If you are not currently hearing sound and you do have a sound card installed on your computer then you will see an icon above. Just "double click" on the icon above to activate the music. An icon will be like this on every page for you to play the ascociated music with that section of the museum. Or if you want to buy any of the tracks on CD go to ROCK.COM by clicking on the ROCK.COM link below.


Hi and welcome to the new Lord of the Dance Museum. Mari and I are so glad you dropeed in. We are now under new management. But a lot of it still remains the same!!! Anyway this museum is about, as you probably guessed, Lord of the Dance. So have a stroll through but DONT TOUCH ANYTHING!! No just jokeing. Feel free to email either me (Jeremy Robinson) or Mari if you find any bugs, want any more info or just want to say you liked it!! And sorry if you couldn't access it for awhile. It was offline during the changeover. Also don't forget to sign our guestbook! Also if you would love to buy any CD's on Lord of The Dance or Celtic Music or just any music in general, please take the time to browse through ROCK.COM


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