SBB Mini Trip visits the Tragic Kingdom


Now that we had gotten in the park and found some locals, we decided to see the sights.  And what sights they were.  I was pretty banged up from doing some stupid stuff around the home office, so I was gimping around pretty bad.  It turned out that the handicapped can get away with a lot…  That really saved Rory’s ass.


I didn’t ask her name, but she was hotter than hell.

She had me shoot a pic of her and her boyfriend right after this with her camera.


Rory likes the rackage.

This was about 15 minutes for him to set up.


Another Rory shot, as another guy admires the view.

Rory almost got his ass kicked for this one,

But he was sitting in the wheel chair at the time.



A few hotties try to stay cool.

(The third one is hidden.)


These were the good pics from the batch.  We were tired and had been drinking, after all.  It was hotter than all hell without the hotties.  But the women sure don’t mind showing skin in the California heat.