Welcome to my Guestbook! Please leave your email address so I can reply to your comments.

12/22/00 14:12:46
Name: Camilla Oiset My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice!!!
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: The P & P with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth, of course

Hi! I LOVE your page, and the Jane Austen books still sends me to a wonderful dreamland...... Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!!!!

12/22/00 00:53:47
Name: Amy Ann My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Predjudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: A&E's


12/12/00 12:29:38
Name: Kary
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi, I love your site! I agree that Mr. Darcy(colin firth) is cute. Could you please tell me when the mr. collin's page is coming out? i think that he is stupid and i need his picture so i can hate him more. thank you. goodbye

12/03/00 23:09:34
Name: Inieisha My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: ??

we had to read books by a great author.. i thought it would be a drag because im not into this "great author" stuff. our group chose jane austen, and i could not put down the books! they were great! i really like your site!

11/24/00 18:10:18
Name: Lina My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Predijudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Predjudice

I love Jane austens caracters. And I think I have fallen in love with Mr darcy, If he only were some years younger and alive!!

11/23/00 13:02:12
My URL: Visit Me


11/23/00 13:02:11
My URL: Visit Me


11/09/00 02:37:23
Name: Freda Zacharia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: BBC mini-series (1995)

When I first read the book I fell in love with the story and all its characters.Furthermore, to watch the mini-series starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Eehl, and find that it was a wonderful adaption, rather than a corruption of the novel was very pleasin . It is both a book and a mini-series that i never tire of! THE BEST!

10/25/00 09:24:08
Name: Alayna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice

It would be great if you could find some producers notes on "Pride and Prejudice" to add to your page. If you could I would greatly appreciate it if you could e-mail them to me ASAP

10/16/00 17:15:26
Name: Vicky My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Predudice! Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: BBC

I agree that Colin looks fit as Mr Darcy, but in the other thinks he's been in he loses the sexiness. But Mr Darcy, what a character...Me likes the pond scene best!

10/12/00 15:13:33
Name: Amyliner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice

Darcy's Gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I love the whole thing, but the part of the adaptation where him and Lizzie are in the drawing room and Miss Bingley has just made a cutting remark about Wickam which upsets Georgiana, the bit where he looks at her and there eye meet *swoons and can't write anymore*

09/12/00 22:52:19
Name: Sioned Jones My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995 P&P

Mr Darcy coming out of that lake - need I say more !!?

08/31/00 17:21:19
Name: Lori Cleverley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice

I like your website. I really like Pride and Predujice. It's my all time favorite movie now. Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth's story really touches me. My favorite part is when she goes to Pemberely and sees Darcy there. How he is so gentle to her even when she t rned him down the first time. I am glad others feel the way I do about this wonderful story.

06/05/00 00:45:17
Name: JoMeg My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Emma Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice 1995 BBC

Thanks for the great webpage dedicated to the best Jane Austen movie adaption. The most recent Emma and Sense and Sensibility movies fall right in behind P & P as the best ones out there. Wouldn't you agree?

03/19/00 22:00:46
Name: Nicole King My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice

I am currently writing my graduation paper on Pride and Prejudice.

02/20/00 13:49:44
Name: Hanna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P

Fist I want to say what a fantastic site this is. But I have also a question. Could anybody sent me a very good summary of P&P . I would be really pleased. Thank you

02/19/00 23:28:15
Name: Shirley Jordan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P

I do not know if you received my other sign in. If you didn't, I will repeat the comment. Thanks for the pictures!!!!! Where did you get them? Have you been to the Chatsworth House [Pemberly House] in England????? I would like for you to reply and ch t with me. My email address is shirloz@gte.com Thanks

02/10/00 04:29:13
My URL: Visit Me

if you want to have a jane austen web site, could you please include some useful information?

02/06/00 05:04:19
Name: me My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: i wonder?
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: the only one i've seen (j/k)


01/30/00 18:09:53
Name: Bhuvan Sachdeva My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P

i want some critical essays on Jane Austen on ur site esp for P&P

01/28/00 18:38:29
Name: Sarah My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P+P Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P+P

hi! if you do email me don't for a couple of weeks becouse i forgot my password. i love your website becouse i think DARCY couldn't of been played by anyone better than COLLIN FIRTH!!!!

