Results to the 8th KSUFC/OLTL Poll

1) Will Nora be able to clear Patrick of the murder charges?

Yes: 100%

(Please note: I posted this poll question the day before it actually happened, so the result was rather obvious *G*)

2) Do you see Kevin and Cassie's commitment ring being upgrading to an engagement ring in the coming months?

Yes: 71%
No: 29%

3) Will Hank and R.J.'s relationship continue to grow stronger or will something happen that will mess up the progress that they've made?

Their relationship will continue to grow stronger.: 39%
Something will happen to mess up the progress they've made.: 61%

4) Are you happy that Andy and Antonio got en gaged?

Yes: 94%
No: 6%

5) Which of the following 3 characters needs more airtime?

Renee: 45%
Jessica: 45%
Larry: 10%

6) Do you want Todd and Blair to reconcile?

Yes: 65%
No: 35%

7) Do you want some explanation for how Kevin B hurt his hand (since nothing has been mentioned about it)?

Yes: 87%
No: 13%

8) Will Todd's secret (about the bombing) be exposed (since so many people are closing in on him)?

Yes: 84%
No: 16%

Thank you for taking the 8th KSUFC/OLTL Poll. Return to the Polls page for the newest poll.

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