This is Robert-Plant's home page! Home of LED ZEPPELIN!!

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I am a 17 year old male that lives near the small town of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. I have a '66 Mustang that is Candy-Apple Red with Black Interior. My favorite band is LED ZEPPELIN. I like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jimi Hendrix, and Pink Floyd. My favorite singer is Robert Plant. My favorite guitar player is Jimmy Page. My favorite bassist is John Paul Jones. My favorite drummer is John Bonham. As you well know, I just described Led Zeppelin. I hate Marilyn Manson! I also play the guitar to. It is a Fender Squier Stratocaster!!!

Here is what my guitar looks like:

Just if didn't catch it in the paragraph above, my favorite band is:
If you want to see all of Led Zeppelin's Cd's, click here to see them

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If you have any questions about Led Zeppelin click here to email me.

I would like to thank the place where I get all my pictures and this background, if you want to see it then click here to bring it on home!!!!!

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