This is an experimental program that I'm trying out in response to the many requests send to me as well as put on the Guestbook for copies of videos.The Video Swop Program aims to match up people in sufficiently close geographical proximity for the purposes of video swops.
If you are SEEKING videos, please e-mail me with the following details:
- Name or pseudonym
- E mail address (Required)
- Geographical Region ie: USA, Canada, Elsewhere
- As specifically as possible, what videos you are looking for - episode names would be helpful.
- Your Video System - NTSC or PAL.
- What you are prepared to give in exchange (Cash, other videos, memorabilia - preferably confined to CP ones - your pet cat...)
If you are interested in PROVIDING videos, e-mail me with the following details:
- Name or Pseudonym
- E-mail address (Required)
- Geographical Region ie: USA,Canada, Elsewhere
- Episodes that you are able/willing to duplicate
- Your Video System - NTSC or PAL
- What you want in exchange.
Please note that these details will be POSTED at the Swop Page. However, I exercise no responsibility over any transactions that take place between the parties and bear no responsibility should any transactions or exchanges fail to be completed. In the interests of safety, please do not disclose your postal address or personal information if you are not sure about the person whom you are communicating with.