w e l c o m e  t o

A b b e y  R o a d
e s t. 1 9 9 8

"Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art."
                                                                                ~Charlie Parker

...so goes one of my most favorite quotes concerning my most favorite subject: music. I'm Alyissa and welcome to my web site, where you'll find a lot of stuff relating to, well, music. There's a lot of nonsense stuff as well, but hey, I promise it's all fun. Look around and sign the guest book! 

What's New
Last updated March 21, 1999

Links Within My Site

Midi Filing Cabinet This is a web page with my favorite midi files. Includes a variety of music styles.

Lyric.Web Continually under construction, the lyrics web site will eventually (I hope!) contain the lyrics to all of my favorite songs. We'll see.

Pictures/Links Pictures of people I know and links to some of their pages.

...Onward, to other sites

 The Utah Jazz is my favorite basketball team because the first year I began watching the game, they made it to the Finals. Besides, I'm a musician. 
 I've finally made my decision for college. After graduation, I'm off to ASU!! The 370 member marching band should be especially fun. 
Amy Grant This is the official web site for Amy Grant, my favorite musician.

Arizona State University's Sun Devil Marching Band They just updated their web page, and it looks great! Check it out.

Ebay.com This site it so much fun! If you haven't heard of it, it's an online auction, with over 1,000,000 fun goodies.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger This is the official website of Dr. Laura, the "concience" of AM radio. She really is persuasive, nd fun to listen to.

Now, the especially fun stuff

 99 Ways to Annoy the...Pizza Order Taker

Fairy Tales A very good poem, which is actually untitled; I thought it needed a name, so I call it this.

More coming soon, I guess.
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This page © November 21, 1998 by Alyissa J. Lennon for Olvidar/Annico Prod. Ltd.
Version 6.1

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