Gillian X-Periences Down Under!
Gillian FOREVER!

Hi, well, as you might not have known, I created this page on the day Gillian Anderson did an interview with Danger: Low Brow at Southland Shopping Centre, Melbourne. I had planned to visit her for ages, but only a week before, I was struck with chicken pox.
The night before, I was just recovering from it, and my parents didn't allow me to go. I was absolutely shocked, but nevertheless, I have sort of gotten over it.
Well, ten thousand people or more crammed the shopping centre to see their Gillian. Just as many crammed into the centres in Brisbane and Sydney when she came over. So, as a reminder, I've decided to create a Gillian X-Perience section, where people from Australia can send over their own experiences when they went, or (like me) didn't 'went', to my page and have it put up. If you have any other things you might like to add, like a scanned photo of her when you went to see her, please send it as well.
Well, if you're not from Australia, please send your stories to me regardless, just in case I decide to put a seperate X-Perience page!
Anyway, without any further or do, here a some fortunate people and their X-Periences when they got to see Gillian Anderson in flesh and blood! Have fun!

by Marissa
My sister and I arrived at Miranda at about 8.20am. We formed the queue and shortly thereafter received tickets numbered 116/117. We were really excited.
The women handing out the tickets told us that we could go and get something to eat and come back a little later on (it was assumed that if we had tickets we would not lose our place); how wrong we were.
We returned to the line at about 10am at which point a small crowd had formed. Many people were quede up waiting to receive tickets (but I think only 300 were given out). This man from Westfields kept coming out and repeating instructions to us about tickets and what Gillian would be signing etc. He also kept repeating that there should be no pushing once Gillian arrived or she would be forced to leave early, as she did not want to see anyone hurt. Then the X-files soundtrack was repeated over and over; after a while you just got real sick of it.
At about 12.30 all these other people from foxtel etc. came out; all we wanted to do was see Gillian. At this stage some of those with tickets were trying to line up in some sort of number order, however many people with higher numbers began pushing in front of those with lower ones. The whole setting was very poorly organised. There were no barricades separating those who had tickets and those who didn't so that we were all squashed against a mass of people. I thought I was going to faint from the claustrophobic setting. People also tried to get out of the floor area which crammed us up even more.
By this stage we couldn't even see the stage. I didn't think I would get a chance to see Gillian or get her autograph for that matter. I was so pissed off at the disorganisation and the fact that they did not try to put all those with tickets in some sort of number order.
At 1.30pm we were still waiting. We were tired, hot, and anxious to see her. When she finally did come out (at approx. 1.45pm) everyone started pushing again. I handed my camera to this taller guy in front of us who was kind enough to take some photos; I couldn't see a thing.
As we moved down the line everyone began pushing in front and crushing us between other people. It was extremely uncomfortable and I was wondering if it was all going to be worth it. Well, to cut a long story short I finally got through the gate and handed in my ticket. I couldn't believe it, I was shaking at the mere anticipation of being on stage with Gillian. I was finally up there. I said hi to Gillian and she said hello and she signed my cube and my tooms video cover. It was awesome. I've been on a high ever since.


P.S. All the pushing, shoving, heat, and shouting was worth it in the end as I finally got to see one of my favourite stars up close.

