Tomorrow Never Dies - Bond 18

Albert R. Broccoli's Eon Productions presents Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, 007

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Tomorrow Never Dies.

Transmission from 'M' begins:

Commander Bond is currently tasked to investigate the disappearance of Royal Navy frigate, HMS Devonshire, apparently lost with all hands, somewhere inside Chinese territorial waters. 007 is to find the wreck of the Devonshire, and discover the culprit. Commander Bond must also investigate media tycoon, Elliot Carver, owner of the global newspaper, 'Tomorrow', and satellite television and radio stations. Analysis suggests Carver may attempt to trigger World War III in order to boost the ratings of his global satellite broadcast system. I have selected Commander Bond to save the world from certain destruction, as he has a proven ability in this field. (See previous missions against SPECTRE, '67; and Stromberg,'77.)

Transmission from 'M' ends.

Story Outline [Warning! If you don't want to know the plot, skip this section!]

'Tomorrow Never Dies' begins with an action sequence set in the Khyber region. An international arms deal is taking place, when 007, on a fairly routine mission, arrives.

International weapons dealers are bickering over Chinese Scud missiles, French A-17 attack helicopters, Russian mortars, American rifles, Chilean mines, and German explosives. Amongst those present is Henry Gupta, techno-terrorist, and a face that Bond will have good cause to remember.

Bond leaves a trail of havoc behind him, socking bad guys, and causing several large explosions!

007 makes his escape in a 'borrowed' L39 combat fighter, as Gupta disappears with his prized purchase, a Global Positioning System encoder.

Bond has to avoid a heat-seeking rocket, and a fast-closing Cruise missile, launched by the British Royal Navy!

Bond would also be advised to look over his shoulder...

Back in London, 'M' briefs 007 on his new mission. The Royal Naval frigate, HMS Devonshire, has mysteriously disappeared, with all hands, apparently inside Chinese territorial waters.

'M' instructs Bond to find the wreck, discover the culprit, and to investigate the sinister media tycoon, Elliot Carver.

Elliot Carver operates his media empire from a state-of-the-art Stealth ship. With twin hulls, strange, smooth planes, and utterly black, Carver's ship is more shadow than substance, and leaves only a whisper of a wake.

The trail begins in Hamburg, Garmany, where 007 picks up a rental car at the airport. No ordinary car this, but one of 'Q' Branch's gadget equipped vehicles! Later, 007 puts the car, a BMW saloon, through its paces in a high-octane chase in a multi-storey car park.

Bond infiltrates a media launch held at Carver's European headquarters, where he meets Wai Lin, a Chinese secret agent, who is also investigating Elliot Carver. Bond also renews his aquaintance with Paris Carver, wife of the media mogul. Later, Bond is stunned when he dicovers Paris' dead body in his hotel bedroom.

Carver has sent Dr Kaufman, Europe's top marksman, to kill Bond; 007 will be blamed for Paris' death. However, the villain is left shocked and stunned when he attempts to use Bond's 'phone!

Next, the story moves to South-East Asia, where Bond teams up with Chinese secret agent, Wai Lin. There is a distinctly frosty atmosphere between Wai Lin and Bond, but knowing 007's past history, there is likely to be a thaw in East-West relations before the end of the mission! Expect 007 to fully de-brief agent Wai Lin!

Bond makes a spectacular HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) parachute jump from 30,000 feet, hitting the ocean at 30 miles per hour. He discovers the wreck of HMS Devonshire, and how she was sunk. The frigate had been holed by an underwater submersible, which literally drilled its way through the ship's hull.

In Saigon, the intrepid duo make their escape from a skyscraper by absailing down the side of the building, using a banner as their means of descent.

An exciting motor-bike and helicopter chase ensues, which sees 007 and Wai Lin bouncing off the roof of a mini-bus, performing a 200 feet wheelie,racing over the flimsy roof-tops of Saigon, and leaping over a pursuing helicopter gun-ship which is hovering in the street. Incidentally, Bond and Wai Lin are handcuffed together all this time!

Pierce Brosnan and Michelle Yeoh

The final conflict with Carver takes place aboard his futuristic ship, with a sea-battle of epic proportions in the South China Sea. Carver plans Phase II of his operation - by launching missiles at British and Chinese naval forces. Unseen by the British and Chinese, aboard a ship which is invisible to radar, Carver believes he can trigger World War III.

He reckons without 007 and Wai Lin, who discover the sinister boat, hidden in a cove, and plant limpet mines on the ship. Carver sees the intrepid duo boarding his ship on a TV monitor, and issues the instruction, 'Will somebody please kill those bastards!!'

Bond leaves Carver and his accomplices literally dead in the water!

