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Paul Maltar


Design, develop, integrate, update, alter and improve web sites.


June 2001 - present

Computer Consultant

  • Create SQL 7 data base tables and flat files to collect data.
  • Create ASP/VB/HTML forms to fill the data base tables and flat files
  • Create ASP/VB/HTML forms to extract the data from web pages.
  • Create HTML emails survey to collect data from clients, clients.
  • Set up NT network and build NT work stations
  • Create an ASP/VB/HTML email program to send mass email out to large list of email address all at once with personalized message. Using exchange server and SQL.

January 2001 - May 2001 www.edmunds.com Santa Monica, CA

Senior HTML Programmer

March 2000 - December 2000 www.jackpot.com Pasadena, CA

Web Engineer, ASP, HTML, Java Script

  • Create and maintain pages on the Jackpot web site
  • Create and give input on games
  • Create and maintain the Jackpot jackpoint auction.
  • Create tools for sending out mass email to members 1.2 - 1.4 million emails/day
  • Create reporting tools for tracking who looked at the email, what links the clicked and where they went using sql data base

August 1999-March 2000 www.homepage.com Pasadena, CA

Web Developer, HTML

July 1999-August 1999 www.everymansmusic.com Woodland Hills, CA

Web Programmer, HTML, JAVA Script, PERL

  • Write code for web sites.
  • Alter graphics using PhotoShop, Fireworks, Illustrator, Animagic GIF animator
  • Upload the site to the Internet.
  • Set up a data base for future site.

January 1999-June 1999 Breiter Concepts Westgate, CA

Web Programmer, HTML, JAVA Script, PERL

  • Write code for several web sites.
  • Alter graphics using PhotoShop, Fireworks, Illustrator.
  • Update sites on a regular basis.
  • Upload the site to the Internet.
  • Work with cold fusion for e-commerce web site (www.sportsaccessories.com)
  • www.breiter.com
  • www.sportsaccessories.com

October 1998-January 1999 Genesis Intermedia Costa Mesa, CA


  • Write code for web sites.
  • Upload the site to the Internet.
  • www.genesisintermedia.com
  • There where other sites but the company moved them after I left.

October 1998 Oil & Water Productions Los Angeles, CA

Web Designer, HTML, JAVA Script

  • Create a web site to promote the movie "The Girls Room".
  • Obtain a domain name for the site.
  • Upload the site to the Internet.
  • www.thegirlsroom.net

April - September 1998 Burbank Bar & Grille Burbank, CA

Web Designer, HTML, JAVA Script

  • Create a web site to promote "The Burbank Bar & Grille".
  • Obtain a domain name for the site.
  • Upload the site to the Internet.
  • www.bbgrocks.com

June-October 1997 Kantor Productions Valley Village, CA

Assistant to producer


Hiking, water skiing, snowskiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, bike riding, movies, inline skating, travel, computers, golf, tennis, volleyball.

Computer Experience

UNIX shell, Linex, Apache, FreeBSD, MS Win 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, NT, Word, Works, Money, Office 97, Excel. Quicken, QuickBooks, Lotus, Mac OS 7,8,9. Adobe PhotoShop 4,5,5.5,6, Illustrator 8 and Premier5. GlobalSCAPE CuteHTML, CuteFTP, SecureCRT, Textpad, Homesite, Macromedia Dreamweaver3, 4, flash3,4,5, fireworks. Hitlist, Hotspot, FrontPage, Visual Source Safe, Concurrent Versions System.
Computer Languages: HTML, ASP, JAVA Script, VB Script, PERL


Available upon request.

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