Hello, I have returned from my trip. In fact, I've been here for a year or so. I actually am planning to go back this year as well. Want to hear how things went? About all those hot guys riding their bikes and ditching school? Yes? No. Ask me about it one day, before I die with Alzheimer's disease.

Princess Felicity demolished her castle...however, there is a small crack of light that leads to a rather dark hallway...

31 December 2002
Bored as always. I don't update this site because there isn't anything to update. These are merely the remnants of a little girl's fantasy of putting up a Sailor Mars site...

11 June 2002
Hey, well...I was bored and all. I have decided to add a bit more of nonsense here and there. Yah.

2 February 2002
Dear friends, I'm sorry I don't update. And I'm sorry that there are no people who care if I update. I know I sound bad on all of my pages and my layouts are bad too. Oh well. Like anyone cares...