Carry on, up the Khyber?

Transmission from 'Q' begins:

Now, pay attention, while I give you a brief over-view of the new equipment, currently being issued to all field agents.

An Ericsson cell-phone - with a number of special features. It can be used to identify finger-prints, and to pick locks. Also contains a 20,000 volt stun gun - shocking!

A BMW 750i saloon - refined, and fully appointed. Outwardly, it appears perfectly normal. However, closer inspection reveals some rather interesting accessories.

A special feature is the tyres - in the event of a blow-out, they will automatically re-inflate!

Onboard defences include a tear-gas system, and metal spikes which are deployed from the rear bumper. There is also a high security safe concealed in the glove compartment.

Now, coming round to the sunroof, and we find a launcher for Stinger surface-to-air missiles. After all, this BMW is the 'fully-loaded' model!

Here's a new feature, which I'm particularly proud of - full command of all driving controls by a remote device. This enables the car to be driven by remote control, even from the rear seat of the vehicle, if you so wish. Quite frankly, 007 has a great deal of experience in the back seats of cars, in my view!

The top speed is - adequate!

I trust 007 will return this vehicle intact, for a change. He famously has no respect for Government equipment! When I told 007 he could drop the car off at any Avis location, I didn't mean him to drop it off a multi-storey car park!

Fortunately, 007 had full Collision Damage Waiver!

Transmission from 'Q' ends.

BMW promotional material.

    People who made 'Tomorrow Never Dies'.

  • Screenplay by Bruce Feirstein, the talented screenwriter and journalist, who also co-wrote 'GoldenEye', along with Jeffrey Caine, Michael France, and Kevin Wade. Bruce is a contributing editor to 'Vanity Fair'.
  • Directed by Roger Spottiswoode, British-born director of the critically acclaimed 'Air America'.
  • Produced by Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli. Michael co-wrote and produced many of the previous Bond films, such as 'The Living Daylights', and 'Licence to Kill'. He is a leading authority on early stills photography. Sharp-eyed viewers will spot Michael, making a cameo appearance in 'Tomorrow Never Dies'. He plays one of Carver's sinister 'golden retrievers', during a video-conference scene.
  • Barbara has worked on many of the previous Bonds, and 'GoldenEye' was her first Producer's credit. She supervised location filming in St Petersburg, for the tank sequence in 'GoldenEye'. Also produces films for her own company, Astoria.
  • Stunt Co-ordinator - Vic Armstrong, a former stunt performer, who choreographed all the complicated action sequences in 'Tomorrow Never Dies'. Vic was also director of the 2nd Unit, which is responsible for all the action footage.


Released on October 20th is the new album, 'Shaken and Stirred', which features cover versions of classic Bond themes by various artists, including Chrissie Hynde, Iggy Pop and Pulp.

Arranged by David Arnold, composer of the soundtrack for 'Tomorrow Never Dies', the album contains versions of 'Nobody Does It Better', 'Live and Let Die', 'Diamonds are Forever', and many others.

One of the best tracks is Iggy Pop's cover of 'We Have All the Time in the World'.

Dance group, Propellerheads, have a current hit single in England with their version of the John Barry theme, 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'.

David Arnold also composed the end titles song for 'Tomorrow Never Dies','Surrender', which is performed by K.D. Lang.


The novelisation of 'Tomorrow Never Dies' by Bond author, Raymond Benson, is out now, in paperback [Coronet].

I can also recommend Benson's original 007 novel, 'Zero Minus Ten', available in hardback [Hodder and Stoughton].
A stylish thriller, very much in the mould of Ian Fleming's classic novels, 'Zero Minus Ten' is set in Jamaica, Hong Kong, China and Australia.
The sinister plot revolves around an attempt to wipe Hong Kong from the face of the planet, during the Chinese-British handover ceremony in June 1997.
As you will know, the plot failed, and Hong Kong is still standing!

'The Making of Tomorrow Never Dies', by journalist Garth Pearce, is out now in paberback [Boxtree Press].
Pearce also wrote 'The Making of GoldenEye'.

    Bond Locations you might like to visit.