01/23/00 05:08:31
Name: Clare My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: A&E 1995 pride and prejudice

I absolutely love jane austen and all her novels. I have seen the A&E version almost 20 times at least. I've read almost all her books at least twice!!!

01/13/00 21:53:23
Name: Caroline Akers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice(1996)


01/12/00 22:28:43
Name: Andrew Biggins My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P (A&E version)

Great site about the best drama ever on UK television. Lizzy fans, feel free to visit and join our online community, Ehlenews, at the URL above.

12/26/99 21:18:36
Name: Jim & Eileen Antus
My URL: Visit Me


10/20/99 14:31:07
Name: Mel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Emma

I fully agree with your views on Jnae Austen and her writing, her novels are the funniest that I have read, and she is my favourite author. I love Mr Darcy!!!!!!!!

10/14/99 03:25:53
Name: Nerissa
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi! I really liked your web page. I'm studying Pride and Prejudice at the moment, and I have some questions which I'm wondering if you would have the time to answer. Here they are: Q. In Pride and Prejudice, why does Elizabeth go with Mr and Mrs Gardiner and look at different estates, such as Pemberley? Was it something that was done in Jane Austen's time? Q. Why did Darce persuade Bingley that Jane was not deeply attached to him? Didn't Darcy love Elizabeth at that stage, and thus wouldn't he have seen that that would have hurt Elizabeth? Q. Lady Catherine wants her daughter, Anne, to marry Darcy. Is this part of the reason why Lady Catherine is so cold towards Elizabeth (to lure her away from Darcy) , or is it just her nature? Q.How is Mr Collins obsessed with Social Standing? Hope that you can help me. Thanks for your time! Nerissa.

10/13/99 14:21:10
Name: Jettie Lensen My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice & Persuasion Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice (1995)

You mustn't make al list of least favourite characters because all the characters in Pride and Prejudice are great!!! I even love Mr. Collins, Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine de Bourgh and all the others!!! But of course I like Lizzy and Darcy best!!! Bye Bye Jettie :-) P.S. Why haven't you more questions? I like it "very much indeed" to fill in all the answers!!!

09/22/99 16:54:13
Name: Derren My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice

I also think that the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice is outstanding! It is absolutely hilarious and conveys perfectly what I think Jane Austin meant to convey through the book--the humor, the pride, the distgustingness of Victorian life, or rathe what she makes of it!! I could watch it a hundred times and never tire of it. The book is wonderful as well!

09/15/99 02:49:33
Name: jen cox My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Sense & Sensiblilty
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Sense & Sensiblilty

I'm nearly finished with Pride & Prejudice--something has puzzled me throughout the entire book. What's up with the dashes? The second sentence of Vol. 3, chapter 9, for instance: "The carriage was sent to meet them at --, and they were to return . . . " In other places, the dashes seem to represent the name of a town or a colonel's name. Probably the most frequent use, though, is "--shire" (referring to the regiment in Meryton. Any ideas? Thanks, jen

09/14/99 14:18:25
Name: Michael R. Hirschleber My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: All of them!
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P.& P.

Well done! To paraphrase Lady Kathrin: "I'm glad that we someone who looks after these things"

09/05/99 02:03:06
Name: Penny
My URL: Visit Me

I can't tell you how glad I am to have uncovered a source for the country dance music in Pride and prejudice mini series on TV. I was so disappointed because the soundtrack from the movie didn't include these . My thanks to you. Have you personally hear the Pride and Prejudice Collection by the Pemberly Players? Do you know who the classic composers are in the series? Penny

08/28/99 17:04:04
Name: Maggie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Persuasion
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: S&S - Emma T. version

Really good site - thank you :-)

08/11/99 06:40:02
Name: Claire Stewart My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Toss up between pride and Prejudice and Persuasion Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice-1995

Howdy, Just like to say I totally adore Mr Darcy (Colin Firth). And I think Jane austen is deffinately the best author to ever have lived.

07/22/99 00:25:46
Name: Kathleen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P

I love P&P! I think someone should start a letter campaign to A&E to make a squel!