Ticket No. 50!
by Paul Everitt
Well what a hectic 3 day Westfield tour it's been culminating with Gillian's appearance here at the Westfield Miranda store in Sydney!!
It's now 33 hours since the whole event but I (like anyone else present & lucky enough to be in the first 350) am on a real high - I put it down to not only the ultimate thrill of meeting GA onstage but of survivng & getting through the crush that occured..(I just about broke down sidestage after meeting her from pretty well that..)
I got to the front the store at just before 6am - I guess there would've been probably 20 people top's at the time. Lisa, Sharon, Liz were there & we quickly became acqainted, covering everything from early episodes to future thoughts on upcoming episodes & events X Files.. more on how I went later..
A couple of thoughts:
The first observation has been covered very effectively by Lisa & others but there's a few points on the overall running of the event worth thinking on..
Firstly, ditto to everyone's earlier posted thoughts on the front door/store opening - that was the first fiasco - if the one (left hand) door had opened the line would've gone thorugh in order & we all would've held our spot's (& in some cases would've been out of the crush a lot earlier).
The second (and agreed on by anyone who attended any of the appearances) point is the treatment those who turned up early got:
THERE WAS NONE!! - there should been some sort of a segregated area near the stage for those about to get autographs - I hope no one missed out 'cos they had to fight through all those onlookers..
thirdly, even after two earlier apparances by GA, I think Westfield just had no idea of how to run it - No offence to Brisbane & Melbourne folks there but you would've thought they would've worked out a lot of the organisational bugs up there & certainly they might've learnt from Melbourne..Sadly that wasn't the case - anyone who got low number tickets were virtually relegated back because of onlookers blocking access to the stage for those getting autographs..also there ws no announcement onstage as to what number they were up to, which only added to the pushing that occurred..all I can sympathetically say to those in other states is we know whose fault the pushing & shoving was don't we??.
Having said all that, the feeling was incredible -
Anywone who wasn't there won't really have an idea of what people went through (although today's Sunday Telegraph carried a fairly graphic picture).
As I got closer to the stage gate, I was confident of getting through but there was just so many people.. I finally got through the gate & got my bag caught & a copper helped me get it through..When I got up there & through the bag check it was so cool..GA looked up & said hi.. god, I was so nervous until I lay everything out in front of her & she started signing..she asked me what time I'd arrived & where I was in the queue..she couldn't believe the time we'd got there..I don't know whether she knew of the first people there,the girls who'd arrived at 2:30am....
While she signed my CD & TOOMS cover, I glanced behind me at the crowd, & asked her what she thought of her appearance here in Sydney...she said she was really happy with it & that the crowd seemed really friendly - she loved the photo I had for her to Autograph (thanks again Sharon!) ..GA asked my name,I gave it , & she said "no problem then" & signed the photo to me - I told her to enjoy the rest of her stay & she said she was looking forward to another dive and some bush trekking, so I guess she'll be now taking be it easy & holidaying...
I can't really describe the feeling I had as I walked offstage..I jumped the last two steps down into the little pit that people went into sidestage stage - there was the crowd behind barriers & they were all smiling - I think they were getting off on seeing the utter happiness people had two seconds after meeting her - it just rubbed off on them I guess..anyway, it was about then I just about broke down with relief at being out of the crush
Security tried to move me on but I wasn't budging -the rest of my group were following & I was worried Lisa N & Sharon were going to be caught on the other side..eventaully I saw sharon, and shortly after that Lisa appeared..we were all rapped & although I lost sight of a few of us real quick & although we were going to meet up I lost lisa too..
I ended up under the escalators just clutching what my "spoils", looking back at the crush...
Does anyone have any idea of how she left??..I got the feeling that her getting out was a lot harder than getting in - I got the feeling from a heavy police presence on Wandella road that's she'd left via the GB's dock.
I headed to my car thinking only of how it all went (& how sleep would be a good thing *grin*)
Anyway, that's my thoughts on Miranda....
Some conclusions:
I think GA is stunned with the success of the X Files here in Australia, and is taken with Australian audiences. While she's stated in the JJJ (our national"alternative radio broadcaster, Jen) interview that Australia won't be used as a setting for an EP of XF, you can bet there'll be some thought or idea that will go back to XF production in Vancouver that will find its way in for next season...I hope the sucessful nature of the tour leads to the setting up of a convention for next year too.

