
"Turn me of????" exclaimed Rimmer.

"You never said anything about a virus."

"You're not turning me off miladdo!"

"What smegging Virus????"

"No smegging way are you turning me off, get away from that console!"

"Sirs!" screamed Kryten calmly,"One at a time!! It's the same virus as the one that started the Computer versus humans war of 1997. It's cut off the engines and we may have to enter the AR machine to fight against it, and maybe even Starbug's own computers."

"But what are we going to use to power it though?" said the Cat "You're not using the super battery off of my leg hair trimmers, it's still charging!"

"Now, someone please hold Mr Rimmer down while I explain this.... Thank you. We use Mr Rimmer's power to run the AR machine, while transferring Mr Rimmer's consciousness into the machine to help us. We'll have to combat the virus in the last game that was playing, I think Mr Lister said it was Mortal Kombat 53."

"Ok bud, I'll set it up, what do I do?" said the Cat.

Kryten looked at the Cat, then said, "Simply connect the giglbeed to the main processor of the gebalifh and then convert the bisdfgas to ghits while running off the Rimmpower."

"Fine buddy, sounds like a job for you, too low tech for me... wouldn't catch me doing simple stuff like that." "Now wait just a smegging second you're not cutting off my smegging power."

They cut off his smegging power.