07/19/99 18:30:03
Name: Judy-Lynne Peters My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: A&E's version

I had to laugh out loud when I discovered your page just now and read theintroduction. It so happens that I watched A&E's Pride and Prejudice this weekend (How many times? Who knows?) and fell in love with it all over again. It is too perfect, the absol te best adaptation of what I think is the best book ever written. Thank you for providing this site. I find it extremely diverting.

07/14/99 00:32:08
Name: Sunee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice

Your page is great.........really like it! If you are interested in playing an RPG......check out my site......:o)

07/09/99 02:09:13
Name: rebecca O'Brien My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Predjudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Predjudice (1995 BBC)

Great site. It needs more information on the characters of the novel. I am currently doing an essay on Pride and Predjudice and would love to get more information, to cover this question: Pride and Predjudice is about money and marriage' how far do you ag ee with this statement? Feed back please

04/30/99 17:57:48
Name: Paula My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride & Prejudice

I utterly agree with you. Pride and Prejudice is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The characters are so real, just like someone you would know. I also feel that this is the only adaptation that gives true justice to the novel. I'm sure that some p ople would disagree with me on this point, because it does not follow it word for word. But I think thats what makes it so good. Miss Austen's writing is so superb, but it does not translate well to screen as it is written. I think the changes that were m de in the BBC/A&E version only make it easier to understand the depth of the characters without too much unecessary talking. Rather than tell us what the characters are like show us. I haven't yet watched it 100 times yet. But I certainly do love it more each time I see it. I have also gotten many friends and relatives hooked on it as well. I say "hooked" on it becuase I believe there should be a disclaimer attached to the movie. Do n t start watching unless you have 5 hours to kill. Once you start watching you can't stop!

04/28/99 00:57:00
Name: gwendol
My URL: Visit Me

guess what. i visited you today . Its much better than looking at it over your shoulder. it is truly fantastic. i luv u

04/21/99 00:09:21
Name: Carli Staub My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995 P&P

great page! I'm always looking for new P&P pics!

03/31/99 16:32:04
Name: Mary Collette My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P and Northanger Abbey
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995 P&P

Pretty nice page you have here.

03/24/99 05:20:55
Name: yson/gwendy My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: same as yours Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: S&S

I've been to Saltram House AND Flete Estate. As usual when I travel they were CLOSED!!!!But they looked great from the outside. Emma Thompson would have had a great time there. Luv your page will report back after next trip Over and out...Y

03/11/99 05:10:53
Name: Carolyn Stadfeld My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P

I love your site. I'm going to England in two week and I intent to go the Lyme House. Have you been there? It's great to visit your site. Thanks for a job well done Carolyn

03/06/99 21:35:27
Name: Jessica My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice

I think you have a really great page. I saw the movie Pride and Prejudice just a few days ago after reading the book and I just loved it! Keep up he good work!

03/01/99 02:40:52
Name: Renata My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P

Hey, I'm from BRAZIL, and I watched here P&P and oh my god I really loved it!!! Now I'm Jane Austen fan!! Oh, I enjoyed P&P and Mr. Darcy too!! I'd like to be Lizzy!!!!!!! Kisses

02/27/99 03:29:32
Name: Amy Lynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice 1995

I absolutely love Pride and Prejudice. I love the novel. It is not only my favorite Jane Austen novel but my favorite novel of all time. I love the 1995 miniseries based on the novel. I must have seen hundreds of times.

02/22/99 23:33:56
Name: Elenh My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride an Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: BBC version of P&P

Your page is absolutely magnificent. Please if you want write me a mail. I am also a great fun of Austen's books and i would like to know were i can find the soundtrack of the BBC version. Well done again

02/22/99 22:09:19
My URL: Visit Me


02/21/99 09:35:15
Name: crow My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Clueless (from Emma)

hey antus! your homepage is amazing. I really love it!!!!! how was saturday? Love Crow.

02/21/99 01:35:46
Name: Cupidandme My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice (of course!)
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice (1940) Starring Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier

I absolutely adore Pride and Prejudice; there is not another book in history that can top that masterpiece! Jane Austen is indeed my favorite author, and Darcy and Lizzie are the most perfect couple. I must insist that all P & P lovers see the 1940 movi adaption (my personal favorite) with the beautiful Greer Garson and the so-fine Laurence Olivier as Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.

