
... to CoolCat's Homepage!

Visit my wonderful pages:
Aliens T.C. Support Page (DOOM)
Aliens T.C. is an incredible DOOM add on by Justin Fisher which will totally modify DOOM or DOOM II respectively and will force you to spend hours with your computer, chasing aliens and destroying their queen's eggs! The plot is based on the movie "ALIENS - This Time It's War", so if you liked the "ALIENS" movie, this game is a must!

My Personal Page
If I find the time I'll add a page about myself and the programs I wrote ... whoever wants to know something about me. (Hello, ladies ...?!? ;-)

Oh yes, some info right now ... I'm working for
Banjo Software

... so if you're looking for hot first-person action shooters ... take the time and drop by! You won't regret it!


To get HACX now, click above!

Currently we're working on HACX' successor ... bringing you the newest engine and the freshest, death-bringing features!


If you have any questions or suggestions, just send me an e-mail!

But now, look through my pages and enjoy!

... while I'm trying to find some inner peace ...

Lastly updated on February 18th, 1998.

DOOM and DOOM II are trademarks of id Software, Inc.
HACX is a trademark of Banjo Software.

Copyright (C) Torben "CoolCat" Giesselmann 1996 - 1998

Go to the Hollywood GeoCities!