Season One
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The End
The Crew of Red Dwarf are killed, leaving Lister the last human being alive, Rimmer a hologram, The Cat, and Holly the ships's computer
Future Echoes
The crew begin to see visions of the future, or as Holly puts it, Future Echoes. Soon Rimmer sees a future echo of Lister dying.... horribly.
Balance of Power
Lister is determined to pass the chefs exam, therefore making him a higher rank than Rimmer.
Waiting for God
Lister looks further into the Cat's history, while Rimmer is invetigating a garbage pod, which he believes to be the ship of an alien life form called, Quaagars.
Confidence and Paranoia
Lister contracts a disesase that brings his confidence and Paranoia to life.
Me Squared
Rimmer has made another version of himself to keep him sane, but it's starting to drive him insane!