02/18/99 09:50:12
Name: me
My URL: Visit Me

hello again my presh. i bet it takes you ages to read this.

02/15/99 20:05:53
Name: Lauren Lmuab
My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Pred


02/13/99 07:56:25
Name: cesca My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Emma Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P

Thanks for the photo's. I've been looking for a week for photo's of Lizzie

02/01/99 05:01:18
Name: Susan Meisner My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995

I have created what I think is a wonderful wallpaper collage of pictures of the 1995 adaptation. It is on a black background with pictures of the cast around a magnificient view of Pemberly. I even created my own theme with the components found at another site. If you are interested, I will send you the wallpaper. You can either email me, or contact me by ICQ (#10980577). It is nice to know there are more P&P nuts out there besides myself.

01/16/99 23:25:23
Name: Lydia Bennet (Really! That's my for real alias) :-) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice, without competition
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: The 1995 A&E/BBC P&P

Thanks for the lovely downloads! I haven't figured out how to create my own desktop yet, and my parents and siblings are so fed up with P&P that they won't let me use P&P wallpaper, but I shall have my own desktop well before Michelmas, I shall!

01/15/99 00:02:03
Name: esen sal My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice

hý, ý was surfing for my graduation thesis and i have come across with your page.my main subject ispride and prejudice and its effects on 19th century english literature.and i need some more about jane austen.anyway congratulations

01/14/99 23:53:36
Name: esen sal My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice

hý, ý was surfing for my graduation thesis and i have come across with your page.my main subject ispride and prejudice and its effects on 19th century english literature.and i need some more about jane austen.anyway congratulations

01/12/99 10:30:45
Name: Luke Tipping My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice

This site helped me alot with my course work thanks!

01/11/99 04:46:16
Name: Amelia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P 1995 BBC

I love P&p!!!!

01/10/99 16:37:14
Name: eliana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995 BBC production

I read Pride and Prejudice two years ago and it became one of my favourite books. Then I read all Jane Austen's novels. When I'm sick or sad or lonely I read Pride and Prejudice again and always feel better. I've watched BBC adaption four times and adore t. I find it a perfect production.

01/09/99 11:03:28
Name: Lee-Anne fleming My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995 P&P

i love the novle and all it's completicties. Just wish i was able to ba Lizzy, in 1815, but with a few mod cons (like my cd player), but then again if i was lizzy i would be able to "play the paino forte and sing and i know not what" Love anything to do with pride adn Prejudice Lee-Annef

01/09/99 10:50:52
Name: Lee-Anne fleming My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995 P&P

i love the novle and all it's completicties. Just wish i was able to ba Lizzy, in 1815, but with a few mod cons (like my cd player), but then again if i was lizzy i would be able to "play the paino forte and sing and i know not what" Love anything to do with pride adn Prejudice Lee-Annef

01/05/99 20:18:31
Name: Jo Dale (heehee) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P2

how did you get those surveys? I've been trying to set one up for ages and it doesn't seem to work.

12/29/98 04:47:21
Name: Lauryn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Pregidice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Pregidice

I loved the movie and I just couldn't get enough so I'm now reading the book. I came across your page trying to find information on how to buy the movie set. This book is not only for adults I'm only 16 and I love this movie. Mr. Darcy is hot!

12/27/98 17:06:38
My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P (1995)!!!!!!

thank you for this brilliant page!!!

12/22/98 05:56:19
Name: Jo Dale (heehee) My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: colin firth etc

great music; great English scenery (now that couldn't be cos they filmed it in England could it?), Every consideration is covered (gaudy rich furnishing of rosings; simple elegance of Pemberley and Georgiana's dress)

12/20/98 18:18:22
Name: Caroline Akers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice


12/20/98 07:41:41
Name: Sandy Notman
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Whjat a load of nonsense. This is a fanzine, nothing about the real literary aspects of the books or the person. I am looking for research.

12/13/98 18:11:32
Name: Beth Haynes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: p & p

I have read the book many times... love the six hour movie... I can't think of a better way to spend my sunday's... can you?

