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USS Belgica, NCC-72301

Mission : Terraforming !.


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The mission of the USS Belgica consists of Terraforming.
As the only STARFLEET crew in the vicinity the USS Belgica has been assigned the duty to explore the region for planets that are suitable for terraforming by STARFLEET and doing so provide a new home for potential citizens, STARFLEET personnel and/or officers.
Due to communication (and other) problems the USS Europe has been reassigned to other duties in a nearby system and doing so it left a (small) group of officers behind that would continue that task.
This group realised that it was their primordial task to enlist additional officers and crew to be able to man the peacekeeper class starship that has been supported by the USS-Challenger, NCC-1676-D thereby sponsoring this bold project and acting as the Starships support ship, even though the starship crew will mostly have to face things by themselves and help will be restricted to subspace advice.

It is also by expanding and colonizing new worlds in distant galaxies that STARFLEET tries to keep growing both in numbers of population as well as culturally by building bridges over the stars to new etnic groups that may treasure totally different philosophies, beliefs and/or moral codes.
Nevertheless is every culture, whether big or small, considered valuable as ruled under the "Prime Directive", therefore it is also true that every individual and/or group will have the right to voice there opinions towards Fleet policies.

It is also STARFLEET belief that this region has still quite some potential and therefore Fleet HeadQuarters is considering to establish a Starbase as a regional HQ, should the reports of the USS Belgica and the successes of the Starship in its mission warrant such an major investment.
So if you happen to live in this region we urge you to help us achieve this noble and ambitious goal.


These pages were last updated on stardate 9905.25 by Captain Jeroen Vantroyen