I have dreams about Adam every once in a while, and I thought, "hey, maybe I will put them on my website..." If visitors are not interested in them, they will not get this far... so here goes.
As most dreams don't, this one will probably make no sense, but here goes. I dreamt I was at a Sandler concert in a Theater like the one I work at. A person from his production crew was sitting beside me. Sometimes the person was a man, sometimes a woman, or maybe it was just 2 different people...I don't know. This person was telling me that during the show they would be passing out paper, stencils and markers. The person was trying to explain that we were supposed to draw, creatively a certain way with the stencils, to create some type of ice cream flavor. And which ever Adam liked the best, he would have that person come up on stage, or something. Then I was pleading with this girl from his crew to let me meet him, she said, "really, okay, come with me." We walked right up on stage and he hugged me, shook my hand and that was it. But you see, something was wrong with Adam. He kept forgetting what to do on stage like when to do the bufoon, and his hair was very gray, as well as this mustache he had.
The next thing I know I am in NY at this bar and Adam and his crew come in, I was so embarrassed because I had a big zit under my nose, but I approached him any way. At first he was preoccupied so I sat somewhere else, then I eventually left and went across the street to another bar, Adam followed. We hit it off, and we are talking and talking, and he starts to become his old self again, and I walked him back to his room, (which was now in a casino in CT). The next thing I know I am in his room (which had 2 double beds), under the covers almost asleep, when Adam gets up and starts to come over to my bed... and then...
Can you believe it?! Oh well I needed a reality check after a dream like that. See it wasn't that bad was it??? If you liked my dream story and would like me to continue this, email me