12/07/98 16:25:28
Name: Julie Prall My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: it depends

Back in the 1980/81season, PBS aired a BBC version of P&P which was very good. David Rintoul played Darcy, and Elizabeth Garvie played Lizzy. I simply adore Colin Firth, but some of the other characters in the earlier version were better cast than in th A&E version. For example, Jane is downright gorgeous in the BBC version, and rather plain in the A&E version. I also prefer the Lydia cast in the BBC production over Julia Sawahla (sp?). I also loved Ciaran Hinds in Persuasion (he was also good as Rochester in A&E's Jane Eyre). Persuasion is now my second-favorite Austen book - after P&P and ahead of Emma.

12/07/98 05:28:17
Name: Rhea My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: all bad
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: all bad

i wish i didn't have to read the book for school. if you are going to make a web page to her please be sure to include a goo summary.

12/07/98 05:14:13
Name: A.F.
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P, of course
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: " "

'Pon my word! Capitol, capitol! I love your site. It's wonderful....indeed.

12/03/98 19:41:14
Name: craig rieckers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice

I attend Vincennes University in Indiana, and we are doing pride and prejudice as our next play. I am a theatre major, and I play Mr. Collins in the show. I have ejoyed looking at you site. God bless! craig

11/30/98 20:17:34
Name: Becky Wilkes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: 1995

I absolutely agree and never thought I'd never find anyone who loved the '95 version as much as you do. I think a lot of people are missing out. I just finished reading the book. I am a visiual person myself, so I watched all three film adaptations before reading the novel. The costumes in the Lawrence Oliver version are really awful, I think, and almost drove me mad. I just found out that the 1995 version was on A&E last night and I didn't know. I am so angry, I could scream. I want that on tape so bad, but don't want to pay $90 for it at the video store! I saw it on A&E for the first time about a year ago, and fell in love with it instantly. It is the best! I belive the actors in the 1995 version are much better than in the BBC 1982(?) version. How important it is to have even the smallest characters to be played well..even that annoying Mary Bennet! You were right on! if anything, I sometimes consider myself to be an Elizabeth Bennet. She is the women! I really relate because I have been in the situation of thinking one man was prideful,a dn another one, good, when it was switched around. And I'm always getting caught between the middle of two people who come to me in confidence and talk about one another, so I definately think my life is one bi Jane Austen novel, and I wonder if anyone else feels like that? well..keep up the good work! Becky Wilkes

11/30/98 17:53:40
Name: chris B. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride & Prejudice

Ever since I first saw Pride and Prejudice, the five hour A&E and BBC production, I have been unable to see it enough. I probably watch it on average at least once a month, and still enjoy it. I think that it's great that you've made this site, and thank ou for leaving the jpegs around so that I can have a helpful reminder to watch Pride & Prejudice again even when I'm using my computer.

11/30/98 12:27:54
Name: Miriam My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and prejudice

I just would like to say that pride and prejudice was one of the best books i have read, and one of the best films I have had the pleasure in watching. I did it in my Elglish class, at at the start of the book i was not looking forward to it, but soon aft r i loved it. Mr Dacry is my favorite character, I love him! Thanks, love Miriam

11/30/98 00:23:26
Name: Robin Stanforth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Emma
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Sense and Sensibility

I love your page and I love Jane Austen too.

11/28/98 21:16:07
Name: Rachel My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: movie w/ Ehle and Firth

I love this movie!

11/26/98 21:18:21
Name: Ronald Davis
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

We have just purchased the full set of Pride and Prejudice. It is much better than the shortened TV version. Both Mr. Firth and Miss Ehle were outstanding. How nice to have such works which rely only clean moral values.

11/18/98 09:38:56
Name: E.Martin My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride & Prejudice

Hi Antie! Luv the homepage (although it took me ages to find it!) I'd just like to say another reason, all the characters are believable, from totally cute Darcy to baby-faced sweetie Bingley! Anyway I luv the page and the series and J.A. See Ya, E!!

11/17/98 06:51:43
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: sense and sensibility

nice nice whatever im mean - its very lovely antus

11/16/98 03:20:23
Name: bobbie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P2 (BBC/A&E)

Please may we have more update news about P & P2 and CF & JE. Can't get enough of them. More, more, more plezzzz!

