After having finished my internship ("stage") with the European Commission, DG Information Society and the Media I am currently working for empirica, a private research institute and consultancy.
I would describe myself as a multidisciplinary person and I like to apply my combination of journalistic, communicative and internet-related skills (see CV section for details). I would also like to remain involved in EU-related issues or projects.
This web page is
designed to give you an overview of both my academic studies and my
previous work experience. Please navigate
this site by clicking on the appropriate link(s) below: N.B. Links in italics open a new page
in a seperate window. Excellent academic
track record First experience in working for the European Commission (external expert for DG Research, internship in DG Information Society and the Media) Native language German,
fluent in English, some knowledge of Italian, French and Dutch Experience in creating,
managing and updating websites as well as in online journalism Keen interest and
expertise in the following policy areas: IT Policy EU Development Policy EU Research Policy,
Science and Society EU Enlargement EU-US relations European politics in
Curriculum Vitae in English (pdf document) Lebenslauf auf Deutsch (pdf document) Mag.
Daniel Spichtinger, M.A. Schloesselgasse
3/12, A-1080 Vienna, Austria (E.U.) E-mail: More
information about me is available on my informal homepage:
Download Area
(Diplomas & References) Photo
& More Info
For details please refer to my cv below.
Download profile as rtf file.
If you like to recieve my cv in a different format (rtf or word) just send me an e-mail (contact details below).
03/02/06 New security features implemented
25/12/05 Changes in presentation and cv
16/06/05 cv and webpage updated
06/04/05 minor bug on download page fixed
03/03/05 Updated introduction and cv
30/10/04 Updated introduction and cv
25/06/04 Update
28/03/04 Updated webpage and cv
08/01/04 Website reviewed and updated
11/08/03 Updated webpage and cv
23/06/03 Added Profile and News
Thanks to: Julia Nietsch (for
giving me the idea in the first place), Herbert Siedler & Harald
Stoiber (for valuable comments) and Andrea Buchner (for providing the
Contact Details &
More Information
(security notice: due to increased spam please relace -at- by @ to send me email)