Heino is watching you!!

Total: 34 guests
Name: Kasper
Website: (Homepage)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Aarhus, Denmark
Time: 1997-04-11 07:47:00
Comments: We here at the worship page are honoured by your visits, Florian and Rolf! As the long time listeners of RSH (Radio Schleswig Holstein) we are, we have noticed the obvious simularities between Kraftwerk and Heino :-) ! And regarding Max Headroom & Heino, well.... Judge yourselves:

Name: Florian Schneider und Rolf Hutter
Website: The Official Kraftwerk Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hamburg
Time: 1997-04-09 10:32:00
Comments: Now that Kraftwerk has entered the annals of DeutschePopp History, it is time we acknowledged Heino as our chief influence.

Since we were Jungen Heino has played a pivotal role in our musical development.

Danke Schon, Heino

p.s. Did anyone else notice how much Heino looks like Max Headroom in the recent photograph? Ach du lieber!

Name: Tim Kretschmann
Website: Donauschwaben Radio Hour
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Milwaukee, WI
Time: 1997-04-09 06:41:00
Comments: I have a German Radio program in Milwaukee and musical tastes differ from listener to listener -- except for Heino! We all seem to love this man with the beautiful voice and the lovely melodies!

Name: Marta Kretschmann
Website: Schwobenland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Muskego (Milwaukee), Wisconsin
Time: 1997-04-08 15:01:00
Comments: I am so happy to find this page. I know Chris Roberts has had a page for quite some time and it's about time that Germany's best singer had a homepage too. My husband & I have seen Heino perform in Milwaukee many years ago and he is after me to go on a cruise in November that he will be entertaining on. He is by far our favorite German singer and has a voice that cannot be compared to any other singer in the US. My son, Tim, has the homepage noted above. He has a local German music program each Sunday here and we are all very involved in the German community in Milwaukee. My husband is the president of the German-American Societies and the Milwaukee Donauschwaben. Our club is also very involved with the German Fest and invite you all to enjoy this wonderful fest this summer on July 25, 26, & 27.

Name: Menno Nijkamp
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Okkenbroek, the Netherlands
Time: 1997-04-08 06:40:00
Comments: Where can I get the Heino playing cards and Heino chocolade (I saw on German TV)

Name: betty dunk
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: sheffield, ma, u.s.a.
Time: 1997-04-07 13:28:00
Comments: Question: I will be in Europe May 5 through 26. Where will Heino be singing during that time? I would like to get to one of his concerts if possible. Betty Dunk

Name: David Headman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-04-05 21:49:00
Comments: HEINO IST GOTT! HEINO UBER ALLES! HEINO IST MEIN MEISTER. ICH LIEBE HEINO Ja, Ja, Ja, so, Blau, blau, blau, bluht der Enzian . . .

Name: Jeff Borger
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ocala,Fl
Time: 1997-04-03 09:57:00
Comments: I am at a "cyber cafe" in Crystal River FLorida. I don't have a computer at home yet, but find it very interesting. Heino has always appealed to me. I'm 33 and the son of German born parents. Jeff Borger, 5720 NE 25th Ave. Ocala,Florida 34479

Name: Marco Blumental
Referred by: Net Search
From: Netherlands
Time: 1997-03-29 01:19:00
Comments: Good homepage, I was just wondering if Heino still does concerts. If he does can you add a touring list. Bye

Name: Armin Theissen
Website: Armin Theissen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Heino is almost my neighbor! I'm from Germany, close to Bad Muenstereifel
Time: 1997-03-26 04:58:00
Comments: Hi, gosh, I couldn't believe! Heino on the web. I was such a big fan of Heino when I was 5 or 6 years old. I remember we were singing Heino songs on the way to and from school ('ja ja so blau blau blau...'). What has happened to me in the upcoming years that I am now a freak of other peoples guitar (like Stevie Ray Vaughan and Joe Satriani), or other german music (like Tangerine Dream or Can...). What a change of mind....

Name: thomas Schrofer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Swizterland
Time: 1997-03-25 07:32:00
Comments: blau, blau, blau blüht der enzian !!!!

Name: Eva, Diana. Hansl und Robert
Website: Abteilung Gesundheitsökonomie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: partly from Norddeutschland, partly Swabia and one from Bavaria!
Time: 1997-03-24 04:35:00
Comments: We love it!

Name: I
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Vermont, USA
Time: 1997-03-23 19:42:00
Comments: I was once a German teacher but now am just a person living on earth. I discovered Heino many years ago but only bought some albums two years ago and my life ahs been getting better and better ever since Thanks you for your dedicated work on this very important individual.

Name: Teenah Renza
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Flemington, New Jersey
Time: 1997-03-21 18:13:00
Comments: I was very happy to read about Heino's eye surgery but am concerned that it may change his music. Heil Heino!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Matthew Heino
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New MExico usa
Time: 1997-03-20 07:08:00
Comments: Never heard of this guy, but he sounds great aufweiderlessen

Name: Gerda Engelen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nederland
Time: 1997-03-16 10:28:00
Comments: Heino is great!

