My Blank & Postage Policy:

Please contact me before sending blanks. I will 
galdly tape some shows for you (time permitting). If I 
don't respond, its just that you caught me at a busy time 
and can not fit a B & P in. If this is the case, I will let
you know or try back in a bit. Even though I do not 
gaurantee(see below) a return date, I do like to get them 
back to you as soon as possible.

However, I will NOT GAURANTEE a date when I can get 
the tapes back to you.

All you need to do is follow these simple guidelines:

1) Send a self addressed envelope with return postage. 
Tapes sent to me without return postage will be 
considered a gift.


3) I will try to get the tapes back to you ASAP, but if 
someone offers me a trade while I'm taping your shows, I 
will put your tapes aside and fulfill the trade request. 
Trades come first.

4) Send a note indicating what shows you want.


Please follow these guidelines. I don't think its too much too ask of you. I've already gotten burned by some not sending a self addressed envelope and return postage. (That might sound trivial..$1 or $2 here and there, but remember I'm doing a favor for you) I fulfilled their request simply because I hate taking tapes away from people. To remedy this situation, I will have to put a halt on doing B & P requests if this keeps up. I want to help, but please be courteous. Thank you.

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