Gillian In Australia
by Lisa Nicholson
Yes, I actually saw her, got her autograph...kissed her feet (well..not quite). Had a great day... Here's how it went.
I arrived at the front entrance of Westfield Miranda at 5:45am. There were already about 8 people waiting there ....several of them had been there since 2:30am (yes Olivia, Liz, Leanne and co...I'm talking about you!). The doors were unlocked, but word had passed around that security wouldn't let us in until 8:00, and *almost* people were well behaved and followed security's instructions.
Paul Everitt (from the australian x-files mailinglist) and myself met up at this time without much trouble (although we have never met before), we waited patiently with the other x-philes until 8:00...during this time a sort of queue formed near the door..and there was much exchanging and viewing of each other's GA photo's, t-shirts etc. I had quite a distinct t-shirt on with the Rolling Stone photo on the front and another GA/DD photo on the back..I was perpetually taking off my coat and putting it back on as people wanted to see the back of my t-shirt.
Everybody (almost) was really friendly, many YKYAXPW stories were told and favourite episodes were discussed by the eager fans to pass the time till we were allowed in.
If the d*ckhead in the black leather jacket and jeans smoking the cigarette (who was dubbed "cancerman" by the "Little Bay" co.) is reading this- Drop Dead!! You scumbag....It was so disappointing to see types like this who wouldn't wait their turn...ruining the atmosphere for those die hard's who had the sense to be there early.
Unfortunately...when the doors were opened, instead of just opening the door where the queue had formed, they opened both doors, so people who were further down the line got in before those who had been waiting for hours. A wild stampede to the stage followed..and there was some confusion about which side we should line up to wait for an autograph.
Due to the ignorance of the organisers and security (and dickheads like the "cancerman") ...people made their way in from other entries..and so there was already quite a queue formed when we got there.
We had been told previously that there would be no tickets handed out and autographs would be given on a "first in" basis (which would have ultimately meant that the "pushers" would have got the autographs and not those..well behaved ones). Luckily they changed their minds and handed out tickets (prolly scared after Melbourne's episode yesterday). And I got number 51 :)
A long wait ensued....(5 1/2 hours!!) but as we had tickets we were able to go to Macca's and the bathroom while we were waiting. Thanks to Olivia, Liz, Leanne etc..for getting me a milkshake and minding my bag while I went for a walk.
At about 12:00 they put on the x-files soundtrack, which increased the tension in the atmosphere this point I realised that the idea of going up on stage and seeing her "highness" totally petrified me (I am kinda shy :) ). They *had* to put Suzie Maroney on before
Gillian...actually I felt sorry for her...all the time she was speaking people yelled and screamed "we want Gillian!" It was silly on the part of the organisers to put her on stage when everyone had so obviously come to see Gillian..and were kinda irritated at having to sit through an interview with Suzie.
Some other Foxtel stars turned up then...none that I knew..and some guy from the radio (who I also didn't know). A westfield guy who (in my opinion) looked a bit like Tony Barber kept getting up on stage to tell people not to start pushing etc..and reminding us that "If you feel faint just put your hand up and the good people from St Johns ambulance will come and rescue you". By the end of the day, I'm sure everyone could have recited his entire speech!
The t.v. camera's arrived, and people went psycho at them....yelling and screaming, waving their arms etc.. Foxtel balloons were being thrown around in the crowd for the sake of the camera..occasionally somebody would burst one, causing the crowd to yell. All this time they were playing the x-f soundtrack over and over again..driving everybody totally insane (the things you have to put up with!!! ).
Everybody stood up....anticipating her arrival (they dragged it out for *so* long) and the crowd began to close in. All ticket order was lost and it got *sooo* hot and cramped up, making it very difficult to breathe. By this point I was getting *so* nervous..not from the crowd... from the idea of getting to see GA (Believe me...I wasn't the only one! I felt quite at home with the rest of the totally obsessed crowd). Eveybody started yelling and screaming when she finally did come out, at this point she was hidden behind a tv and I could see absolutely nothing of her.....people threw flowers, stuffed animals etc onto the stage, even from the balcony's of the levels above. Gillian looked totally overwhelmed by all the fuss and had to sidestep to avoid all the missiles that were being thrown at her. I myself didn't buy anything to give her. I was a little disappointed about this but in the end only a few people were allowed to take things and give them to her anyway. She got several "banana's in pyjamas" of all different sizes. One of the philes in our group had actually knitted her banana herself!! Talk about dedication.
Security kept telling us in the line to step back, people were getting squashed against the barriers. The part of the crowd where I was got really ugly, those with tickets had little hope of getting to the stage in one piece, and instead of taking people up there in numerical order they just pulled anybody out of the crowd with tickets and let them go up. At this point I thought I had no hope at all of getting up there. The crowd was so thick around that area that you couldn't see your feet. I saw some of the other members of our group go up and get things signed. They said that GA would only sign the Tooms vid or the cube, but she signed lots of other things for other people anyway. The St. Johns people deserve a medal, honestly, they did a much better job of pushing through the crowd to get to the people needing medical attention than the security guards did of controlling the crowd. Lucky for me, a kind Westfield security guard helped myself and other members of our group get closer to the stage. Without his assistance I don't think I would have been able to get anywhere near the stage.
Paul had taken off....God only knows how he made it through the crowd so fast, I guess that's the advantage of being tall!
Anyway finally it was my turn to go up onto the stage. I took 2 photos on the stage, but I was shaking *so* badly that I'm not too sure how well they will come out. Gillian seemed so shy...and not at all "goofy" as I've heard some other philes say. I got her to sign my Tooms vid cover and a nice black and white photo of her that another kind x-phile allowed me to photocopy. Olivia (who had gone ahead of me) had asked her if she could touch her arm...and she did (Olivia said that was the only way she would actually believe it was the *real* thing). So when my turn came I asked Gillian if I could shake her hand. I had this kinda unusual gold "frog" ring on....and when she shook my hand she said "Oh my god...Is that a frog?" I told her that it was indeed a frog and she said "Wow!" (that's my little claim to fame for the day). I asked her how the hell she could put of with all the screaming..flashes etc. all day and she kinda rolled her eyes at me and said "God knows" or something like that. I was ushered off the stage fairly quickly.
Upon leaving the stage I somehow lost all the other members of our group. Paul had taken off to god knows where and I couldn't see anybody else I knew so I went up to the next level to try and take some photos. (I think maybe I saw a tiny flash of her red hair *once*!).
She stayed there the full time...and I don't think there were any requests from GA herself for people to stop pushing, although there were some from the guards. It certainly wasn't as bad as the tv scenes of Melbourne (people were probably afraid that GA would leave).
I'm not sure how many people from this list or were there. I only met two of you, although I did see a woman wearing an cap.
Jaedd and Tania...if you were there, I'm sorry I missed you. How did things go for you??
Later on I did find some people that I knew. Hard to believe in that crowd...and there was hugging and cheering etc..etc.. most people seemed to be very happy with their photos/autographs....
All in all, apart from the hopeless security guards, the "sardine" packing and the dickhead "cancerman" I think most would agree that it turned out to be a really great day.
I'd be interested to know what the rest of you thought.
