as
fossilized  insects or  nocturnal owls.  The fact  that both  the
fossilized  insect and  the owl   appear in  one form  or another
within Billy's  Illium office lends creedence  to the possibility
that the alien abduction experienced by Billy existed only within
his own mind.
     To  further   explain  the  mystery   of  time  to   Billy's
comparatively feeble mind, the  Tralfamadorian alien compares all
time  to a  stretch of  the Rocky  Mountains, where  each peak is
a moment   in    time   and   those    with   the   ability    of
fourth-dimensional  travel  can  look  at  any  of  these  peaks.
Vonnegut might be  alluding to the possibilities of  the power of
the human mind  should we, as a race, evolve  to the level of the
     Throughout   the  first   chapter  of   Slaughterhouse-Five,
Vonnegut tells us  how whenever he was asked  what he was working
on,  he responded,  "a book   about Dresden."  He thinks  of this
response as his endless curse, like the song that goes:

           My name is Yon Yonson, I  work in Wisconsin, I work in
           a lumbermill there. The people I meet when I walk down
           the street, They  say, 'What is your name?'  And I say
           'My name is Yon Yonson, I work in Wisconson...(pg.3)'

     And so on into infinity.  Yon Yonson repeats and repeats the
same  lines in  that song.  Since Yon  Yonson is  asked the  same
question repeatedly,  he is forced  to give the  same answer over
and over again. Likewise, Vonnegut believes that he will never be
able to  shake the response  he had been  giving to everyone  who
asked him what his current project is. He feared that he would be
doomed to repeat that he was working on a "book about Dresden" ad
infinitum, just  as the fictional  Yon Yonson would  be cursed to
repeat  his song  forever. Apparently,  the Yon  Yonson song  was
a well known joke  in the mid-sixties, much like  the Sheri Lewis
trademark  "This is  the song  that never  ends..." Vonnegut  has
attempted  to relate  the song  to his  plight in  order that the
reader might better understand his  plight and need to finish the
"book about Dresden."
     As stated before, the concept  of synchronicity is a popular
one  among  followers  of  Jung  and  many postmodern underground
sci-fi groupies. Synchronicity is  defined as a "resonance formed
between    two   events    unrelated   in    time   and    space"
(   Simply   put,
synchronicity  is  the   cosmic  significance  of  correspondence
between   unrelated  occurances.   Synchronicity  connects   Pink
Floyd's Dark  Side of the Moon  album to the film  "The Wizard of
Oz".  It connects  the objects  in Billy  Pilgrim's office to the
events  surrounding  his  two  different  abductions. It connects
a jokey song  to Vonnegut's quest to  complete his Dresden novel.
Synchronicity  is  an  important  staple  of  the science fiction
genre. Vonnegut  proves his meddle  as a science  fiction writer,
and  indeed  as  a  writer   proper,  by  using  the  concept  of
synchronicity within  his own work. He  interweaves loose threads
and  unrelated events  and objects  to give  them meaning  and to
relate them  to reality, no matter  how fanciful they may  be. By
weaving  the  strings  of  various  plotlines,  namely the events
happening within Billy's reality  and Billy's imagination and the
events  occuring  within  the  past,  present,  and  future, Kurt
Vonnegut  gives us  insight into  how a  piece of science fiction
should make a person question  the meaning of the everyday events
within his own reality.

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