11/12/98 19:17:10
Name: Charles Gorra My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P&P

THis is by far the best book I've ever read. Jane Austen has helped my discover my inner self which has always hid benneth my feelingless consience.

11/07/98 01:54:20
Name: Laurie Sage My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice

Love your website. My husband and I are huge fans of the miniseries. Do you know where I can get the book "The Making of Pride and Prejudice"? It would be a great gift for my sister who is also nutty for this miniseries. Thank you.

11/06/98 22:49:24
Name: caroline akers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and prejudice

Colin Firth is a god!! The chemistry between Colin and Jennifer is unstoppable and electric! They make the story come alive like never before.

11/06/98 22:14:48
Name: Laura Long My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P & P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: P & P (BBC's)

I also adore Jane Austen and the adaptations of her novels. I had an English professor at college who told the class that we "didn't deserve Jane Austen." He thought she was so brilliant, so incomparable, that we could never fully or properly appreciate her. I agree! My mom and I have watched the BBC adaptation of P&P (with Colin Firth) 4 times so far. We're ready to go for it again! One problem with your website: because the background is beige and the highlighted weblinks are yellowish, I couldn't read any of them. Thanks for your time--Laura.

11/05/98 00:25:22
Name: Marianne My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride & Prejudice

Simply amazing!!!

11/03/98 04:28:35
Name: Vicki
My URL: Visit Me

your page was just what I was looking for. I had a project due over the book and your pictures were a great help.

11/02/98 14:17:08
Name: kathryn warrington
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


11/02/98 03:09:02
Name: Deanna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride and pred.

first time i've visited your site and i will be back!!! your comments are great and I couldn't agree with you more on several of your opinions. i've gone on my own "Firth Fest" and enjoy so many of Colin Firth's characters are touching but Mr. Darcy is b far my favorit of all times.

10/27/98 21:41:25
Name: Hannah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice

I LOVE THIS PAGE!!! P&P is my favorite movie, I've ever seen!! Thanks for making such a good page.

10/27/98 21:41:20
Name: Hannah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice

I LOVE THIS PAGE!!! P&P is my favorite movie I've ever seen!! Thanks for making such a good page.

10/23/98 13:08:39
Name: Agnes the Warthog My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pp
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: pp

You need to change the colour of your links so that Horace the Pin and others may see them.

10/23/98 13:07:45
Name: Agnes the Warthog My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pp
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: pp

You need to change the colour of your links so that Horace the Pin and others may see them.

10/19/98 09:10:33
Name: McG My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: MMMM MMMM
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: EEEEEEE


10/16/98 10:30:38
Name: Patch (Vic)!
My URL: Visit Me

Dear ant, Cool page once again. Only one suggestion. The pale yellow writing is extremely hard to see, plus you know my other suggestions! Love Vic.

09/26/98 01:26:16
Name: Jennifer Richardson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P & P
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: BBC's A & E

I really like your page. I thought I was the only one in the world in love with the novel and BBC's adaptation of it! I got my husband to watch it too, and HE even liked it (plus, he caught on to the plot quickly because I had nearly put him to sleep ex laining the novel to him after I read it). Jane Austen is wonderful. I just finished Sense & Sensibility (book and movie, although the S&S movie wasn't nearly as good as BBC's P&P). I am currently reading Persuasion--it's great. I just love these old romantic, deep, character-building novels th t are non-existent in this century! I only check my hotmail about once a week, but please respond if you can! (I just got it, so I can't wait till I have mail to read!)

09/03/98 09:21:49
Name: the boob woman
My URL: Visit Me

we must do funny PP and Mr C together. when my ex's are over i'l make me own page too, with lots of links to here.

09/02/98 22:51:06
Name: Yoko Tamanoi My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice


09/02/98 22:48:52
Name: Yoko Tamanoi My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Pride and Prejudice


08/31/98 15:28:19
Name: marnice
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/26/98 03:42:53
Name: rebecca My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pride & prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Colin Firth as Darcy, as well

Just stopping by to say I too was mesmerized by Firth's portrayal of one of the most splendid male roles of all time as Darcy. At 50 one would think a schoolgirl crush would be history to me, but there it was as real as can be. Though, sad to say, I've ot seen Firth is many other parts and for some reason, I think he was born to play Darcy alone. He will always be that splendid man to me. Thanks for a great wet site.

