TheShadow's Ex-Demi Moore Virtual Gallery

Due to incredible server load this site has been removed. This actually happened about 6 months ago but I never got around to fixing this page up to reflect it - sorry. I'm currently working, to get it going again due to popular demand. As you can imagine trying to get someone to sponsor anything, let alone precious bandwidth, is a mission of note.

You may want to catch me on IRC at Ender.ShadowFire.Org port 6667 in #DemiMoore - I may be setting up a XDCC bot there for you guys to grab from until I get a website running - no promises, just keep an eye open.

In the meantime, grab the images below...

cigar-02-ico.jpg (2414 bytes) cigar-03-ico.jpg (2825 bytes) demi-p15-ico.jpg (1739 bytes) demi-vg2-ico.jpg (2603 bytes)

My Homepage

Let the Java IRC Client below load and give me a shout!!
It should only take about 30 seconds.


since 9th October 1996