Name: J.T.Wood
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Arizona
Time: 1997-03-11 15:48:00
Comments: Ihre Heino-Seiten sind sehr lustig. Ich bin richtiger Heino-Fan (auch Freddy Quinn-Fan) und es hat mich sehr gefreut, die 1000-deutsche Volksliederseite durch Ihre Seite zu finden. Es wäre schön, wenn man Heino CDs in Arizona finden könnte! Besten Gruß aus AZ! Jerry Wood

Name: Andie Hanson
Website: Bikini Gals!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Pardon?
Time: 1997-03-11 04:07:00
Comments: I like him. I want him.

Name: mickael heino
Referred by: Net Search
From: sweden
Time: 1997-03-10 05:29:00
Comments: you should have a photo of me on your home page!! just kiding ha ha ha ha i did't know there was somone famus with my last name!

Referred by: Net Search
From: Puerto Rico/Georgia USA
Time: 1997-03-09 16:37:00
Comments: Ich hatte vor einigen Jahren; Heino und Hannelore als Reiseleiterin in Puerto Rico betreut als sie von der MS Europa kamen, spaeter hatte ich das Vergnuegen sie in Goerlitz wiederzusehen, als Heino dort ein Konzert gab. Ich lud dazu einige von meinen ehemahligen Klassenkameraden ein und sie waren alle begeistert, myself included. Im www las ich nun, dass Heino sich einer Augenoperation unterziehen musste und ich hoffe nur, dass alles gutgegangen ist. Ich wuensche eine schnelle, gute Besserung und viel Glueck fuer die Zukunft. "Kopf hoch, Hannelore"! Viel Gruesse, Rosemarie Ressel

Name: Daore Trappers Losser
Website: Non
Referred by: Net Search
From: Holland
Time: 1997-03-07 11:16:00
Comments: Great page, great artist

Name: Kasper
Website: (Homepage)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Aarhus, Denmark
Time: 1997-02-24 06:51:00
Comments: The Heino Worship Page is in English simply because this is
the main language of the internet (and I wish it was the only one).
And you Germans wouldn't wanna keep Heino to yourselves, would you ? :-)
I apologize for not having translated the interviews to English, but
it would take me days... I hope our visitors get the essence
using the online dictionaries.

Name: Pierre Kertzman
Website: Guildo Horn und die Orthopädischen Strümpfe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany
Time: 1997-02-23 16:55:00
Comments: Hallo! Diese Heimatseite ist wirklich eines Heino würdig; aber warum ist sie in Englisch? Ich habe Ihn bis jetzt zweimal getroffen und immer sprachen wir Deutsch miteinander. Viele Grüße von Pierre

Name: Gard Hanssen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Weert (Netherlands)
Time: 1997-02-21 02:01:00
Comments: Very good, keep on going on like this.

Name: evin
Website: the fratzen page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Deutschland
Time: 1997-02-19 13:16:00
Comments: Heino ist immer noch der Beste!!! Allerdings ist es etwas eigenartig,im Alter von 150 sollten die Haare doch grau sein!

Name: Ben Knudsen
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hæhæhæ...
Time: 1997-02-19 01:14:00
Comments: Surely this is is a great page! Fortunate am i to find it! By the way: Anybody that Heino has made 12" dancemixes? One with hazelnuss and one called Enzian. They are of course my my best records. Tuttelu!

Name: Kasper
Website: Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Aarhus, Denmark
Time: 1997-02-05 04:37:00
Comments: Another word or two from the host:
1) To the Dutch guy who visited Heino's café, please mail me again!
2) These last three messages were mailed to me from Lpage, during a period when the guestbook was down.
3) Unfortunately, old messages have been deleted by Lpage. Write again with your impressions, fellow Heino worshippers!

Name: don knuth
Website: my page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: usa
Time: 1997-02-05 04:22:00
Comments: What? Isn't this the Heineken page? Who's that guy in shades?

Name: Michael and Marie Stutz
Website: Michael Stutz
Referred by: Net Search
From: Cleveland, Ohio, US
Time: 1997-02-05 04:20:00
Comments: Wir hat Heino uber alles! Found two mint-condition Heino records in a thriftstore bin last week and it was all we needed. We are converted!

Name: Stephen O'Neill
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Scotland
Time: 1997-02-05 04:15:00
Comments: Keep me informed on any NEW Heino developments! Is he playing the Roskilde festival this year?

Name: Captain Wyoming
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-01-31 19:49:00
Comments: Heino as I have stated before is a demigod and it is good to see that he is recognized as such Heil Heino

Name: Mark Watson
Referred by: Net Search
From: Portland, Oregon
Time: 1997-01-29 15:07:00
Comments: When Heino sings time stops. Then I feel dizzy.

Name: D B Wittelsbach
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1997-01-23 21:35:00
Comments: Heino is pleasant on so many levels. I took a date to his new years`eve concert in 1993 at the Alpine Village in Orange County in Southern Calif. Our group were the only revellers under 40, and were eyed confusingly by the crowd. We seemed to sense, however, that even the oldsters grasped the ironic humour of Herr Heino. All present experienced true Strength Through Joy from Heino and Hannelore. My date has since become my wife. Thank you Heino.

Name: Paul Ernst Meyer
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Frau's Class
Time: 1997-01-17 13:26:00
Comments: Heino is the hero of my german class we take delight in the existence of such a great man. This is a webpage truely worthy of Heino.

Total: 34 guests

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