Pricing Guide to Billy's and James' Gear

A lot of Billy's and James' gear might not be listed

in hear because it was either unnessesary, or I just don't know
about it. If you feel there is something that should be added on,
if the price is wrong, or you know the price to some of the gear that I don't. E-mail me here

The following prices are taken from "The Guitar Buyers Guide" These prices are not the final say in what you will end up paying. They might be priced less or priced more. Depending on where you live, if theres a sale going on or whatever. IMPORTANT: Discontinued Models that prices beside them are based on what I have heard people payed for them. They are not exact Prices.

Billy's 57' reissue Stratocaster - $1,399.99
Billy also installed 3 fender lace sensor pick-ups
(blue, sliver, red) which cost $99 each

James' Gibson Les Paul Custom is Priced at $2,850-$3,100 assuming he hasn't made any adjustments to it.
James' Flying V seen on Guitar World - $1,210 - 1,325

I'm positive that Billy uses 4 X 12 Marshall Cabs, but not too sure about James,

Marshall 4 X 12 Cabinet $999 - $1099
Marshall MK II 100-Watt head -$1099
Mesa Strategy 500 power amp $1,299

ADA MP-1 -$699.95
ADA MP-2 - $999.95
Mesa/Boogie TriAxis -$1,599
Marshall JMP-1 -$999
Alesis Compressor - Unknown
Digitech GSP2101 -$1,099.95

Eventide H-3000SE Ultra Harmonizer -$2,695
Digitech DHP-55 Harmony Processor - $1,299.95
Electro Harmonix Big Muff - Production Discontinued (between $75-175)
Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phaser - Production Discontinued - (unknown, if you bought one, please e-mail me tell me how much you paid for it)
Univox - unknown
Electro Harmonix Micro Synth - ($600 used)
Mu-tron Bi-phase - production discontinued. Be prepared to spend a fortune on a used one ($300 - 650) **WORTH IT**
Korg SDD-2000 sampling digital delay - unknown
Fender Blender - discontinued ($100 -$220)

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