Max Creek

"There's a man who knows the way
To take you to his palace in the sky
If you are one and are chosen
He will teach you how to fly."
----Scott Murawski----


07-11-81 Boney's Cafe I aud A- 09-20-81 Harry's Harvest Party II aud B+/B ...cut in Rider


09-10-82 Agora Music Hall I II aud/3 A- ...msg: last 3 songs of show,levels bit high


05-06-83 H.L. Winfred's I II,E sbd/4 A/A- 09-08-83 Reflections I II sbd/2 A- 12-01-83 Reflections I II sbd A- 12-31-83 Boston I sbd C+


11-09-85 Agora Music Hall II aud U


07-04-86 Lupo's I aud A- 10-31-86 Agora Music Hall I sbd A 11-01-86 Agora Music Hall I pII aud A-


00-00-87 Worcester,MA pI II sbd A-/B+ 02-13-87 Agora Music Hall I II aud/4 A- 04-16-87 Agora Music Hall I pII sbd A 05-21-87 Agora Music Hall II sbd A ...problems w/ Feelin' Alright


03-12-88 Agora Music Hall I aud A- 04-30-88 Agora Music Hall I II sbd A- ...17th Anniversary Show 06-15-88 Lupo's I II,E aud/2 * ...No garuantee, but I'll put money on it that I was there:) 06-22-88 Living Room??? I II aud/2 A- ...missing couple songs,looks to be a mix of 6/22/88,6/29/88,& 7/6/88 07-22-88 Agora Music Hall I aud A- 09-07-88 Living Room I? aud A- ...not sure if its entire set I, I believe it is 09-22-88 Rocky Point (45m) part aud A-/B+ ...(on same tape as 9/7/88) 10-08-88 Agora Music Hall * I II aud B- 10-19-88 Living Room II aud U 11-25-88 Agora Music Hall * I II,E aud/3 A ...NICE AUD! 12-31-88 Agora Music Hall * I II,E aud/3 A-


01-04-89 Living Room all? aud/2 A- 01-14-89 Living Room I II aud/2 A- 02-18-89 Agora Ballroom * I II aud A- ...splice in She's Here,Just A Rose 06-30-89 Agora Ballroom * I II aud B- 09-30-89 GreenStreet I II sbd A-/B+ 10-31-89 Living Room II aud A-/B+


01-13-90 Living Room I II sbd A-/B+ 03-07-90 Living Room II aud U 03-09-90 Webster Theatre * II aud B+ 08-04-90 Camp Creek I II aud A- 08-10-90 Living Room I II aud A- 09-12-90 Living Room I II aud B+ 12-14-90 Electric Blue * I pII aud A- ...missing several songs in II 12-15-90 Electric Blue * I II aud A-


07-06-91 Rocky Point I II sbd A ...splice in I Know You Rider 11-30-91 Sting * I II aud B


07-12-92 Camp Creek I II sbd A 12-31-92 Buster's Cafe I II,E sbd A


05-30-93 Woodstock Valley Ski Area I II aud A-


09-08-94 Sting * II aud B+/B ...some nice jams!(one of my all time favorite shows that I saw live)


04-22-95 Municipal Cafe (Mini Creek) I II sbd A 05-26-95 Woody's I II sbd A- 05-28-95 Bucksteep Manor II sbd A 07-29-95 Camp Creek (270m) I II sbd B+ 08-10-95 Walnut Hill Park * all sbd B- 08-12-95 Phil's Farm Party(180m) II sbd B+ 08-25-95 Lupo's II sbd U 10-07-95 Woody's I II sbd A 10-20-95 Sting * I II sbd A- 10-28-95 Globe Theatre I II sbd C ...really don't know why this is on my list. 11-24-95 Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel I II sbd/3 A-


02-08-96 The Paradise II sbd A 02-09-96 Lupo's II sbd A- 03-29-96 Living Room I II,E sbd U 04-26-96 Lupo's I II,E sbd U ....splice in Blood Red Roses,on 2 110min tapes 05-12-96 Taft School I sbd B 05-31-96 Living Room (230m) I II sbd A 07-27-96 Camp Creek (90m) part sbd U ...Mini Creek set 08-09-96 Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel I II sbd A- 09-27-96 Living Room I II sbd B+ 10-31-96 UCONN all sbd A- 12-27-96 Lupo's II sbd U


01-19-97 Tuxedo Junction II sbd U 01-31-97 Lupo's I II,E sbd A/A- 02-15-97 Suds Factory II sbd A 03-21-97 The Catalyst (180m) ALL sbd A- set only 03-22-97 GAMH (225min) I II,E dsbd/2 A ...splice in SIF,My Favorite Creek Show 03-23-97 Sweetwater Cafe I II sbd B+ 03-29-97 Webster Theater * I II sbd A/A- ...Killer Emerald Eyes and I was there :) 05-09-97 Valentine's I II daud/3 A- 07-04-97 Sterling Stage I II sbd A- 07-12-97 Living Room I II sbd B+ 07-26-97 Camp Creek (270m) I II III,E sbd/2 A 08-23-97 Sunrise Resort I II sbd U 08-30-97 The Farm Party (225m) I II sbd A- 09-13-97 Pearl St I II,E sbd A-/B+ ...problems in LMYLYM 10-31-97 Lupo's I II sbd A/A- 11-01-97 Atomic Club I II,E sbd A ...acoustic,nice copy 11-07-97 Club Toast II sbd A 11-28-97 Webster Theatre * I II dsbd/2 A 12-06-97 Globe Theatre I II III sbd/1 A ...msg: I Know You Rider 12-31-97 Webster Theatre (225m) I II sbd A-