  • The Old War Office, Whitehall, London. - The site of 'M's old office.
  • Government Building, Vauxhall Cross, London. - The Location of MI6 Headquarters in 'GoldenEye'. In real life, this building is the headquarters of - MI6!
  • The Royal College of Arms, near St Paul's Cathedral, London - Where 007 met Sir Hillary Bray (call me "Hilly") in OHMSS.
  • Stoke Poges Golf Club, England - where Sean Connery played a memorable game of golf with Auric Goldfinger. Also features in 'Tomorrow Never Dies'.
  • Vaux-le-Vicomte, outside Paris, France - the location of Drax's chateau, shipped over brick-by-brick, to California, in 'Moonraker'.
  • Chantilly, outside Paris, France - the site of Max Zorin's Chateau, in 'A View to a Kill'.
  • The Amberley Chalk Pits Museum - The disused silver mine, in 'A View to a Kill'.
  • Murren, Switzerland - scenes from 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'.
  • Schilthorn, Switzerland - the visitor centre at the summit is the best location of all: the location for Ernst Stavro Blofeld's mountain-top lair in OHMSS. A mecca for Bond fans from all over the world!
  • James Bond Island, Phang Nga, Thailand - the spectacular location for Scaramanga's solar electricity plant, in 'The Man With The Golden Gun'.
  • The Nene Valley Railway, near Peterborough, England - used in 'Octopussy' and 'GoldenEye'. An 8 kilometre rail track between Wansford and Orton Mere.
  • Greolieres, Cote-d'Azur, France - location of the Ferrari/Aston Martin car sequence in 'GoldenEye'.
  • Arecibo, Puerto Rico - site of Alec Trevelyan's radio dish in 'GoldenEye'. In actual fact, one of the world's largest radio-telescopes, and sadly, not concealed underwater!
  • Verzasca, near Locarno, Switzerland - the Bungee Jump location in 'GoldenEye'.

    Tomorrow Never Dies locations.

  • London Wall and Mansion House, City of London - 'M' gives 007 his mission briefing, in a Daimler limousine, accompanied by Police motorcycle escort.
  • Inland Revenue Offices, Somerset House, the Strand, London - location of MI6 Headquarters, Whitehall.
  • Brent Cross Shopping Centre, London. North car park, levels 4 and 5 - car chase sequence.
  • New College and Brasenose College, Oxford - exteriors for the Oxford college where Bond meets Professor Bergstrom, linguistics expert.
  • Stoke Poges Golf Club, Buckinghamshire - Bond's hotel bedroom in Hamburg.
  • Harmsworth Quays Printers, Surrey Docks, Rotherhithe - Carver's print works.
  • Financial Times Building, East India Dock, London - Carver's print works.
  • IBM Headquarters, Bedfont Lakes, near Heathrow Airport - Carver Media Group's European Headquarters.
  • HMS Dryad, training simulator, Fareham, Hampshire - interior shots for Royal Navy frigates.
  • Royal Naval Dockyards, Plymouth - exterior shots of Royal Navy, set in the South China Sea.
  • Peyresourde, Pyrenees, France - high-altitude airfield, where exterior shots for the opening sequence were filmed.
  • Terminal 1, Hamburg Airport, Germany - where Bond meets 'Quentin Quigley', alias 'Q', at the Avis desk.
  • Baja Studios tank, near Tijuana, Mexico - for the sinking of HMS Devonshire.
  • Pinewood Studios, Buckinghamshire - Stealth Boat interiors and exteriors.
  • 007 Stage tank, Pinewood Studios - Stealth boat exteriors.
  • Eon Studios, near St Albans - Vietnamese street scene for motorbike stunts.

Photographs from 'Tomorrow Never Dies'.

Pierce Brosnan filming the opening sequence.
Filming in the Pyrenees.
Interior filming.
Bond and Wai Lin tool up.
Pierce Brosnan
Pre-credits sequence.
James Bond and Paris Carver.
Pyrotechnics in the Pyrenees!


Incoming COMSAT transmission from CMGN...

Initiating SPIKE...

We interrupt this transmission to bring you an important news flash from Elliot Carver, aboard his Stealth ship.

Did you really think I would allow a minor irritant like Mr Bond to interfere with my plans?

Already, Stamper, my Head of Security, is making arrangements to deal with the troublesome 007.

When they remove Mr Bond's heart, there will be time for him to see it, still beating, just before he dies!

And then I will announce the death of 007 in the Obituaries column of 'Tomorrow'!

Let the mayhem begin!

P.S. I have downloaded a certain Virus Omega to your hard drive. Your computer will self-destruct in 10 seconds...


Transmission begins from Q-Branch:

Emergency Over-ride! Q-Branch is re-securing this link!

You are advised to check your immediate environment for electronic eavesdropping devices.

If you discover any concealed bugging devices, disable them with the laser in your Omega Seamaster watch!

Transmission from Q-Branch ends.

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Visit the official site of 'Tomorrow Never Dies'.
Visit the Royal Navy.
The Ian Fleming Foundation.
Visit the Central Intelligence Agency.
Click here for Declassified Spy Satellite Pictures.

The author!

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Coming soon - Bond 19!

Oh, do pay attention!

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