Brian Decker's Homepage

A Few Snippets from my Psyche

Hello! Thanks for coming. I'm Still working on this page and trying things out. Found this cool background will probably leave that...but other items may change on my whim...or boredom.

Few of my Favorite Things


This is probably my favorite movie of all time. Check out the home page, it has lots of pictures and the real history surrounding the movie. Very cool picts, sounds, and clips from the movie at that sight.

The Crow

What is there to say about this movie but WOW. Some may disagree but I feel this is what movie making is about. Simple story, yes, but poignant and moving. Brandon Lee gives a beautiful performance as Eric Draven, and his death while working on the movie makes it that much more touching to watch.

Ashley MacIsaac

Music to set your feet tapping and your mind wandering...He's a Canadian performer with a wicked violin and a Pop beat to set your body free. Yes, he is my current obsession in if you haven't heard of him check out the home page or get his current release "Hello, How are you Today?"


The comic that set a new standard for the way Comics are written. The Author, Neil Gaiman, is brilliant. His stories are intricate and beautiful. This is not just another Super Hero comic... no ultimate enemy, no simple victory, no just cause, just storytelling and art fused into a hole that is still unequaled. Each story arc is a study of character and a commentary on our world. The series itself is what brought me into comics and let me see that comics were no longer just X-men and Superman, but , in some cases, true literature. If you haven't read one yet, they are currently being reprinted by DC, as part of the Vertigo line, and should be available at your local comic shop if it doesn't have the series order it, or find the TradePaper Back versions.
Check it out and find out why this comic won literary as well as comic industry awards.


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