01-09-98 Water Street Music Hall I II,E sbd/2 A 01-16-98 Living Room I II,E sbd U 01-23-98 Maritime Hall (90m) ALL sbd A 01-24-98 Paleokaville,NY I II sbd A- 02-14-98 Buffalo,NY I II sbd A- 03-13-98 Living Room I II,E sbd B+ 04-10-98 Webster Theatre * I II sbd/1 A ...27th Anniversary show 05-08-98 Water Street Music Hall I II sbd A- 05-09-98 Geneva Ny I II sbd U ...splice in King of California 05-15-98 Toad's Place I II sbd B+ 05-24-98 Bucksteep Manor I II sbd/2 A 06-05-98 Pearl Street I II sbd A- 06-06-98 Globe Theatre I II sbd/1 A ...very nice copy 06-12-98 Webster Theatre * I II sbd/1 A ...very nice copy 07-11-98 Peeptoad Festival I II sbd A- ...missing: Harmony 07-24-98 Lupo's heartbreak Hotel I II sbd/2 A- 08-28-98 Toad's Place I II sbd B+ 09-05-98 Phil's Farm Party (300m) I II sbd A ...splice at the end of Just a Rose is spliced (not too bad) 09-18-98 Webster Theatre * I II sbd A/A- 09-19-98 Webster Theatre * I II sbd A 10-15-98 WHCN Studios most sbd U ...broadcast on 10/18/98,appears as filler on 4/25/00 tapee 3 10-16-98 Globe Theatre I II sbd/1 A 11-07-98 Water Street Music Hall I II sbd A ...cut in Free Born Man 11-14-98 Hoops-n-Hops I II sbd A ...acoustic 12-12-98 Styleen's I II sbd A- 12-18-98 Living Room I II sbd A- 12-31-98 CT Expo Center II sbd A-


01-09-99 Water Street Music Hall I II dsbd/1 A ...splice in Die Easy 01-29-99 Lupo's I II aud A-/B+ ...splice in Heartbeat 01-30-99 Webster Theatre * II daud/1 B+/B ...believe a victim of auto-reverse :( 02-06-99 Pearl Street (180m) all sbd/2 A- set only 02-19-99 Stage East early sbd U ....acoustic 02-19-99 Stage East late aud B+ 02-26-99 Showplace Theatre I II sbd A- ...cuts in You let Me Down,Magic Carpet Ride 02-27-99 Odeon I II sbd/2 A- 03-12-99 Stone Coast Brewery I II sbd/2 A ...several glitches,dead air 03-13-99 Husky Blues I II sbd A- ...splice in Katie Mae 03-27-99 Northern Lights I II aud/2 A- ...splices in Loser,Double Dare,beg of Train to Cry is cut 04-02-99 Living Room I II sbd A- ...glitch in Eyes :( 04-09-99 Hoops-n-Hops I II,E sbd A/A- ...acoustic 06-11-99 Living Room I II dsbd/2 A 06-13-99 Sunrise Resort (180m) all sbd A- ...a couple drop offs in levels (right/left) 06-24-99 Fleet Party in NY I pII sbd U ...missing last few songs,after Leaves :( 07-10-99 Webster Theatre I II sbd A 07-23-99 Lupo's (180m) ALL cdr/1 A 07-31-99 Camp Creek (220m) I II sbd A- ...Calling Elvis is cut 08-14-99 Hoops-n-Hops I II,E sbd A- ...acoustic,splice in Miles & Miles 08-20-99 Living Room I II sbd A 08-27-99 Toad's Place I II aud A-/B+ 08-28-99 Wortown Music Festival all sbd/2 A ...msg: Wildside,(140m) 09-04-99 Phil's Farm Party (270m) I II sbd A 09-24-99 Lupo's I II,E sbd/4 U 11-20-99 The Palladium I II,E sbd A 11-26-99 Living Room I II dsbd/2 A ...nice copy 12-31-99 CT Expo Center (270m) I II dsbd/3 A- ...missing BacK Porch Boogie Blues


01-07-00 Lupo's I II,E sbd A ...nice copy 01-14-00 Water Street Music Hall I II,E sbd/3 A ...splice in LMYLM,slight hmmm in Same Things 03-04-00 Wetlands Preserve I II,E sbd * 03-25-00 Palladium (180m) all sbd/2 A- ...with members of Entrain 04-05-00 Living Room I II,E sbd A/A- 04-07-00 Lost Horizon I II,E sbd A ....splice in YTOO 04-08-00 Northern Lights (225m) I II,E sbd/2 A/A- ...ICU is cut 04-22-00 Webster Theatre * I II,E sbd/2 A ...29th Anniversary Show ...nice copy! ...set I is sbd/3 04-29-00 Living Room I II III,E sbd/2 A ...msg: Althea, first 1/2 if Bird Song ...nice copy! 05-27-00 Butternut Basin I II,E sbd/2 A 06-02-00 Ziggy's (135m) all sbd A- 06-03-00 Smilefest (180m) all sbd/2 A set 06-16-00 Webster Theatre * I II,E sbd/3 A 07-01-00 Sterling Stage (230m) I II,E CDR A 07-02-00 Family Picnic Flaming Farm I II,E sbd/2 A 07-12-00 Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel all sbd/2 A set 07-29-00 Camp Creek (360m) I II III,E sbd/2 A 07-30-00 Camp Creek (180m) all sbd/2 A 11-24-00 Webster Theatre * I II,E sbd/2 A ....special guest: Jeff Pevar

Approximate # of hours of Max Creek = 436

* = I was at the show :)

Max Creek Video

06-14-87 Woodbury ...sorry, unable to duplicate videos at this time.


07-13-99 Tweeter Center II aud A-/B+ ...special guest:Scott Murawski

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visits since November 7,1998

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