08/23/98 02:05:07
Name: Karey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Prejudice


08/22/98 06:03:42
Name: sweet beetrice My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride and Predjudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: " "

dear thea, your home page is really cool. well i have nothing else to say. bye bea

08/21/98 22:15:10
Name: Vic

Hey Ant, Cool page once again. Hve you changed the wallpaper since I was last here? Those cute little moving pictures are sweet. Anyway, great page but might I suggest you read my last message agin for a great suggestion! Love Vic (Patch)!!!

08/21/98 10:21:18
Name: Mil My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P (like the only one I've read! Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Sense and Sensibility and Emma and Clueless!!! Definitely not Northanger Abbey - Eww!

Hi Antus! I must say this homepage is very....you!!! How did ya get all those pics on it? You'll have to teach me so I can have a hompage with lots of DJE pics. That virtual wedgie thing you sent me was hilarious! Clueless is definitely among the bes Austen adaptions. Oh well, I'd better go. Have fun shopping for the dance. Later.

08/13/98 11:08:04
Name: Locust My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: pass Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: pass

Nice page, but please put some other stuff on it, as well as all your Jane Austin Thingie. See ya!

08/13/98 01:23:44
My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: P&P

your site is developing very well and I'm sure will rank with the very best once finished

08/12/98 09:02:10
Name: Claire
My URL: Visit Me

Hi Ant, lovely homepage ! I'll put a link from mine to yours, but if you don't want it, just tell me and i'll take it off ! CU tomorrow...Claire

08/09/98 09:48:06
Name: me My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: guess
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: favourite, or the one i've seen the most---I have no idea

35 already! I am impressed mt dear Thea.

08/09/98 01:19:07
Name: Vicky Lau My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: umm ... Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: hmm ... I'll get back to you on those ones

Hi Antus! Cute page! Who're all those other people? Hmm. Anyway, it's a pretty nifty neato homepage! Expect me to get back to you on those questions within a couple of years or so. I like 'Howard's End' by E.M. Forster (that's another classicky nove ) but I suppose he's not really Jane Austen. I wonder how many people will say 'Clueless' for the adaption. Like, 'what-everrrr'. Anyway, see you!

08/07/98 07:02:33
Name: Didey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Greer Garson & Laurence Olivier

Great to see your page. It is really fantastic. Look forward to hearing from you sometime!

08/06/98 20:28:49
Name: Beverly My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Prejudice (but of course!)
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: A&E's P&P

Hi Antus, your page will be just fine...it's fun once you get going. Especially if you've got great page content like Pride & Prejudice! =) Keep up the good work. ~*~Bev~*~

08/06/98 10:34:06
Name: Alicia aka Jodie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favourite Jane Austen novel?: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(followed closely by S&S)
Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(1996?)

Hello fellow P&P/S&S/Emma/Persuasion/Mansfield Park/Northanger-Abbey fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is to say (C'est-a-dire!) JANE AUSTEN FAN!!!!!!! wahooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! OK I'm done. I'll click that just about now!

08/06/98 10:17:00
Name: Vic My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Predj. Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Emma

Hey Antus! Really like your home page - cool stuff, although may I suggest stuff on Prince Will, Other movies (apart from J.Austen) And Moi!

08/06/98 10:16:08
Name: Vic My Email: Email Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: Pride & Predj. Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Emma

Hey Antus! Really like your home page - cool stuff, although may I suggest stuff on Prince Will Other movies (apart from J.Austen) And Moi!

08/06/98 07:31:31
Name: Georgie My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Jane Austen novel?: I hate Jane Austen (like you didn't know that) Favourite Jane Austen adaption?: Yuck

I'm sure if I liked Jane Austen, this would be a really great page, but I don't so I think my page is SOOOOOOOO much better. It is lime green and it has oscar the grouch on it. Vote on my survey about least favourite celebrities (and it has better links than yours ---> funny ones) bye bye seeya at school. Mildred

08/06/98 05:30:22
My URL: Visit Me

best new page on the web! keep up the good work!

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